No. 1844
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>I also love old graphics. Back then they relied on actual level and character design and atmosphere. Now games are just bloom, motion blur, and really high res textures but that does not make a game good. I'm gunna miss the DS too. ;_;
I still can't quite figure out why I dislike 3D graphics so much. I could brag about how it takes more skill to put some character in a tiny sprite and stuff but I feel like it's just an excuse. In my case it's just a matter of preference, I guess. Games nowadays look way too realistic for my tastes, whereas old school graphics make me feel like I'm actually playing a game.
It might be the very idea of 3D that bothers me. I love 2D games and I'm damn glad there were so many great 2D games this gen. Wii's technical inferiority was a blessing for guys like me. If it was as powerful as PS3/360 we probably wouldn't have gotten games like Muramasa, Wario Land, A Boy and his Blob or Kirby's Epic Yarn.
Also, RPGs died for me the moment the isometric view was abandoned. Baldur's Gate, Icewind Dale, Arcanum etc. will always be amongst my favorite games but there hasn't been a single 3D RPG I actually enjoyed. Especially not since the terrible FPS view has been implented.
It's good to see games like Gemini Rue still being made. Even if these are produced almost exclusively by indie developers 2D remains alive thanks to them.