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File 130063343188.png - (615.43KB , 478x358 , Gemini-Rue-3.png )
1801 No. 1801 [Edit]
Ok, let me make something clear. I'm posting mainly because I'm pissed as hell as I unintentionally skipped a cut scene (who the fuck came up with autosaves after the cutscenes?) and I wanted to rant about it. So here goes.


Ok, that will do.

But I also really wanted to recommend the game itself to you. An old school point and click adventure game with (supposedly, I'm not far enough) great plot.
It's great so far. I usually get stuck a lot but here everything goes smoothly and feels natural. You just know what you're supposed to do and can almost feel some kind of conection with the programmer. Very intuitive. Normally adventure games feel rather scripted to me. Not the case here.
The shooting sequences are a tad stupid and unnecessary in my opinion but they won't ditract you much. Also, the 'try and die' mechanism is present to some extent but you can avoid dying altogether if you actually think things through.
Also, it made me realize just how much I love old school graphics. I always felt that new games just don't feel 'right' to me but I never knew why. This is the best looking game since VVVVV. ... Actually, it's even better. 3DS comes out next week and with that the era of sprite based RPGs (and other games) is officially over. Makes me wanna cry. 3DPD.

So yeah, I recommend it to anyone who likes old school P&C games.
I also have a request. Since said cutscene happens relatively early in the game... It happens on the 'second day' as the guy in facility. You will be told to go eat breakfast and to take some tests. If someone could save it at that point and upload the save state somewhere I would really appreciate it.
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>> No. 1806 [Edit]
Point and click adventure games are great.

Ever play the Bladerunner one from 1996 or so, put out by Westwood? It's a great detective adventure game.

I also love old graphics. Back then they relied on actual level and character design and atmosphere. Now games are just bloom, motion blur, and really high res textures but that does not make a game good. I'm gunna miss the DS too. ;_;
>> No. 1807 [Edit]
Point and click adventure games are great.

Ever play the Bladerunner one from 1996 or so, put out by Westwood? It's a great detective adventure game.

I also love old graphics. Back then they relied on actual level and character design and atmosphere. Now games are just bloom, motion blur, and really high res textures but that does not make a game good. I'm gunna miss the DS too. ;_;
>> No. 1844 [Edit]
File 13008862206.jpg - (192.94KB , 597x737 , 1266950089337.jpg )

>I also love old graphics. Back then they relied on actual level and character design and atmosphere. Now games are just bloom, motion blur, and really high res textures but that does not make a game good. I'm gunna miss the DS too. ;_;

I still can't quite figure out why I dislike 3D graphics so much. I could brag about how it takes more skill to put some character in a tiny sprite and stuff but I feel like it's just an excuse. In my case it's just a matter of preference, I guess. Games nowadays look way too realistic for my tastes, whereas old school graphics make me feel like I'm actually playing a game.

It might be the very idea of 3D that bothers me. I love 2D games and I'm damn glad there were so many great 2D games this gen. Wii's technical inferiority was a blessing for guys like me. If it was as powerful as PS3/360 we probably wouldn't have gotten games like Muramasa, Wario Land, A Boy and his Blob or Kirby's Epic Yarn.

Also, RPGs died for me the moment the isometric view was abandoned. Baldur's Gate, Icewind Dale, Arcanum etc. will always be amongst my favorite games but there hasn't been a single 3D RPG I actually enjoyed. Especially not since the terrible FPS view has been implented.

It's good to see games like Gemini Rue still being made. Even if these are produced almost exclusively by indie developers 2D remains alive thanks to them.
>> No. 5317 [Edit]

interesting adventure game and free also.
>> No. 5328 [Edit]

You don't like Morrowind, Deus Ex or VTMB? That makes me sad.
>> No. 5360 [Edit]
Because the more detail you bring into the world, the more stuff you need to work out, so it could look consistent. Making a 3d world instead of 2d? Instant problem of models clipping through each other, among billions and billions of other problems. So much time passed and games still have huge monsters hilariously sticking their appendages into walls and so on.
>> No. 5387 [Edit]

>You don't like Morrowind, Deus Ex or VTMB?

Yep, I actually don't like Morrowind (or TES period). Deus Ex is not an RPG. VTMB is somewhere on the verge of not being an RPG, too (I like it, though).

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