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File 129112444271.jpg - (91.67KB , 1024x768 , Etherlords.jpg )
180 No. 180 [Edit]
Have any of you played (and liked) Ehterlords? As I mentioned before I never played any games online but if it's turn based I might be able to pull it off (if my shitty connection will allow it). I'd be more interested in Etherlords II as it's basically all the same shit plus some additional features.

... Well, I think the chances are fairly low, so let's have a multiplayer/general thread. If you want to find out if anyone is playing game X online ask here.
>> No. 182 [Edit]
You could delete your thread and remake it.
>> No. 183 [Edit]
Great. I forgot to put multiplayer/general in the subject field but for some reason I can't delete my post. Also way to typo Etherlords (which is even worse considering the image I posted has correct spelling on it).
>> No. 186 [Edit]

Actually no, I couldn't. As I said I can't delete my post, there's some kind of error ('incorrect password'). And yeah, I just deleted another post (I'm dyslectic and I make shittons of typos) and now it looks funny. Sorry about that.
>> No. 198 [Edit]
First time I heard about this game. Is it like Disciples?

I'll give it a try.
>> No. 202 [Edit]

No, it's not like Disciples at all. To put it simply I'd say it's Magic the Gathering (or any other similar TCG) the video game.
>> No. 211 [Edit]
Okay, I played the demo. It's a nice little game and it seems easy enough, but considering this >>202, I don't know why we shouldn't play MTG instead? However you like it though.
>> No. 212 [Edit]

>I don't know why we shouldn't play MTG instead?

Well technically we could but for some reasons I really like Etherlords (although now that I think about it I haven't played it in a long while) and would prefer to stick to it. While the game loses some depth due to fairly limited pool of 'cards' it gains some due to resource managment, as you can't add all the 'expensive' cards to your deck (just like in real life!).
Also I don't really like mixed decks, I like to keep things mono to be honest.

If we were to play some card games however, I'd probably prefer AGoT CCG or Wh:I CCG over Magic (truth to be told, I'm no THAT fond of Magic).

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