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No. 1764 [Edit]
  Old guy legitimately ranting about Xbox360. Posted it first on the IRC. Surprised on how popular it got within 12 hours.
>> No. 1767 [Edit]
  I think the first video was funnier.
>> No. 1768 [Edit]
If he were 25 years younger I would call that video consolegaming.avi
>> No. 1770 [Edit]
Yeah I really hate that crap, I don't use my 360, but this is why I stopped updating my ps3 a long time ago, the updates went from being cool feathers they'd add on, to being just advertisement bull crap like netflix or their other "services", but at least ps3 games don't force updates, for single player anyway.
but yeah it's amazing the kind of stuff they put on some of those user agreements, which no one ever bothers to read.

also, of course kinect was gonna fail, it's a ripoff of the PlayStation eye, which also failed, which was a remake of the eye toy, which seriously failed, they should have known better.
>> No. 1771 [Edit]
Nowadays I only use my xbox to play games I want to play that aren't on the PC (which so far has just been RDR). When my xbox dies/the next generation is released I'll probably make the move to Playstation if I still care at all about consoles by then.
>> No. 1772 [Edit]
I'd suggest the guy simply disconnect his 360 from his Internet connection, cookies and whatever other spyware crap they put on there wont really make a difference if there's no Internet connection.
...but forced updates, yeah I don't know, maybe hack your 360 and play a modified version without the update?
>> No. 1773 [Edit]
Some games won't let you play offline if you have DLC installed
>> No. 1774 [Edit]
His whole argument is based off ignorance. He should take the time to read the ToS of his Xbox. I know nobody ever does, but there is fairly generic legal info in there that legitimizes what they do. If you disagree, you don't use it.
>> No. 1775 [Edit]
>also the camera they put in your house with the spy software is watching you

I hope he's talking about kinect or is just crazy, because if not then some mircosoft employees have seen me do dirty, dirty things to myself
>> No. 1776 [Edit]
  He probably brought an Xbox360 before they had Kinect and all this advertisment nonsense.

His videos are getting really, really popular.
>> No. 1779 [Edit]
That's pretty gay.
But how would you get download content in the first place without a Internet connection?
>> No. 1780 [Edit]
He did say he's been avoiding updating his xbox for years.
>> No. 1782 [Edit]
...I think that guy's usb drives are messed up or something.
I've got 3 usb drives that each show up fine on my ps3, and have never not been able to save games to them.
>> No. 1799 [Edit]
Finally, somebody worth subscribing to.
>> No. 1802 [Edit]
Maybe this guy should read the ToS before ranting like a little kid?
>> No. 1804 [Edit]
I think that's kind of the problem.
you shouldn't have to read up up legal mumbo jumbo and have to study/know law, when all you want to do is play a simple game.

what if kids were required to read, understand and sing off on 100 pages of paperwork with a lawyer present before they could play hide and go seek with each other?

It used to be when you buy a new game, you pop the thing into the console, and hit start to play, and you're playing the game.
but now you have to wave though forced updates with advertisements, patching to fix the buggy mess that they usually put out now, 10-30minute installations to the hard disk and a ToS agreement before you can get to the game?
the guy might not know what he's talking about in some of his videos, but one thing is for sure, the state of gaming is deplorable.
>> No. 1838 [Edit]
>what if kids were required to read, understand and sing off on 100 pages of paperwork with a lawyer present before they could play hide and go seek with each other?

The world would be a much more intelligent place.
>> No. 1843 [Edit]
people should really start assuming that eulas and tos's where a corporation gets information like your real name (or information that can be traced to a real name) isn't quite harmless
>> No. 4755 [Edit]
People are not made more intelligent by reading vaguely worded TOS agreements.

Either, few would ever play hide and seek or few would actually read the contract before pressing the only button that worked.
>> No. 4757 [Edit]
It makes you more knowledgeable then someone that didn't read it at least.
>> No. 4775 [Edit]
>I'd suggest the guy simply disconnect his 360 from his Internet connection
>He should take the time to read the ToS of his Xbox. I know nobody ever does, but there is fairly generic legal info in there that legitimizes what they do. If you disagree, you don't use it.
But that's exactly what he did, it's what his videos are all about. He reads all the EULAs and tries to protect his Xbox from updates. And that's exactly why he's so upset. Forced updates even when you're offline and having to agree to bullshit ToS agreements that you are forced to agree to if you want to play but aren't even on the packaging of a game that cannot be returned.
>> No. 4802 [Edit]
Sure, "he mad", but I can understand his frustration. Back in the day you could just pop in a game, and you wouldn't get bullshit updates, or have to sign a legal agreement--you just got to play the game. For people who want to avoid Microsoft's Live service, and anything it brings, it's an understandable source of frustration; especially when it's from a company like EA, who are already behind some very shady business acts recently.
>> No. 4907 [Edit]
They're updating the xbox dashboard yet again, I wonder how he feels about that
>> No. 4999 [Edit]
He should've played on the PC and pirate his games.
>> No. 5000 [Edit]
People ask him a lot how he feels about Steam, he says he don't know how to work computers very well.
you can pirate games on any system now by the way.
>> No. 5001 [Edit]
>you can pirate games on any system now by the way

In fact a lot of the time console games are the first ones to be available

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