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File 130042498832.jpg - (683.28KB , 1526x2157 , 5331Total_War_Shogun_2_-_packshot.jpg )
1712 No. 1712 [Edit]
Anyone else picking this up? Amazing game based off what I've played so far - only real issue I currently have with it are the numerous bugs in the multilayer that have currently broken matchmaking.

Total War Shogun 2 General
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>> No. 1714 [Edit]
Yeah, I'm having a lot of fun with it but it seems a little overwhelming right now since it's my first total war game.
>> No. 1752 [Edit]
I've been playing it, the game is pretty fun so far.

I'm terrible at multiplayer though.
>> No. 1810 [Edit]
File 130068803318.jpg - (399.32KB , 1680x1050 , hat fortress total war 2.jpg )
So, multiplayer seems to be broken. Shame.
>> No. 1924 [Edit]
File 13013935315.png - (3.50MB , 1680x1050 , tws2.png )
Any recommended army compositions? I've used large numbers of ashigaru units in lieu of a professional army since first playing online but my relative success with the strategy has stagnated lately.

And fuck yes, most of the matchmaking bugs were fixed with that latest update.

Though siege still sucks.
>> No. 1925 [Edit]
Fuck, is there any way to have the matchmaking not pair you up with opponents with far higher ranks than yours? I'm getting a little sick of getting raped by cannon bune ships when I've yet to even unlock matchlock or sengoku ships.

And who the hell thought it was a good idea to make cannon bune unboardable anyways? They seem practically impossible to take down unless you've got one of your own.
>> No. 1926 [Edit]
File 130142815345.jpg - (94.79KB , 640x480 , 1300733651552.jpg )
Rank means little more than how many matches a player has completed. The only real advantage they'll have over you is a general with more skill development points. This is counterbalanced by the higher cost they will have to pay for the bodyguard unit which ultimately restricts the number of units they will be able to field.

Avoid naval until you unlock the essential ships.
>> No. 1932 [Edit]
File 130145758692.jpg - (493.14KB , 1680x1050 , 2011-03-29_00002.jpg )
Glorious DirectX 11 graphics.
>> No. 1933 [Edit]
Ah, you got your new computer?
>> No. 1934 [Edit]
>> No. 1999 [Edit]
File 130176626554.jpg - (696.22KB , 1920x1080 , 2011-03-31_00001.jpg )
I love my Jojo-esque coloured army. Gonna see if I can colour each of my veteran units a different colour so I can have a rainbow coloured army on the field.

I've had quite a bit of success (but I don't think my opponents were all that good) focusing on katana samurai+yari cavalry only and being extremely aggressive but was utterly defeated when I went up against an all matchlock army.

I think I need to start learning how to fight with matchlocks from now on.
>> No. 2001 [Edit]
Was Empire: Total war ever patched? I played when it came out and the loading times were horrible. Shogun 2 loads battles in less than a minute.
>> No. 4006 [Edit]
  So I started playing this again.

Did anyone pick up the DLC? Everyone seems to be using monk cavalry

>> No. 4050 [Edit]
No, haven't picked up the DLC as I usually wait for sales before picking up a whole bundle of them. Haven't seen too much monk cavalry but I have seen some matchlock warrior monks. But then again, I've mainly been playing the single player campaign with the vragos mod. Pretty good mod, though now castle garrisons are a bit too strong.
>> No. 4052 [Edit]
Does anybody have any tips on naval battles, especially on multiplayer? Seems like it always turns into a camping battle between the two side's cannon-bune where whoever moves first into enemy territory pretty much always loses. The devs really should've thought more about how to balance the naval units, even if historical accuracy is compromised.
>> No. 4058 [Edit]
Are the low load times a recent thing from a patch? I preordered it on steam and loved it to death. My laptop is fairly decent as far as most things go, and once the game loaded it ran perfectly, but man were the load times long. Really dampened the experience for me.

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