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File 130041236692.jpg - (77.48KB , 434x500 , Bulletstorm-poster.jpg )
1709 No. 1709 [Edit]
You dicks play this shit yet?
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>> No. 1710 [Edit]
No, and I don't really plan on it
>> No. 1715 [Edit]
That's a big gun the man on the cover is holding. Is it even possible to hold something so heavy with only one hand?
>> No. 1716 [Edit]
It's made of futuremetal.
>> No. 1765 [Edit]
Its a great game. Too bad nobody cares about it with the release of Homefront.
>> No. 1792 [Edit]
File 130058265918.jpg - (1.05MB , 2957x2153 , freud.jpg )
Freud would have a field day with this game.
>> No. 1795 [Edit]

No thanks.

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