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1598 No. 1598 [Edit]
Normally I wouldn't create a separate thread for a single game. I also do my best to avoid using words such as 'best' as I don't won't to enforce my opinion upon other people or just plain upset someone. So I won't tell you that this is DS's best RPG and possibly it's best game overall. Let me just say one thing: go and play it. I don't care whether you'll emulate it or play it on the DS. Just do it. You'll thank me later.

Because if I'm still eager to play a JRPG after sinking 25 hours in it it has to be special, especially if it has as many faults as this one does. If I was a clueless retard and you told me it's a classic NES/SNES game (or a remake thereof) I would totally believe you. Indeed, I'm pretty sure I haven't had this much fun with a JRPG since SNES.
>> No. 1599 [Edit]
Yeah, I thought it was a great game too. The DS has a nice a great selection of JRPGs I think, though nothing like what I grew up with on old consoles either.
>> No. 1600 [Edit]
I have been playing this recently and it is quite good. I kind of expected it to be like Chrono Trigger going in and it's absolutely nothing like Chrono Trigger, but that's not a bad thing.

It's a great timesink, it's often hard to put down.
>> No. 1606 [Edit]
Saw it and heard it was pretty bad so I put it down, but you seem to really enjoy it. I will probably pick it up cheap somewhere and check it out.
>> No. 1611 [Edit]

It's really not bad. People see Atlus and go LOL FATLUS, but they actually release okay games time to time.
>> No. 1614 [Edit]
I am a big fan of Atlus games generally, Etrian Odyssey is probably my favourite, so I have no problem with them publishing the game
>> No. 1617 [Edit]

The common complaint about Atlus games is that they're (supposedly) grindfests. There's absolutely no need for grinding in Radiant Historia (unless you're OCD ridden like me - in that case there will be like 3 situations of this sort as characters who join your party will have lowever level).

Also I should propably note that RH's wordiness might annoy some but I doubt it'll bother anyone who puts up with VNs.
>> No. 1783 [Edit]
How is the story in this? Is it interesting? I might play it after I finish Yakuza 4.
>> No. 1784 [Edit]

It's everything GBA lacked.
>> No. 1797 [Edit]

To be perfectly honest? Not at all. It's your standard JRPG fare.

I'm trough with the main story. Took me around 37h (well, my save state says 35h but I've been running around figuring out some side quests without saving and skipping cut scenes since I've already seen them left and right). Now I'm probably gonna just look for a guide to finish all the side quests. Never used a guide to do anything before but after I finish the main story I usually end up 'taking a little break' before finishing all the side quests and such... and never playing the game again.
>> No. 1803 [Edit]

Well, it is generic in a sense but it's an RPG. All of them are some type of good force fighting evil people trying to destroy a world. But, this game has a nice take on it how you can travel back and forth in time and stuff. I think what matters is that it's pretty fun. Some of the levels and art is amazing.
>> No. 2048 [Edit]
What characters did you guys prefer to use when given the opportunity?

I'm getting late into the game and Aht is turning into a little tank with the right equipment.
>> No. 2057 [Edit]

Aht is so overpowered it's not even funny. But you can't always use her (she's pretty useless when the boss covers all the 9 spaces) so I think Eruca is the best character overall. For the last boss battle I picked her and Marco, as his healing abilities are amazing (offensively he's absolutely useless).

If I had to rank them I think I'd go with:

1. Eruca
2. Aht
3. Gafka (with that Wind God skill)
4. Marco
5. Stocke
6. Rosch
7. Raynie

Stocke was also turning rather useless towards the end of the game in my opinion.
>> No. 2644 [Edit]
Sorry to bump an old thread, but I picked up the game after reading your high opinions of it and I really do enjoy playing this game. Surely one of the top RPG games on the DS.

I am only about 20 hours through, chapter 6 SH and chapter 5 AH, and the game still feels like it has a lot of time to go. I really commend the developers for making the game engaging for this whole time.

The combat system is unique enough to be fun, and even though I do skip many battles it never seems that I am underleveled.

I might write some more complete thoughts when I finish, but I just want to say thanks for showing me this game bros!
>> No. 3037 [Edit]
I just beat this game too, about a week ago. Very fun and I might do it again. Had a lot of dialogue which made it have an old NES/SNES feel...but not in a bad way. Much of it was simple.

Kinda have a feeling this will be a game forgotten by most besides those who played it, since it released at the end of the DS life in a way.
>> No. 3039 [Edit]
I guess that I'll try to pick up this game after I get a couple of others.
>> No. 3512 [Edit]
i just finished this game, save a few side quests. it was excellent. very engaging.
>> No. 3514 [Edit]
I hate to be the odd one out here, but I had to force myself to even get 12 hours into it. I just couldn't get into it for some reason, even if Aht is so adorable and Gafka is pretty awesome.
>> No. 3518 [Edit]
It's not for everyone, take it easy bro.
>> No. 3548 [Edit]
I feel the same. I bought it on release and have pretty much given up.

Figuring out what time you're supposed to go to next just felt really tedious to me. Maybe I was expecting it to be like Chrono Trigger too much.

Still loved the music though.
>> No. 3552 [Edit]

>Figuring out what time you're supposed to go to next just felt really tedious to me.

Wasn't it pretty obvious most of the time, though? I don't remember being stuck even a single time and I tend to suck at figuring out stuff like this.
>> No. 3556 [Edit]
I dunno. Maybe I just wasn't paying enough attention.
>> No. 3568 [Edit]
All you do is go back to the nodes and do missions you didn't do/pass the first time. Most of the time, what you need to do is mentioned in the dialogue. For a DS game, it's actually pretty long and reading much of it helps.

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