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File 129962107712.png - (510.11KB , 600x845 , 17005117.png )
1591 No. 1591 [Edit]
Anyone else playing Black or White?

Yes, it's basically more of the same, but better (in some aspects)...
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>> No. 1593 [Edit]
I never realized Pokemon could be so hard until I start training all my monsters equally.
Now the gym leaders rape me everyday.
>> No. 1596 [Edit]
where did...all the other posts go?
>> No. 1597 [Edit]

I don't know, but it happened right after the front page was fixed.
>> No. 1609 [Edit]
File 12997881152.gif - (236.76KB , 900x700 , 1274942206225.gif )
I'm finally past the point where not every single trainer has a Patrat any more.

Got 3 badges so far, and seen 39 / obtained 22 in the pokedex. How far have you other guys gotten?
>> No. 1610 [Edit]
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I love how they've placed people who can heal your pokemon out near some of the grinding spots so that you don't have to keep running all the wak back to a pokemon centre.

Miss being able to have the first member of my team follow me around outside its pokeball though, that was cute and there was no reason for them to remove it.
>> No. 1613 [Edit]

I just got to the third gym leader and she kicked my ass by seven levels.
>> No. 1620 [Edit]
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Are you sure you didn't miss one? Third is the bug guy in Castelia city. You can use the people in the Battle Company building to level up on and get an Exp. Share from their boss. It's a brown building with green lining on the outer ring of the city, left from the pokemon centre. Before the fourth gym you can train in that desert resort place.
>> No. 1621 [Edit]

Oh, you're right.
I meant the 4th, the electric super-model and her damned flying rats.
>> No. 1625 [Edit]
  Totally badass.
>> No. 1630 [Edit]
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Having random NPC's spread around that heal your pokemon is a really nice addition. I've seen some complaints that it takes away from the challenge, but I think all it does is take away some unnecessary travel time.

I miss having my pokemon follow me too. I can almost guarantee it was removed from B/W, because it will be a feature in the inevitable third gen V game.

So what does your teams look like? I'm about to challenge Clay, the 5th gym leader, and this is my team:

Dewott - 28
Gothorita - 32
Liligant - 28
Pignite - 27
Throh - 25
Audino - 28
>> No. 1632 [Edit]
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I'm doing the stuff before the 6th gym at the moment. Seems like we're pretty close to each other in the story.

Pokedex is at Seen - 78 and Obtained - 54, my team is:

Ayuyu (Audino) lv. 34
Humbug (Whimsicott) lv. 34
Greyearl (Dewott) lv. 34
Niko (Darumaka) lv. 34
Chiri (Unfezant) lv. 34
Bromden (Zebstrika) lv. 35

And this picture is both related and adorable.
>> No. 1634 [Edit]
Man, I don't know any of these fucking English names. The last time I played Black and white we were still fumbling around trying to figure out where to go and find what.
>> No. 1635 [Edit]
Got White free today at a Nintendo event for trying out the 3DS and letting them use my image.
>> No. 1642 [Edit]
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I'm heading for the 7th gym.
My team:
Minccino lv. 33
Servine lv. 34
Litwick lv. 32
Ducklett lv. 34
Emolga lv. 36
Krokorok lv. 35
>> No. 1643 [Edit]
That's pretty awesome. Was it at the Nintendo World Store, or the GameStop invitational thing they were doing for the 3DS?
>> No. 1680 [Edit]
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Beat the 8th gym, and working my way through victory road now. All monsters are approaching level 50. Seen 126 and obtained 98. Actually bothering to collect the different kinds seems much more possible this generation compared to previous games with their crazy evolution requirements and so on.

Also, route 10 has really nice music!
>> No. 1681 [Edit]
Didn't want Mothra?
>> No. 1687 [Edit]
I got to the pokemon league with all my team at lvl 40.

They beat the crap out of me.
>> No. 1720 [Edit]
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Getting everyone to 50 before facing them turned out to be a bit overkill and I went through them without any trouble, but the part that comes after beating them and N turned out to be quite a challenge still.

My team upon winning was:

52 Unfezant
53 Whimsicott
52 Darmanitan
53 Samurott
53 Audino
50 Zebstrika

and Pokedex at Seen 141, Obtained 103.

Good luck with the league and the rest, losing to them isn't such a bad thing since you can grind levels from them still. Once you beat them you can't reface them until you've dealt with Team Plasma, so your options for grinding become quite limited.

I think Audino and Whimsicott are my favourites from this generation.
>> No. 1722 [Edit]

Is Reshiram easy to capture on purpose?
I got it with my first ultraball after lowering his health down to the orange bar.
It wasn't even a critical.
>> No. 1725 [Edit]
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I caught him with the first ball too, so I guess he must be. Bulbapedia says he has a catch rate of 45 while most legendary pokemon have a catch rate of 3.
>> No. 1840 [Edit]
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Phew. Just beat Alder. Just gotta complete the Unova dex now before I can start looking for something else to play obsessively. Probably Okamiden. Anyway, team at the end was:

62 Archeops (Petri)
62 Audino (Ayuyu)
63 Whimsicott (Humbug)
63 Galvantula (Charlotte)
65 Darmanitan (Niko)
66 Samurott (Greyearl)

I went into the Elite Four with them all at 62, Greyearl got the most work though after I realised I could use Humbug to Charm x3 a physical attacker, put up Leech Seed and switch to Greyearl and then Sword Dance x3 and sweep through their team with Waterfall and Aqua Jet.
>> No. 2077 [Edit]
Oh I'm interested in B/W but I don't have it yet.
The last games, silver and gold remakes were so satisfying to me that I didn't feel like playing another Pokemon game for a while and most stuff released on black and white underwhelmed me a lot.
Didn't like the new pokemon designs, the new girl or new villains. Or much, really. Even the new changes didn't interest me.
But I think I'm ready for it now, still not feeling like I'll like it that much but it's still fundamentally another Pokemon game which I tend to enjoy a lot.

Planning on buying it as soon as I manage to download a rom, patch it and play it on my dstt so I can pokesav a few pokemons and items on it to trade to the official black and white game.
Can't play a pokemon game without a few of my team, they're always with me.
>> No. 2311 [Edit]
File 130284583192.png - (272.09KB , 500x667 , bianca.png )
Here again all right.
I was seriously seriously skeptic of this game but I got it and I'm on the fifth badge so far and honestly I'm impressed, more than impressed very pleased actually, the game has been so far awesome.
The storytelling, the characters cast, the way the maps and everything has been built is like a step above the previous standard pokemon formula, combat remained the same and all but many other things improved a lot.
I already enjoyed Platinum's campaign mode but B/W's so far is amazing.
Also, Bianca is adorable.

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