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File 129886774822.png - (191.29KB , 256x363 , Steambot_Chronicles_Coverart.png )
1458 No. 1458 [Edit]
What video games do you have that seem virtually unknown that you find top notch. I love this game easily one of my top 5 ever.I think the world was well crafted and the story poignant.
>> No. 1459 [Edit]
It had it's fair share of problems, but I spent several hours of my life on True Crime: Streets of LA. Probably because I didn't have a system with a GTA game on it at the time
>> No. 1507 [Edit]
OP here,
I always found it funny how people on the internet compared SbC to GTA when they are nothing alike. In GTA you do a story then kill people and some hookers then do more story. The Diversity of activity you can undertake in SbC is amazing.
>> No. 2536 [Edit]
Wow haven't played this game in years. All I remember was that it was great, played it so many times. But I lost my copy of it... gonna need to get it again.

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