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File 12986224764.jpg - (31.09KB , 640x342 , back_to_the_future_the_game.jpg )
1428 No. 1428 [Edit]
Anyone else play this?

I've only played the first episode so far, and I found it just extremely slow paced and downright boring.
I didn't expect large scale intense action, but I certainly didn't expect to spend 25% of the game in an old lady's apartment, trying to get her away from her stack of newspapers.
really, in a back to the future game, you would think you could drive the car for a bit or something, at least for like a mini game.
The whole thing felt like a warm up to the real game, but from the looks of the preview for the nest episode, it doesn't seem like there is anything different to come.
I was honestly surprised near the end in the docs lab when they had something, for the first and last time in that episode, that resembled actual game play.
I think, back to the future: the interactive novel, might have been a more appropriate title.
Not that I don't like the idea of continuing the story, but for something with "game" in the tittle, you'd think it would be, I don't know, a game?
As for the story, my only real complaint is how silly their explanation for how they were able to bring the delorean back after it was destroyed in the last movie, I mean come on! getting hit by lighting at the end of the second movie made a duplicate of the car, without the driver, and send it into the future to a convenient time and place where no one else found it before the doc?
surely they could have done better then that?
they have that train to work with after all, or the doc could have simply built another one, but a perfect magic copy? really?
>> No. 1430 [Edit]
dude games based on popular movies usually suck,
its to be expected.
because there really isn't any incentive on the developer's part to put in anything other than the bare minimum effort into it.
These types of games ride on a movie's popularity and nothing else.
>> No. 1431 [Edit]
not to say that what you said is not true, but I find it's games based on new movies that are the ones to always suck ass guaranteed, what with very rushed development to meet the release of the counterpart movie, and it doesn't help their tied down to the movie, having to make it match up, even if the movie wouldn't translate to a game well at all, in a way, I'd say games like that are little more then another form of advertisement for the movie.

But games based on older movies have a chance to be good, makers can take their time on it, and make it based on a movie they decided would be nice to turn into a game, and that might work well, remember rockstar's "the warriors"? a good game based on a movie most people didn't know about before hand, another game that comes to mind is the good father, which I haven't played but heard wasn't half bad.
There was also that ghost busters game made not to long ago, although not a "good" game from what I've heard, it still seems much better then most other movie based games that are rushed out to meet the movie's release.

tl;dr: I just wanted to say, games that come out with movies suck ass 99% of the time, where as games based on older movies at least have a chance

I just remeber hearing a lot of hype about this, and people were making a little fuss about it here and there, I thought it might have been a well done game, worked on by people that might have known what they were doing, but in the end, all we got was a poorly written, slightly interactive, cartoon like epilogue.
>> No. 1432 [Edit]
It is part one of a five or so part telltale adventure game series. Give it time, I am sure it will pick up in the sequels.
>> No. 1433 [Edit]
I think it's OK. It's definitely got some stupid shit in it, but as a BttF fan I really like all the references and stuff.

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