No. 191
>Was LKS a good game? Certainly. Why didn't it sell? It had no appeal. Most people haven't even heard of it or think it's one of those kids games, there wasn't that much of an advertisement campaign for it.
Oh, I don't deny it. In fact, that's most certainly true. I actually wanted to write about how rehashes of old franchises will sell 10x better than good new IPs. Good advertising is what matters the most nowadays and it's sad that even in video games just creating something good isn't enough as it won't get noticed at all or will be noticed and appreciated by a ridiculously small userbase. Back in the day creating a good game was enough, you could count on word of mouth.
>Should've released those games on 360 or something. It's their own fault.
Actually, I think they would've sold even worse if they were released on 360. In a way, LKS WAS one of 'those kids games'. Even though it wasn't piss easy and there were some things certainly not suitable for children (I don't really feel like spoiling anything, if you played the game you'll understand what I meant) it's overall art direction and it's theme were 'kiddie'. I doubt people who 'play only mature games for mature gamers such as myself' would appreciate that. On the other hand if you actually bought a Wii I can't see you complaining about stuff like that because that's what 95% of Wii games look and feel like. I don't really give much of a damn about gamers who can't look past stuff like that and simply appreciate some good gameplay.
Please note that not all people who posses an Xbox are like that. I just feel (and recall some personal experiences as well) that a good chunk of Xbox users think like that.
Each userbase has it's own share of idiots. Same goes for Nintendo. Just earlier today (for some reason I cannot recall) I watched the new Zelda trailer from E3. I have a habit of looking at the comments and the first one I saw was something like 'shut up people, of course it will be amazing, it's a ZELDA game, trust nintendo'. As a matter of fact, people who spout bullshit of this sort are even worse than GRIMDARKfags (now that I think about, LKS WAS pretty grimdark in it's own way). Nintendo has gotten stale long ass time ago and I feel that my now they're better of sticking to their old formulas (i.e. rereleasing what's basically the same game all over again - think Zelda, Mario; and no, I don't deny that they're good - I just think they're too 'samey' and I don't have much interest in them anymore). Metroid Other M was failure and if it was stripped of 'Metroid' in it's name 'game journalists' would rate it on average 10 points lower (in 100 points scale) then what they did which is another example for the importance of advertising (and I bet it sold like hotcakes - I stopped following sales a long time ago, as I almost lost all my teeth from constant grtting). And yes, I do realize it isn't a first party title but if you give one of your major franchises to some developer I think you do put some trust in them.
Wow, that certainly is a wall of text. Sorry about that.
As I'm living under a rock I don't have much on idea who this guy is (and after looking it up I already have my fair share of possible complaints about him, as I can only imagine a 16 year old pop star as someone who is the epitome of everything that's wrong with today's mainstream culture) but this should be quoted and over. Amen is all I can say (and I'm actually misotheistic).