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File 129852025981.jpg - (11.87KB , 251x250 , 1260719808213s.jpg )
1399 No. 1399 [Edit]
How do you guys feel about live videogame streaming?
Two years ago, I used to frequent a streaming website of old, emulated games, and it was incredibly fun.
There were many problems with it though, some people were normals, so once in a while the conversation tended to be about 3DPDs, and sex, and all that stuff that I really don't like to talk about.
The other problem was that it was publicized on /v/, so we often got called circle-jerks, got raid, some people didn't contribute to the conversations but spammed memes...
Anyway, all those things ended up breaking the stream, but I thought it would be a nice activity for tohno-chan if anyone is interested.
I could stream some games (I'd love to celebrate Zelda's 25th year with a Zelda maraton).
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>> No. 1400 [Edit]
I don't know. Maybe it would be fun can't I can't promise I'd be there
>> No. 1402 [Edit]
I've been streaming a bunch of games lately but the irc doesnt care because it isnt dolls or LoL
>> No. 1403 [Edit]

I'd watch it, depending on the games you stream.
It's just that I don't visit the irc, so I never find out.
>> No. 1404 [Edit]
I rarely visit it myself. Hopefully fun stuff doesn't only get announced there
>> No. 1405 [Edit]
I stream almost every night, get a few people dropping which feels nice. Have played a few Castlevania games, Shantae, Recettear, and a bit of minecraft. I just started Demon's Souls last night.

If anyone here is interested I could post the link, I am not the only or a funny/interesting streamer so you may enjoy the other two.
>> No. 1406 [Edit]
I prefer to play rather than watching someone else do it, unless it's a multiplayer game I play and I can learn something from watching it of course.
>> No. 1407 [Edit]

You could stream yourself when nobody is doing it too.
That way would we could cover every schedule.
>> No. 1452 [Edit]
Fuck zelda, streaming should be for interesting obscure shit or for difficult, long games where the player knows where everything is and plays expertly.
Everyone played Zelda and doing one after the other is just going to feel like a huge ground hog day.

Link please.
>> No. 1453 [Edit]
>Link please.

but i thought you didnt want a zelda game! Heyoh!
>> No. 1455 [Edit]
File 129878142549.jpg - (35.18KB , 450x360 , MISAKA.jpg )

Hehe... funny
>> No. 1510 [Edit]
I've never participated in a videogame stream,
though I suppose I enjoyed watching those "let's play [insert game title]" on youtube
I guess in principle they are the same thing
only one is live and one isn't.
>> No. 1512 [Edit]

Well, in one you participate and the streamer talks to you, like when you were a kid and your friends came home to play video games.
The other, well, it's just a video.
>> No. 1515 [Edit]
>like when you were a kid and your friends came home to play video games
I didn't have friends as a kid
>> No. 1516 [Edit]
As a kid is the only time I really had friends. Shit, I was actually popular in elementary school.

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