No. 4665
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Finished the game last night.
To expand on this, I forgot to add that, although this game does have vehicles to it, they're damn near unusable, because the levels are just so cluttered.
There once once a time when I questioned why more driving games don't have true first person views, as in actually in the car, but this have showed me clearly why not.
The visibility just sucks, especial with the armored truck, tiny windows covered with metal mesh and bars, made it hard to navigate the cluttered roads with, busted navigation system didn't help.
There was one mission that was really built up in this game, people kept talking about the prison, and how is was home to some of the worst guys in the world, and they named one guy, who I forget, but here and there they kept building him up, saying not to go near the prison because he's there.
we get in the prison eventually, and one quest asks us to kill him as they build him up as being the world biggest bad ass who's even more scary then the toughest zombies.
we make out way to him after agreeing to kill him, then get locked in the same area as him by people telling us we're fucked now, and they wont let us leave until will kill him, ....which we just said we'd do.
so we get to him, after following the trail of bodies, and he gives us some speech/rant about how bad ass he is or something, we go into the room, my game bugs out and I get stuck in a corner of the wall and can't move or do anything other then look around for a minute, where as my partner walks up to the guy, shoots and kills him with one shot.
We both said to ourselves, that was it? then left.
Before this however, in the jungle we cam across a rather bizarre random encounter.
A man by the name of Jason wearing a mask, wealing a machetic was going to town on a group of zombies, this was something we've not seen before, and never saw again after wards, the few npcs we found near zombies always needed our help and gave us a reward after killing the zombies, but here this cuy was doing a fine job on his own, hacking away and screaming about brains and dinner.
(see screen cap)we watched him finish off the zombies and as soon as he did, he came after us, again a first because all the humans that ever attacked us did so with guns and in packs.
and boy was this guy a tuff one, we've been around the block and had some decent weapons, but died at least 30 times in fighting him, and the thing is, this guy was tougher then any boss fight or zombie in the game, and the most interesting part of the game if you ask me.
after we finally managed to kill him, I found a chainsaw in his house, and though, wow, this is frecking awesome!
but somehow I used it half up before actualy using it, it turned out to take damange just for having it out, and couldin't be repaired, and was the only one in the game, latter in back in the city I whipped it out to try it and it turned out to be weak and short on rang, what a freaking tease/disappointment that was, only thing good about it was that it locked enemy in a damage taking animation loop that prevented them from attacking.
The story was poorly done and jumped around a lot, and I mean litraly, many cinamatics started us in areas we were no where near, and without explaining how we got there, once with a extra character that showed up only once and just for that cinematic, who didn't say anything.
The ending especially wasn't exactly well done. we're on a rooftop shoot out with the guy that had been helping us on the radio up until now here and there (but mostly just yelling at us about saving his wife), which required us to detonate explosives on the roof for some unknown reason and that didn't seem to do anything, followed by having to walk up to the plateform in which he held us at gun point? after just shooting the crap out of eachother? I donno, game logic there, but this guy who suddenly become the bad guy when he stole the zombie cure from us, got infected when some anoying stragler with us unlocker his zombie wife who bite him and infected him, so he used the cure on himself, which made him into a super zombie instantly I guess, but he went down quicker then the weakest zombies in the game, then game over, the four player character, a prisoner and some african chick (who might be carrying the virus since she ate zombies) fly away, completely disregarding the survivors still left in the lifeguard shack, light house and church, oh and all across the jungle.
oh and that one welder girl didn't come with because, as I predicted exactly when she first showed up, she died in a overly dramatic way