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File 129075502354.jpg - (2.25MB , 1320x1600 , 14129058.jpg )
130 No. 130 [Edit]
Does anyone else play PSPo2? I'm looking forward to Infinity and I hope it gets released stateside.
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>> No. 280 [Edit]
File 129162731249.jpg - (75.26KB , 500x700 , 14801420.jpg )
No one else? That's okay, I understand... ;_;
>> No. 281 [Edit]
sorry broh; tends to happen.
>> No. 282 [Edit]
I'm playing it. Well, I guess if you call getting to level 11 playing it. I'm probably gonna get a lot more hours in next semester when I'm on the bus all day.
>> No. 333 [Edit]
File 129210024152.jpg - (597.99KB , 1280x1024 , 14789629.jpg )
If anyone is up for it, we could play online sometime.

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