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1276 No. 1276 [Edit]
I saw a thread a few days back that got me wondering.

Does anyone here like the .hack series of games? Thoughts on it?

It was pretty popular a few years back, and I think one or two of us might of enjoyed it, but I could be wrong.
>> No. 1277 [Edit]
A friend lend me .hack//infection, I played for an hour and got bored of it.

It's been 3 years and I never returned it, I think I may as well try it again.
>> No. 1278 [Edit]
I played though the first set a few years ago, pretty good stuff.

I don't have any consoles anymore though, I'd like to replay them though
>> No. 1279 [Edit]
I really loved .hack//GU. The original series never really resonated with me - It struck me as a little bit bland and repetitive (not to say GU wasn't repetitive). I really like the cel-shaded graphics. Oh, the fact that it has a Social Link-esque feature made it pretty cool, too. I never really finished it, though, I only made it to last few fights of Vol. 3. I should really try and find those someday...

In the original series, I think I just got through Infection, and gave up when I couldn't find a place to buy the other chapters.

Anyway, I digress. .hack is pretty awesome in general.
>> No. 1284 [Edit]
I agree, it can definitely be that, but I don't think that's always a bad thing.

I like how I was able to get to the higher levels without grinding at all(if you don't count going out and searching for cores.).

I think what really sells this for me is the characters though.
>> No. 1285 [Edit]
I'm still waiting for The World MMO which will never come.
>> No. 1286 [Edit]
But it did come out in japan, it just died off.
>> No. 1287 [Edit]
I heard it was pretty popular and ended up getting extended since it was a limited time thing. No clue if that's true, but based on the fanbase, it could be.

Would love for one on the current gen consoles though, so many possibilities.

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