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File 129727027914.jpg - (447.58KB , 1280x1000 , nt_map_okujou_wide.jpg )
1243 No. 1243 [Edit]
Anyone else played this mod? Just throwing my nostalgia bomb in here.

>NEOTOKYO is a first person shooter that provides a visceral & realistic combat experience in a rich futuristic setting. It is greatly influenced by our admiration for Masamune Shirow (GHOST IN THE SHELL) and Katsuhiro Otomo (AKIRA), and has been in production since October 2004.

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I really love this game. I love the setting, I love the maps, I love the music and sounds, I love the guns, I don't love the gameplay so much, that's my only gripe. I wish it was better and that there were other game mods but alas there isn't. Even GabeN said NeoTokyo sucks and it's sad. I actually spent hours playing alone and just messing around on all those weeaboo maps. Once you play that underground train station map, you'll know all the attention and love brought to every single detail and sound. Pretty much every map has this crazy amount of details. Oh, and little Tachikomas everywhere.
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>> No. 1244 [Edit]
File 129727042969.jpg - (1.54MB , 1920x1080 , nt_transit_ctg0008.jpg )
Can't talk about NT without talking about its crazy OST.

You can really feel where the inspiration comes from.
>> No. 1262 [Edit]
I liked this mod a lot. The Capture the Ghost mode was really cool when everyone on your team had a mic and when it wasn't on that one faggy map where one side is trying to rush that one house. It's a shame that the left-leaning bug ruined the game and class imbalance drove the stake in harder.

Still, a very fun mod.
>> No. 1272 [Edit]
I loved this mod. I waited forever for it to come out and played it a lot when it did. Not so much now.
>> No. 1368 [Edit]
I tried to like it when it first came out a long time ago, but it was so clunky, buggy and just an awful experience at the time. It's improved but I gave my Steam account away anyway.

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