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File 129721855938.jpg - (17.81KB , 300x239 , malhdaacc.jpg )
1242 No. 1242 [Edit]
Games that you've wanted to play for years until you've stumbled across it... just recently.

I've always wanted to play the Microprose (I know, they don't exist anymore) version of M:TG for years, even before I was ever into playing the actual game myself. Now I found a revamped torrent of it on tpb, and I was finally overjoyed to actually play this game, since I've forgotten that game was lurking somewhere around the internet. Now that I've thought about it, it's been 10-11 years since I first saw people playing that game on the elementary school computers.
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>> No. 1247 [Edit]
File 12972816607.jpg - (23.64KB , 358x266 , suikoden-2.jpg )
Suikoden 2. I'd heard a ton of great things about it, how it was the best in the series and etc. I had a great time with it, it really lives up to the hype. It aged really well for a PSX game, too.
>> No. 1248 [Edit]
File 12972863971.jpg - (43.44KB , 430x287 , suckthissilmeria.jpg )
Valkyrie Profile!

I had 2 sitting on my shelf for the past several years and busted it open not too long ago.

This game is the tits. I get it now.
>> No. 1253 [Edit]
File 129728863287.png - (35.80KB , 652x479 , cosmo14.png )
Cosmo Cosmic Adventure

Played when 5 years old. Forgot name. Sadness.
I just found it like a year ago. Boring shit, never finished.
>> No. 1261 [Edit]
Just started out playing Shandalar MTG. Feels like an SPRG (with quests) and the decks make me look like as if I were playing in unrestricted Vintage without all the new cards. So I can fill my deck with 4 Black Lotus (if I could get the cards) or something, just so I can play some big ass creature on turn 1 (and possibly win, because the life total in this game is retarded, but I presume it's to shorten play time depending on difficulty of the npcs). The AI is predictable, but I either end up getting mana screwed or mana flooded. Thinking about going with either black or blue, but ended up playing black. Still trying to get used to the game, since I'm used to playing just Magic IRL.

And you play for ANTE most of the time, which I generally don't have a problem with.
>> No. 1281 [Edit]
File 129758405351.gif - (13.64KB , 250x171 , montezuma.gif )
Montezuma's Revenge. I remember playing this on the ancient Apple IIes we had at my elementary school. I haven't actually played it again, but maybe I'll get an emulator and see if it holds up like I remember.

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