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File 128928139596.gif - (165.69KB , 384x509 , flan.gif )
11 No. 11 [Edit]
I want to get New Vegas but I'm new to PC gaming and have no idea how the world of mods works (mostly I just want some that will make female characters more cute). Should I still get it?
Expand all images
>> No. 17 [Edit]
Modding PC games isn't a craft really.

99% of the time there are step by step tutorials how to do it.

So yea, you should probably get it. Just please don't buy it, publishers shouldn't get money for half finished products.
>> No. 21 [Edit]
Let's not turn this into a stupid piracy argument thread, please.
>> No. 23 [Edit]
How about an intelligent piracy argument?
>> No. 28 [Edit]
Well personally I think taking something I didn't pay for is wrong (even if the game turns out to not be worth it) and it's one of the things killing the PC gaming industry.
>> No. 29 [Edit]
saying piracy is killing the pc gaming industry is like saying piracy is killing the music industry
people are still going to make music even if the music industry is losing money and wont adapt
people are sitll going to make pc games even if publishers wont adapt
giving them money for a shitty rushed game encourages them to keep doing the same
>> No. 30 [Edit]
The problem is nobody thinks that way. They'll pirate "a shitty rushed game" just as much as a well made one (how this "pirates are noble" thing started I don't know). If your goal is to send developers a message or something then you need to rethink.
>> No. 31 [Edit]
since it's harder to pirate on consoles, people will develop for PC less and less since there's less money to be made.
>> No. 32 [Edit]
The PCs strength is it's an open platform. You dont need microsoft, sony or nintendos permission and an expensive devkit to develop on PC. Consoles are never going to be open, because if they were they'd be a PC. So there's always a place for the PC market.

The game industry is going to move away from the blockbuster release mindset and into providing games as an ongoing service. It's both more efficent for developers and curbs piracy by centralizing things online.
>> No. 36 [Edit]
Yes Op you should still get it (whether you pirate it or buy it). Its a good game and its only a matter of time before like oblivion and FO3 it will have thousands of mods. Some of which will definitely have what you want in there.
>> No. 50 [Edit]
File 128995394814.jpg - (549.39KB , 1600x900 , obliv.jpg )
What are the mods I need to make a New Vegas character look like this (or similar). It's from oblivion (according to the /jp/ thread I got it from) but I'm sure there's some NV mods that are roughly the same. Sorry in advance for the NSFW image but the spoiler function doesn't work
>> No. 324 [Edit]
Are those boobs really that big or is that a "baked in" shadow?
>> No. 331 [Edit]
From what I hear it's miles better than FO3. Although I heard it suffers from bugs so I'm going to wait for the GoTY version.
>> No. 336 [Edit]
A bethesda game with bugs? No way. That's impossible.

Seriously though, I don't think they've ever fully fixed up a buggy game they've released. Usually the fans do it for them. It's a disgusting practice.
>> No. 342 [Edit]
>A bethesda game with bugs? No way. That's impossible.

Bethesda may be the publisher, but it was developed by Obsidian Entertainment. It's a completely different dev team. They're also notorious for releasing unfinished, buggy games (KOTOR 2, NWN 2, etc.).
>> No. 343 [Edit]

Geez, I hope they fix it soon because I'll be getting it for Christmas
>> No. 344 [Edit]
I'd say they're even more notorious. Kotor2 was in no way finished.
>> No. 345 [Edit]
That was my point. They ruined the sequels to two great games.

After KotOR 2 and NWN 2, I will never play another Obsidian game again. I wouldn't even waste my time pirating their games.
>> No. 346 [Edit]
K2 wasn't their fault at all. Lucasarts pushed and pushed and pushed for a Christmas season release.
>> No. 358 [Edit]
Even for an unfinished game it was a great deal better than most games. The writing was phenomenal.
>> No. 362 [Edit]
>The fans do it
Yeah, and then us console players end up getting fucked. Unless someone has a way to patch console versions?

Yeah, I have the basic version and now I wish I waited. I don't want to have to pay for all the DLC that is going to come out to help fix this game.

Don't get me wrong, what it does good, it really does good. It's just's hard to get to the good when it freezes and bugs out every half hour or so.
>> No. 401 [Edit]
File 129238791388.jpg - (436.65KB , 1400x1050 , fo.jpg )
I just began my journey as a cute little girl in the waste. I'm going to cheat and give myself maximum everything so I can be a wisecracking, smart, athletic little girl who can punch people until they explode
>> No. 402 [Edit]
File 129239641138.jpg - (55.42KB , 1055x353 , 1260757043102.jpg )
I can never finish a game whenever I use cheats. I just end up messing around for hours, killing everyone.
>> No. 416 [Edit]
Let us know how things turn out for the poor little girl.
>> No. 417 [Edit]
I just uninstalled Oblivion and the shit ton of mods that I had because it's complicated to run as fuck and vanilla Oblivion is unplayable shit.

I don't want to start all over again.
>> No. 418 [Edit]
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Pretty good so far. She managed to use her charms to unite a small town to fend off some bad guys
>> No. 419 [Edit]
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I deleted the body mod I had and I like this better actually. That mod made her a little too busty
>> No. 424 [Edit]
I have a question about New Vegas that you guys can hopefully answer without spoiling anything: Can you still play after the main quest is over?
>> No. 425 [Edit]
>> No. 426 [Edit]
Well son of a bitch. You'd think after the outcry from FO3 doing that they wouldn't do it again. Hope I don't screw myself over by saving right before the very end or something
>> No. 456 [Edit]
Yeah, they pulled that shit again, but we all know they will release something to let us continue.
>> No. 486 [Edit]
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Update: I made a new flying robot friend! He plays neat battle music while fending off bad guys
>> No. 487 [Edit]
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..and here is another new friend: Some guy who really loves charging at zombies with a machete like a big dummy
>> No. 488 [Edit]
Boone was pretty cool until he talked about leaving after I armed the orbital laser..

I told him to wait down there after and killed him like his buddies with it.
>> No. 489 [Edit]
So how do you guys feel about the Fallout MMO in development?
>> No. 490 [Edit]
Feels like I wont be playing it.
>> No. 494 [Edit]
What's weird about me is I don't really like interacting with people, yet I am constantly getting excited for mmos (even though they always turn out shitty).
>> No. 507 [Edit]
They give you ample warning when the game is nearing an end though.
>> No. 508 [Edit]
Yeah, there is actually a box that pops up and lets you choose to continue on to the end or keep playing in the current world you've created.
>> No. 509 [Edit]
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I got enslaved ;_;
>> No. 510 [Edit]
Sup Suou?
>> No. 511 [Edit]
File 129282223716.jpg - (308.73KB , 1400x1050 , fo7.jpg )
Luckily it didn't last too long and I finally made it to New Vegas!
>> No. 512 [Edit]
Ha, I didn't make my character look like her on purpose (I had to google the name to even find out what you were talking about).
>> No. 513 [Edit]
Well, either way, now we have the chronicles of Suou in New Vegas to look forward to.
>> No. 514 [Edit]
I guess I'll try to take more pictures then. I've already skipped over big chunks, like my adventures in vault 22 and helping a bunch of ghouls take off in rockets
>> No. 515 [Edit]
File 12928229134.jpg - (61.56KB , 554x693 , 3cf053d51606242a1e4ece6482ae0c19.jpg )
Just be sure to get as big a rifle as possible to complete the illusion.
>> No. 516 [Edit]
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I found a big gun that can turn people into goo earlier
>> No. 517 [Edit]
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Goo on my brother, goo on.
>> No. 518 [Edit]

>> No. 519 [Edit]
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Well I'm not quite in new vegas yet, more of a small suburb. Still pretty nie
>> No. 520 [Edit]
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This woman was apparently tricked into using hair dye laced with radiation
>> No. 521 [Edit]
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>> No. 522 [Edit]
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This poor woman has a terrible skin condition
>> No. 523 [Edit]
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Part time job guarding a gun store. Pretty nice
>> No. 524 [Edit]
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Shift's over! Alright, is there a changing room I can go to or...hey! What are you doing!
>> No. 525 [Edit]
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Why does this keep happening ;_;
>> No. 526 [Edit]
Little girls are more powerful with less clothes anyways.
>> No. 527 [Edit]
Oh man, this is just awesome.

Huh. That outfit on her is unexpectedly cute.
>> No. 528 [Edit]
Oh, that's right, they released a patch not to long ago that really fixed a lot of the problems. Even added a waypoint marker that shows up on the world map for your companions in case you lose them. And my game has only frozen maybe 5 times since then. Of course, it shouldn't freeze at all, but this is progress!
>> No. 529 [Edit]
You know, I think seeing image logs from your little girl's adventure is more fun than playing the game myself.

I guess this way my imagination gets to fill in the rest of the storyboard.
>> No. 530 [Edit]
File 129288666819.jpg - (432.96KB , 1400x1050 , fo16.jpg )
Oh hi
>> No. 531 [Edit]
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"Strange Man" sounds like a pretty trustworthy guy
>> No. 532 [Edit]
If he offers candy, take it.
>> No. 533 [Edit]
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These were my former employers. They threatened to hut my friend so I had to rough them up a little
>> No. 534 [Edit]
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My next objective was to find a sexbot.
>> No. 535 [Edit]
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Heh, "Fisto"
>> No. 536 [Edit]
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He settled in to his new home pretty well. Fun fact: My game is glitched or something and now I get 10 caps every time I talk to him.

Unfun fact: Me beating up the jerks who wanted to hurt my friend must have glitched out a mission, making it unwinnable. Oh well
>> No. 537 [Edit]
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Next up, I am tasked with investigating some vault full of plants or something
>> No. 538 [Edit]
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I didn't get where I am in life by listening to stupid signs.
>> No. 539 [Edit]
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Plus it's not even dangerous in here. Pretty, in fact. God, I hate that sign
>> No. 540 [Edit]
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>> No. 541 [Edit]
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Well that's just great
>> No. 542 [Edit]
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>> No. 543 [Edit]
Someone ought to think about cleaning that out.
>> No. 544 [Edit]
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Oh good, I found the scientist I was supposed to resc-oh eww, she's a ghoul
>> No. 545 [Edit]
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Whatever, I'm an open minded person. She says to destroy the evil plant things I need to ignite some gas and outrun a fireball. Cool! Here goes...
>> No. 546 [Edit]
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>> No. 547 [Edit]
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Later, I come across a group of elvises (elvii?)
>> No. 548 [Edit]
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The King of the Elvii had me defuse a situation involving food and the army or whatever. I got distracted because along the way I found a dead Elvis and took his spiffy outfit
>> No. 549 [Edit]
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As a thank you, the leader of the Elvis clan gave me a doggie! There's apparently something wrong with it though
>> No. 550 [Edit]
Did you use a mod to get this character appearance? Mine is not quite this cutesy.
>> No. 551 [Edit]
Yeah. Here you go:
>> No. 552 [Edit]
You know what they say about a group of Elvis.

You can lead a horse to moss but you can't make it drink rolling stones.
>> No. 556 [Edit]
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On my quest to get my dog fixed, I came across a watery cave
>> No. 557 [Edit]
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Silly skeletons. Poker shouldn't be played underwater!
>> No. 558 [Edit]
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What was the treasure in this cave? A corpse. Great.
>> No. 559 [Edit]
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Further down the road, I came across another cave. This one was full of wasps, one of which apparently died attempting autofellatio. RIP
>> No. 560 [Edit]
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End of the cave and...oh boy, another skeleton.
>> No. 561 [Edit]
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I finally made it to the town where the robot dog doc lives! Oh boy, I....wait....mutants. Uh oh
>> No. 562 [Edit]
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Oh, they're friendly mutants. Also I'm pretty sure this one is Worf
>> No. 563 [Edit]
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>> No. 564 [Edit]
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Man these guys are huge compared to me ;_;
>> No. 565 [Edit]
I thought she was leaping forward to hug me.

>> No. 566 [Edit]
File 129296769317.jpg - (273.36KB , 1400x1050 , fo43.jpg )
Dr. Six Flags guy MD. Before he fixes my dog, I am going to help him find out why some mutants go crazy from some sort of invisibility machine. He says a mutant outside will help me
>> No. 567 [Edit]
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>> No. 568 [Edit]
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We check out some caves and find a chewed up invisibility device. Silly mutants.

Also, :3
>> No. 569 [Edit]
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When we return, the Doc performs some sort of experiment on my new mutant buddy. An experiment which causes hentai dialogue. Everything turns out fine
>> No. 570 [Edit]
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Afterwords, the doc says my dog needs a new brain. Long story short, I convince a junkyard lady to murder her dog and give me it's brain, and the transplant goes off without a hitch. Yay!
>> No. 571 [Edit]
This needs an anime adaptation.
>> No. 574 [Edit]
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On my way to another quest, I ran into some sort of spooky tornado
>> No. 575 [Edit]
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Unfortunately, I will never be able to discuss anything with him because he never moves. Game breaking bug #3, folks. I didn't show number 2, but it involved me having to redo the whole plant vault thing due to my robot buddy vanishing, rendering me unable to do the doggie stuff
>> No. 576 [Edit]
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So new vegas!
>> No. 577 [Edit]
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. . .
>> No. 578 [Edit]
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Anyway, I have a meeting with Mr. House, who is apparently the king of Vegas. My old buddy Victor says I can't bring any friends up to see him. OK....
>> No. 579 [Edit]
Don't do it!
>> No. 580 [Edit]
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This is a pretty lonely casino for such an important guy
>> No. 581 [Edit]
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And here's Mr. House....who is a computer or something (what a twist!). Anyway, he says I must recover a platinum poker chip, which was stolen from me when some jerk in a plaid suit shot me in the head and took it (which started this whole adventure).
>> No. 582 [Edit]
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He also gave me a really swanky room. So swanky it has more beds and chairs than anyone would ever need
>> No. 583 [Edit]
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After looking around Vegas I finally found him: The guy who shot me in the head.
>> No. 584 [Edit]
Does tohno chan have image limits?
>> No. 585 [Edit]
>> No. 586 [Edit]
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Since the guards took away a bunch of my more powerful weapons and he had a bunch of bodyguards, I decided not to take the direct approach. Instead, I used my feminine charms to get to him. He fell for it, of course, because he's apparently both a jerk AND a pervert.
>> No. 587 [Edit]
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Once we got to his room he was pretty excited.
>> No. 588 [Edit]
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Too bad for him the guards didn't take my pistol! I could make a sex joke about getting his head blown off but nothing springs to mind at the moment.
>> No. 589 [Edit]
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Searching his room, I found this guy
>> No. 590 [Edit]
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He explains that the platinum poker chip was basically a CD
>> No. 591 [Edit]
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He also says the late plaid suited jerk had a whole plan ready to take over New Vegas. Freeing Vegas from the dictator Mr. House sounds pretty nice, so I might as well go along with it
>> No. 592 [Edit]
I guess you could say, he was heading nowhere with you.

>> No. 593 [Edit]
This makes me wanna reinstall Oblivion and do something similar
>> No. 596 [Edit]
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I return to Mr. House and politely tell him to screw himself. He is not amused
>> No. 597 [Edit]
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Luckily his guards are a bunch of metal losers
>> No. 598 [Edit]
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Et tu, Victor ;_;
>> No. 599 [Edit]
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After making my way to the basement I discover that Mr. House isn't a robot, but a really really old guy hooked into a computer.
>> No. 600 [Edit]
>Et tu, Victor

I laughed at that.
>> No. 601 [Edit]
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After pressing a few buttons on a nearby computer, he gets electrocuted and explodes. Pretty brutal
>> No. 602 [Edit]
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Now that Mr. House is dead, it's probably a good idea to see what is on the platinum chip. Yes Man seems to think there's something that can read it in an abandoned bunker
>> No. 603 [Edit]
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Unfortunately said bunker is located underneath the base for a group of really bad dudes, and the only way I can have access is if I talk to their leader
>> No. 604 [Edit]
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On my way to see the leader, I saw the floating hands and heads of some kids running around. I should really keep a glitch count
>> No. 605 [Edit]
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Why must my friends always have to stay behind ;_;
>> No. 606 [Edit]
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And there's the leader of the jerks. He says I can only enter the bunker if I agree to blow it up for him. Whatever
>> No. 607 [Edit]
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After using my awesome hacking skills to disable the guard robots, I found a machine to read the disk. Apparently it can upgrade and activate an army of robots (the same kind that I slaughtered earlier). Having a bunch of cool robots on your side is always handy, so I do it and the robots all whirr to life.
>> No. 608 [Edit]
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I return to the leader, who mistook the noise of the robots coming alive as the explosion I promised him. Whatever he doesn't know can't hurt him I guess!

Also, I'm really trying to get through this last part of the game because I'm getting kind of bored and want to try a "evil bitch" playthrough (which I'll chronicle here too if you guys want).
>> No. 609 [Edit]
Is that John Wilkes Booth sneaking up behind him?
>> No. 610 [Edit]
If it is he'll never see him coming, what with his eyes closed and all
>> No. 611 [Edit]
Fun Fact: His face is the very first result for "happy face" in GIS
>> No. 617 [Edit]
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Next up, I must meet with a group called "The Boomers" and find out if they will support me. On the way to their base I encounter this guy. He's trying to scare me away, but I fear nothing!
>> No. 618 [Edit]
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Nothing I say!
>> No. 619 [Edit]
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Waaah! ;_;
>> No. 620 [Edit]
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Well that's no good. That guy mentioned an old train tunnel that could get me close to their base, so I went there
>> No. 621 [Edit]
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Like most dark scary places, it was full of zombies
>> No. 622 [Edit]
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After fighting through the tunnel (and outrunning a few more missile attacks), I get to the boomer's front gate. They seem surprised
>> No. 623 [Edit]
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Their leader figures if I can survive their bombs then I must not be all bad, and say they'll help me if I help them with a few things. First, I decide to put my medical training to use by helping out their doctor
>> No. 624 [Edit]
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Next up, an old guy asks me to fix their solar power plant. Luckily there's another power plant nearby, so I go there for parts and fix up the panels in a jiffy
>> No. 625 [Edit]
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After that, I'm told I have one more thing to do for them: Help them raise an old plane out of the lake. There's a few monsters by the lake but they are no match for me!
>> No. 626 [Edit]
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After some diving I find the sunken plane. I attach some balloons under the wings and...
>> No. 627 [Edit]
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Ta dah!
>> No. 628 [Edit]
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I return to the leader and she informs me that we are now BFFs
>> No. 629 [Edit]
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But more importantly, she says she will help me out!
>> No. 630 [Edit]
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After returning to Yes Man and telling him the good news, we decide it's time for the next phase of the plan: Installing him into Mr. House's system. Now instead of a robot he's a big face on a screen. That's better I guess?
>> No. 631 [Edit]
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He invites me into the basement to check out the security robot upgrades in action. They now kick 200% more ass
>> No. 632 [Edit]
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After returning upstairs, he informs me that the president will be visiting the Hoover Dam. Uh oh!
>> No. 633 [Edit]
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He also tells me how I can boost his signal. But first I should really get on top of this president situation
>> No. 634 [Edit]
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I head on over to the Dam and meet with this guy. I personally wouldn't have a man with only one eye guard anything, but whatever
>> No. 635 [Edit]
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Up on the roof, the president's helicopter has arrived!
>> No. 636 [Edit]
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The president is giving a pretty boring speech (without even moving his mouth! what a guy), and....uh oh. What's going on back there?
>> No. 637 [Edit]
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I guess we found our assassin
>> No. 638 [Edit]
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Luckily I brought a sniper rifle. The assassin has become the assassinated!
>> No. 639 [Edit]
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The president finished up his speech and heads back to his copter. I decide to have a look at it which turned out to be a pretty good idea
>> No. 640 [Edit]
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And the president begins his flight home, without even saying thank you. Jerk ;_;
>> No. 648 [Edit]
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Now then, I must boost Yes Man's signal so my robot army can be more effective
>> No. 649 [Edit]
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Unfortunately the army is occupying the control room...
>> No. 650 [Edit]
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Luckily I found this army disguise on one of my many travels!
>> No. 651 [Edit]
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Uh...yep...I'm one of you. Hoo-rah and all that
>> No. 652 [Edit]
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I work my computer magic and return to Yes Man, who tells me shit is about to go down at the Dam
>> No. 653 [Edit]
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Let's rock
>> No. 655 [Edit]
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The illusion is complete.
>> No. 656 [Edit]
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My goal at the dam is to activate the robot army I established earlier, the one under the bad guys' camp.
>> No. 657 [Edit]
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All while a war is going on! Luckily my buddies managed to fix up that plane and blow some crap up for me. Thanks guys!
>> No. 658 [Edit]
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Inside the dam, the army had kicked some bad guy ass across the room, which is good. What's NOT good is they are guarding the room I need to get to!
>> No. 659 [Edit]
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I feed them some story about how a general is in trouble or something and they totally buy it and run off
>> No. 660 [Edit]
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There we go! My robot army at the fort is activated
>> No. 661 [Edit]
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Man these things can really tear people up
>> No. 662 [Edit]
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I lead my group of robots to the fort for one final push
>> No. 663 [Edit]
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Don't bring your fists to a laser fight, buddy!
>> No. 664 [Edit]
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I reach the general of this bad guy army, and convince him to leave because COME ON! He's no match for me. He promises he will be back when his army is stronger
>> No. 665 [Edit]
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As I'm walking toward the front gate, it explodes and these guys walk out
>> No. 666 [Edit]
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Yeah I'm sure I can trust this guy
>> No. 667 [Edit]
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>> No. 668 [Edit]
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I don't tolerate rudeness very well
>> No. 669 [Edit]
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I convince him to leave, and he says he'll be back know what?
>> No. 670 [Edit]
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Screw 'em
>> No. 671 [Edit]
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>> No. 672 [Edit]
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And so, I saved New Vegas from lots of bad guys, and became Queen of Vegas...or something
>> No. 673 [Edit]
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>> No. 674 [Edit]
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Now, I'm thinking of doing an evil playthrough next. If you guys want I can post about that too (I'll probably start a new thread)! I can't promise I'll update it often, though, because if things aren't different enough I'll probably get bored and quit
>> No. 676 [Edit]
This really makes me wanna do something like that for oblivion more and more.

too bad there aren't any good child mods besides one. (though i could use the goddess store to make my character look cute/slutty/badass)
>> No. 677 [Edit]

Well this mod looks pretty nice:

>> No. 678 [Edit]
If i knew what mod that was, i'd get it in an instant. Wouldn't be able to use the Goddess store clothes for it though, so i'd need the armor/clothes it has
>> No. 679 [Edit]
Oh god, I'm doing option on my next play through, I always just kill them then and there, but I want to see him do that.

Also, I would love to see the evil playthrough. I'm always a moralfag in these games. I can't help it.

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