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File 129612933830.jpg - (355.97KB , 1280x1412 , npg.jpg )
1073 No. 1073 [Edit]
Well, at least someone has a sense for design.
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>> No. 1074 [Edit]
why does it have a touch pad on the back again?
>> No. 1075 [Edit]
So your finger doesn't block half the screen.
>> No. 1076 [Edit]
File 129613266954.png - (753.10KB , 1640x616 , ngpdimensions.png )

Watch the first vid.
>> No. 1077 [Edit]
It just seems kind odd, not being able to see exactly what your hitting and having an interface behind the screen your looking at.
>> No. 1078 [Edit]
I would be all over this thing, if only it had a pair of L2 and R2 buttons.
>> No. 1079 [Edit]

>Nippon Ichi Software

>> No. 1081 [Edit]
So this goes out in December?

I guess I should start saving money, I just hope it doesn't cost $599 DOLLARS.
>> No. 1527 [Edit]
  Looking good but after the recent Sony fuckups I don't think I will be buying from them again.
>> No. 1529 [Edit]

>I just hope it doesn't cost $599 DOLLARS.

Haha, I just made the joke recently while discussing 3DS with a gaming buddy of mine (TWO HUNDRED AND FORTY NINE US DOLLARS). Here you go:

>Next Generation Portable's price range will be $250 to $280 for the normal version, while the 3G-version will have a price range of $320 to $350.

Still, that's a lot of money. More than, say, Wii costed at it's launch. But I'm interested. Current (?) gen was a disappointment. Nintendo promised 'revolution' and it didn't deliver. Most good DS and Wii games could've been done without the use of touch screen/Wiimote (and quite a few didn't use them at all). I would still pick a DS over PSP because - let's face it - PSP has a really, really poor library and it's best games are mostly ports/remakes. Emulating and replaying old games was much more fun than playing new ones.

But as I said, I have little to no interest in 3DS after DS failed to live up to what Nintendo made it out to be. When the price drops I might pick up a PSP2.
>> No. 1565 [Edit]
PSP has never had a good library of games, and a screenshot showing some anime style golf further proves the point, I think.

I still just have a DSl, and I'm not sure I'll bother with 3D DS because it looks lame. I'll wait for another batch of handhelds.

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