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File 129020888645.jpg - (88.96KB , 465x464 , box-l.jpg )
107 No. 107 [Edit]
Under appreciated/unknown games thread.

Pic majorly related, thanks again to the one who pointed it out to me.
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>> No. 108 [Edit]
File 129037660766.jpg - (74.47KB , 500x500 , 613MFHP3M7L.jpg )
Game's awesome. That's all.
>> No. 135 [Edit]
File 129082000542.png - (170.04KB , 256x362 , GregoryHorrorShow_PS2_Jaquette.png )
God tier voice acting.
>> No. 144 [Edit]
File 129091093745.jpg - (15.49KB , 256x254 , Vib-Ribbon.jpg )
God tier (catchy) music. Simple and adorable game that not many people have played.
>> No. 148 [Edit]
  ...and why not? an old jewel for puzzle lovers. at 15:20, you'll see how we got childhood seizures.
>> No. 149 [Edit]
File 129093387756.jpg - (109.85KB , 509x721 , 142020-nobunaga-s-ambition-iron-triangle-4977.jpg )
>> No. 151 [Edit]
File 129098778448.jpg - (100.44KB , 357x500 , ODAMA.jpg )
Looks like something I'd enjoy if I really had time and patience.
>> No. 163 [Edit]
File 129109060182.jpg - (251.33KB , 640x901 , 0160426125306.jpg )
Not completely unknown, but very under appreciated.
>> No. 164 [Edit]
File 129109496635.jpg - (13.84KB , 237x213 , fvevfbfbsbs.jpg )
This is a wonderful game.
>> No. 177 [Edit]
File 129110586770.jpg - (109.97KB , 741x592 , GOTY.jpg )

I assume it's okay to play it without playing any of the prequels? I always wanted a game of the Trauma series but somehow I... just didn;t I guess.

Good thread by the way, those are some pretty obsucre games. I couldn't decide what to go with so I'm just going to post my Bonsai Barber edit (and yes, it's purposedly crappy). Not that unknown but definitely underappreciated.
>> No. 187 [Edit]
File 129113689983.jpg - (121.88KB , 486x700 , Naomi Kimishima.jpg )
Trauma Team is definitely the best of the series. However, I'd strongly recommend that you at least play (or watch on youtube) Second Opinion/Under the Knife before playing this. That way you could at least get a feel for the game, and know the backstory of a couple of the characters. You can skip out on New Blood, though that's a good game as well.

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