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106 No. 106 [Edit]
This game is supposed to be about some people on a boat that's sinking and you have nine hours to escape. From the guy who brought you Ever17, so it has to be good. Also there are puzzles. Who's getting it/got it already? I'm interested, but I don't have a DS.
>> No. 127 [Edit]
I'll probably play this once there's a walkthrough. I can't be bothered with figuring out the puzzles in these story-heavy games. I just end up approaching them as visual novels with a bit more interactivity. Same goes for the Ace Attorney series.

The impressions I've heard seem to indicate 999's story is good. To be expected of Ever17's scenario writer, I guess.
>> No. 128 [Edit]
It seems very Ever17ish. I usually don't like writers rehashing something they've done. Look what happened with Ookamikakushi.
>> No. 701 [Edit]
I just got one of the endings and sure enough it was a Bad End, but I'm not even tiny bit surprised (it always happens on my first playthrough and I don't mind, I usually try to get all endings either way). However, I must say that I fail to see why the reactions towards the game are so positive, both from critics (average of 89 on metacritic, ironically 9th place on all time DS top list) and people at vndb (currently 17th position with a voting average of 8.84 and it's still rising). I've yet to see all the endings of course but so far the game has failed to impress me in any way... Oh wait, there was that one time when they started to talk about ice-9 and I since I read Cat's Craddle just a few monts ago that caught me off-guard. But other than that there wasn't anything and at this point I don't really care that much about other endings to be honest (which will probably answer question who and why but as I said, it fails to grab my attention). I actually want to replay it to solve all the puzzles I skipped on my first playtrough. They were fun for me 'cause I suck at adventure games and I expected to struggle to solve anything at all but it was a breeze all the way through. The puzzles are embarassingly easy to be honest but like I said, I fail at adventure games so I like them the way they are.

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