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File 129584823076.jpg - (32.92KB , 750x175 , header.jpg )
1044 No. 1044 [Edit]
Consider the following sentences:

This book has good bookread.

This record has good recordlisten.

This movie has good moviewatch.

So yeah, I've just made up three new words: bookread, recordlisten and moviewatch. Now these words may sound stupid to you, but that's not all there is to it. These words are also useless. To demonstrate this I'll rewrite the above sentences without using them:

This is a good book.

This is a good record.

This is a good movie.

See where I am going with this?
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>> No. 1045 [Edit]
I see where you're going with it, but I can't agree with you. Gameplay in a videogame is not just a nonsensical-sounding word. A better analogy would be the prose in a book.

Sure, a book might have cool characters, interesting themes, etc. but if it has the most mundane prose, you'd not want to really read it. Same goes for video games. The graphics/story/characters/music might be good but if the gameplay essentially boils down to repetitive and tedious grinding, who'd ever want to play it?
>> No. 1046 [Edit]
I don't like the word gameplay either, but it's a necessary word and subsequently what most people use. I'm afraid we all just have to deal with it.
>> No. 1047 [Edit]
any nominations for a word we can use to replace gameplay
>> No. 1048 [Edit]
File 12958589182.jpg - (369.65KB , 1280x1024 , bud_light_drinkability_ad.jpg )
>> No. 1049 [Edit]
>> No. 1052 [Edit]
>> No. 1068 [Edit]
Old as fuck, OP.

'Mechanics' has always been the term for 'gameplay'.
>> No. 1113 [Edit]

Isn't that only for RPGs though?
>> No. 1116 [Edit]
Nah, every game has its set of mechanics that form the gameplay (read: playability). Game mechanics are essentially rulesets that determine how you interact in the game. If a game has good gameplay, then you're enjoying the manual interaction in the game, aside from graphics, plotline, setting, characters, music, etc. The way I see it 'gameplay' is an essential term in the world of gaming, and slightly less technical/clinical than the 'mechainics'; though they mean much the same.

When you're playing an average FPS or what have you, try to be mindful of _how_ you're playing the game and _why_ you're playing like that, then you'll be dipping into the mechanics of that game. I don't really understand why you'd think this term would be exclusive for the RPG genre, you have me curious.

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