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File 128908956091.png - (290.50KB , 1680x994 , 2010-11-02_11_53_47.png )
1 No. 1 [Edit]
Expand all images
>> No. 4 [Edit]
File 12892774364.png - (289.75KB , 1680x994 , 2010-11-02_11_53_44.png )
>> No. 5 [Edit]
File 128927747853.png - (0.96MB , 1680x994 , 2010-11-08_21_40_02.png )
I made you a boat Tohno-chan...
>> No. 6 [Edit]
File 128927775877.jpg - (741.63KB , 858x3409 , castle progress.jpg )
Awesome boat! How long did it take?

Here's a castle I've been working on, I'm about ready to start on the second floor now.
>> No. 10 [Edit]
About four hours I think. I spent a majority of the time running back and forth from the ship to the hill behind it in order to cut down trees for wood.

The wool for the sails was a bit of a pain to gather as well, for some reason sheep weren't spawning in large numbers when I got to that point. I spent a good amount of time just walking around in order to find sheep to punch for their wool.

Nice work on your castle so far, how much time have you spent on it so far?
>> No. 22 [Edit]
Here's a mod that adds Ambient Occlusion (and other stuff if you want)

It's really subtle but I like it
>> No. 25 [Edit]
Whoops, nevermind. New patch today made it stop working
>> No. 26 [Edit]
new patch made it spawn a hell portal when you press f4
forgot to take debug keys out, lol
>> No. 33 [Edit]
and here's an updated one for the new patch
>> No. 35 [Edit]
File 128952363726.jpg - (222.74KB , 1399x989 , mods.jpg )
I really like texture packs being easier to use now. Now I can experiment a little easier
>> No. 86 [Edit]
File 129005954918.jpg - (287.55KB , 1397x987 , mariocraft.jpg )
Getting cool new texture packs is part of the fun for me now
>> No. 166 [Edit]
So I made a giant cactus pit thinking I could harvest mob drops, but it doesn't work because

A. They totally avoid it and

B. Even if it worked their stuff vanishes when it touches a cactus

What should I do with the huge pit I have?
>> No. 330 [Edit]
File 129209251245.png - (604.48KB , 1680x1000 , hohoho.png )
Merry Christmas!
>> No. 682 [Edit]
File 129315727912.png - (215.14KB , 854x480 , 2010-12-18_09_59_42.png )
>> No. 684 [Edit]
Ha, nice
>> No. 924 [Edit]
File 129494479127.png - (47.59KB , 501x391 , shinryaku.png )
>> No. 942 [Edit]
a tohno minecraft multiplayer server would be neat.
>> No. 947 [Edit]
>> No. 955 [Edit]
yeah, but somebody would have to pay for the server.

but a quick read into the server requirements reads that anybody with a decent machine and a good internet connection could host...
>> No. 1002 [Edit]
File 129532352814.jpg - (340.58KB , 1396x986 , minecraft cake.jpg )
Delicious cake
>> No. 1060 [Edit]
Here's a really neat quest map someone made. Be sure to follow the instructions (and don't cheat!), or it will spoil it:

Your goal is to hunt for the legendary diamond block, but it won't be easy. Well, it will be if you play on "Peaceful", but there's still some great set pieces and puzzles
>> No. 1061 [Edit]
File 129591005932.jpg - (42.07KB , 847x478 , minecraft.jpg )
Currently scouring the Earth for black sheep and squids to complete the outline.
>> No. 1062 [Edit]
Looks cool. I never build decoration stuff, I usually build more practical things like tree farms
>> No. 1086 [Edit]
File 129622785993.gif - (397.25KB , 320x240 , Creeper.gif )
>> No. 1087 [Edit]
i hate creepers with the white-hot fury of a million suns. the front of my house got obliterated after 3 CREEPERS IN A ROW appeared right as i opened my fucking door door. i nearly destroyed my monitor in rage.
>> No. 1105 [Edit]
  Didn't know whether to post this in this thread or the Dead Space thread, so I flipped a coin
>> No. 1120 [Edit]
This was made by one of the people on the Dead Space 2 staff, by the way
>> No. 1257 [Edit]
File 129730309611.png - (592.61KB , 1680x994 , 2011-02-09_20_50_12.png )
I suppose I should try and see if I can host a SMP server on my comp at some point.
>> No. 1259 [Edit]
It'd give me an excuse to play minecraft again at least
>> No. 1264 [Edit]
File 129739230720.jpg - (129.01KB , 1191x514 , she can't take it cap'n.jpg )
Well I just tried to host and test a server on my computer, and well it's not going to work. My CPU was instantly maxed out as soon as I connected. I'll see if I can try something else.
>> No. 1268 [Edit]
Fuck it, it's not possible to host a server on my end. I give up.
>> No. 1270 [Edit]
Oh well
>> No. 1470 [Edit]
File 12989445568.png - (725.76KB , 1680x994 , 2011-02-28_20_53_14.png )
Got it working
>> No. 1471 [Edit]
Nice base you had there! Then again a big Miku statue can make any base better
>> No. 1472 [Edit]
Is it available for pirated copies too?
>> No. 1473 [Edit]
Just punch the IP into the multiplayer screen and see. I can't see why it wouldn't work, unless you don't have the same version or something
>> No. 1474 [Edit]
At the moment, no. But after I get some sleep I'll see if I can set it up so tohnoers with pirated clients can get on.
>> No. 1477 [Edit]
File 129901072125.png - (587.77KB , 1360x746 , clouds.png )
Ok, I think I'm up really high...
>> No. 1489 [Edit]
a bit empty right now but so far im liking this.

Having a giant ghastly miku watching over moehole is fitting, albeit creepy.
>> No. 1491 [Edit]
Server's gonna be down for a bit today while I mess around with it. I'm going to try to switch the software to something with a bit more functionality (more user commands and such).
>> No. 1492 [Edit]
File 129909367122.png - (401.21KB , 1680x994 , 2011-03-02_14_17_03.png )
Server's up again, now with actual commands and monsters! And possibly a bit more lag, but I couldn't really tell.

RIP evil functionless portal ;_;
>> No. 1494 [Edit]
File 129911352513.jpg - (279.52KB , 1395x987 , mikucraft.jpg )
She stares into your soul
>> No. 1495 [Edit]
monsters eh? that may make my project a might more difficult.
>> No. 1496 [Edit]
at night just return to molehole and eat cake until the morning. or if everyone agrees to go to bed at the same time it will fast forward to morning
>> No. 1497 [Edit]
File 129911683781.png - (656.88KB , 1680x994 , 2011-03-02_19_32_02.png )
I'm going to be taking the server down again in about an hour to switch it over to hamachi so people with pirated clients can play too, I'll be sure to disable monsters again because we had a few people complaining about them earlier and the base isn't entirely monster-proof. I had to save Desu after he got pinned inside one of the buildings by a zombie, and someone else had a close encounter with a creeper near the lava pit.

Also, chickens.
>> No. 1498 [Edit]
its not that big of a problem, for me at least.

i just got pretty used to working through the night.
>> No. 1499 [Edit]
File 129912055674.jpg - (26.51KB , 283x277 , facepalmJun.jpg )
Fuck, I don't know what it is, but either my computer doesn't want to let minecraft talk to the server, or my router won't let my computer talk to the server, or my connection is just horrible, but the lag and pingouts have been getting unbearable between here and rostran's server for some reason. I watched the network activity meter as I played and it only sent spikes of information about 10~15 seconds apart. I don't think it's rostran's server because somebody else was there and they had no connection problems whatsoever.

I'm gonna try opening various suggested ports in my router and if you guys could give me a few pointers I would appreciate it.
>> No. 1500 [Edit]
The server is going to be offline for a bit while I get it setup on Hamachi ( It'll be online as soon as I've tested everything to make sure it works. I'll post the new server details here once I'm done. It'll be a bit more complicated, but not by too much.

25565 is the port the server is using, in case that helps.
>> No. 1501 [Edit]
>It'll be a bit more complicated, but not by too much.

You mean we will have to do more than just put the ip in the multiplayer screen?
>> No. 1502 [Edit]
that was me, i was wondering what the fuck you were talking about.

he said we may have to use hamachi rather than just the multiplayer screen but im still not sure if its necessary
>> No. 1503 [Edit]
Yeah, you're right. Hamachi isn't necessary at all, switching it to offline mode works just fine.

Server's back up, same IP. Hurp durp how do I minecraft server.
>> No. 1504 [Edit]
Forgot to mention: the names for those with pirated clients will show up as 'Player' by default. You can apparently get around this by using a memory editor, but I can't figure it out myself.
>> No. 1505 [Edit]
File 129912406996.png - (102.25KB , 740x770 , DataValuesBeta.png )
Had a few people on the server asking about it, so I'll just write a quick guide here.

Everyone on the server has access to the /give command so you don't have to spend hours digging up cobblestone and smelting it to get regular stone. The syntax for the command is /give [item number] [number of blocks you want], so for a stack of stone it would be /give 1 64. For items/blocks with a subscript, it's /give [itemnumber:subscript] [# of blocks you want], so for blue wool you type /give 35:11 64.

I think that should cover it.
>> No. 1506 [Edit]
File 129912508533.jpg - (48.82KB , 315x480 , facepalmKoiwai.jpg )
Fuck I give, comcast does not like minecraft.

I went so far as to open a DMZ between my computer and the server, and that seemed to help, but it's still not playable.
>> No. 1508 [Edit]
Two creepers ambushed me and blew up one of the gates!
>> No. 1511 [Edit]
File 129916380771.png - (19.88KB , 796x397 , wah.png )
>> No. 1514 [Edit]
  Pretty neat!
>> No. 1522 [Edit]
File 129922161358.png - (1.41MB , 1680x994 , 2011-03-04_01_49_53.png )
It's starting to feel more and more like home.
>> No. 1528 [Edit]
  So good, watch until the end.
>> No. 1535 [Edit]
File 129929619133.png - (374.89KB , 1366x688 , 2011-03-04_19_57_22.png )
Oh shi-
>> No. 1550 [Edit]
Nobody's really been on the server today...
>> No. 1551 [Edit]
I've been on a few times but nobody else is on ;_;
>> No. 1552 [Edit]
If i'm ever bored enough, i might pop in a bit.
>> No. 1553 [Edit]
File 129939220682.jpg - (303.83KB , 1024x768 , 083f93d68727b8ff95435411305b6c742d52d3f9.jpg )
>> No. 1556 [Edit]
I can't seem to connect to the server anymore ;_;
>> No. 1557 [Edit]
Sorry about that, the server should be back up now. Thr problem with my server is that I'm hosting it on my sister's computer because I can't run the server software and the game itself at the same time. Basically, if the server is down it means she closed the server software by accident.

To me, this feels lame as hell having to rely on her to run the server, but at least it works.
>> No. 1558 [Edit]
So how do you have a name on the server then? would seem pointless to check it out if i'm 'player' running around
>> No. 1559 [Edit]
Isn't it set by the account name you signed up for minecraft with?
>> No. 1560 [Edit]
He has a pirated version
>> No. 1561 [Edit]
If you're using a pirated version you can use a memory editor to change your name. I bought the game, though, so I don't know how.
>> No. 1564 [Edit]
Well i poked in and poked a tree, but only rost was on and i dunno how to set my name or i'd stay on a bit and do something.
>> No. 1566 [Edit]
I play Minecraft all the time. If the server is up I'll try to go in it time to time.
>> No. 1567 [Edit]
Who was the guy that left when I came in? ;-;
>> No. 1568 [Edit]
  Watch out for creepers!
>> No. 1570 [Edit]
>think about popping in
>remember i don't have a name
>get anxious anyways
>end up fapping some wood in single player for 5 minutes
>log off
>> No. 1571 [Edit]
greentext stories
>> No. 1574 [Edit]
File 129956000821.png - (435.39KB , 1680x994 , 2011-03-04_21_12_47.png )
One of the server plugins (EssentialsSpawn) was causing the server to shit itself whenever anyone used certain commands (/back, for example). I've disabled it for now, so /spawn and /setspawn are currently unavailable.

Oh, and the server's back up.
>> No. 1575 [Edit]
>causing the server to shit itself whenever anyone used certain commands (/back, for example). bad...
>> No. 1576 [Edit]
Don't worry about it, I didn't mean to call you out. That plugin kept flooding the command window for the server with error messages, so I really should've disabled it ages ago.
>> No. 1578 [Edit]
I still can't find that memory editor or whatever or i'd be on ;_;
>> No. 1579 [Edit]
File 129960800493.png - (43.60KB , 609x664 , mcmemedit.png )

1. Open minecraft and go to multiplayer. Leave the server address box blank.
2. Open quick memory editor and search for Player (make sure to capitalize the P) using data type string.
3. Right click the one that says "Player|" (it should be the only widestring value, pic related) and click edit
4. Replace the name and value with a name no more than 6 characters. But considering that your name is only six letters you'll be fine.
5. You should be all set, so go ahead and login to the server with an actual name now.
>> No. 1624 [Edit]
File 129989633766.jpg - (152.23KB , 1397x989 , flat.jpg )
Here's a neat texture pack. It has an ultra-simple style
>> No. 1636 [Edit]
File 129999971566.png - (474.16KB , 1680x994 , 2011-03-13_01_59_13.png )
Slimes are moe~
>> No. 1637 [Edit]
Uh, I accidentally died using the /jump command, and when I tried to go back to the place I died that part of the world was gone and I got stuck when I tried to walk into it. Now I can't connect to the server
>> No. 1638 [Edit]
Well, I'm fine now. I was able to connect, but I had to fall through an endless void for a while before it spawned me back to normal land.

In other news, some minecraft accounts got hacked so you should probably change your password just in case
>> No. 1639 [Edit]
if you get a chunck error (part of the world is missing) just log out and log back in.

if you happen to fall into one of them, use '/warp moehole' to go back to town
>> No. 1640 [Edit]
Well the problem was after logging out I couldn't log back onto the server. It's OK now though
>> No. 1641 [Edit]
File 130006300443.jpg - (216.80KB , 1395x987 , secret.jpg )
One of my new favorite activities is making secret places in and around Molehole. I have 2 built so far!
>> No. 1644 [Edit]
I managed to connect to the server and explore a bit. The giant Miku is nice but there's also lots of secret cozy places. This was my first time playing Minecraft actually. I went really far and explored some cave but then fell into lava and lost all my stuff. /back command didn't return it either.
>> No. 1645 [Edit]
File 130018119788.jpg - (115.87KB , 1378x770 , subtle.jpg )
Somebody likes TnT

Try not to go overboard, eh pal? These are mighty unsightly.
>> No. 1647 [Edit]
File 130020663748.jpg - (51.94KB , 600x569 , gabe.jpg )
Wasn't me. I just like to dig up really dark and scary places or make some traps where you can fall in and never get out. Nishishi~
>> No. 1648 [Edit]
Does this still work? LzK here.
>> No. 1649 [Edit]
On that note: Rostran, do you ever back up the world? I've put a lot of work into a few projects and it would suck if an accident/some jerk ruins all of it forever
>> No. 1650 [Edit]
File 130021144367.jpg - (193.00KB , 1393x983 , pic.jpg )
>> No. 1651 [Edit]
Yeah... do you not have ops?
>> No. 1652 [Edit]
Hey, since we have a "tools" kit that gives a diamond pick, shovel, and axe, why not add an "armor" kit that gives the four armor pieces? It would probably make recovering from a lava death less tedious, since you only need to type one command instead of four.
>> No. 1653 [Edit]
Yeah, you just need to have op rights to use it, which you now have.

I've been making backups every few days, the most recent one being five minutes ago.
>> No. 1654 [Edit]
I'll see what I can do about that.
>> No. 1656 [Edit]
I checked it again yesterday, but i had no name for some reason and i went afk for a moment and came back to being in a hole.
Then i logged off ;_;
>> No. 1657 [Edit]
Rostran's server is now the only reason I play minecraft anymore
>> No. 1659 [Edit]
Thanks, it works like a charm.
>> No. 1660 [Edit]
File 130024646625.png - (921.81KB , 1600x848 , 2011-03-15_20_33_02.png )
Someone named DavidBecker is griefing the server with TnT.
>> No. 1661 [Edit]
I don't know how he found out about the server, but maybe we should advertise it less. Like not on the steam page
>> No. 1663 [Edit]
i didnt advertise it at all for this very reason.
>> No. 1664 [Edit]
File 130026221225.jpg - (238.91KB , 859x482 , ohohoo.jpg )
>> No. 1665 [Edit]
should have made a mock computer screen and held out some cake or ham for the picture.
>> No. 1671 [Edit]

Is this on a multiplayer server? I've been wondering how you get custom paintings in one, if it's at all possible.
>> No. 1677 [Edit]
It's nothing but a texture mod, sadly.
>> No. 1678 [Edit]
File 130030890087.png - (401.05KB , 1600x848 , 2011-03-16_13_52_49.png )
It works in multiplayer, but only you can see it. You can use or edit the file yourself if you want to make your own paintings.
>> No. 1679 [Edit]
File 130031053975.jpg - (257.51KB , 1399x987 , paintings.jpg )
Whoa, thanks for that link. it stopped working for me halfway through, but it looks nice so far
>> No. 1685 [Edit]
File 13003200308.png - (26.52KB , 984x480 , i'll define you.png )
Doesn't seem to work for me.
>> No. 1686 [Edit]
If the pictures are too big it won't work
>> No. 1689 [Edit]
File 130034498754.jpg - (147.44KB , 1088x708 , delete8.jpg )

>> No. 1690 [Edit]
File 130034756131.jpg - (245.38KB , 1678x988 , tunnel.jpg )
...I'm not entirely sure where I want to go with this, but its quite the time sink and its relaxing. I'll probably end up working on it non-stop.

Hopefully it won't come out retarded!
>> No. 1691 [Edit]
Down: rave with the Tohno-chan waifus
Up: football stadium
>> No. 1694 [Edit]
File 130037535419.jpg - (1.01MB , 1920x1055 , sad.jpg )
Who would do such a thing?
>> No. 1695 [Edit]

Open pit mines are useful...unless you mean someone filled yours with water.
>> No. 1696 [Edit]
Nevermind, it was some kind of error.
>> No. 1698 [Edit]
Yeah, they're errors.

Usually they cut into a chunk of good ores or a cave. What I like to do is start tunneling downward, along the edges, until I reach whatever I saw. It's pretty unnoticeable, too. Everyone else just sees a little stairway going into the ground.
>> No. 1699 [Edit]
I ran into two of these earlier. One that cut into the rainbow, and one that sheared the front off the big neat church thing someone built
>> No. 1700 [Edit]
File 130039293523.jpg - (285.36KB , 1680x1050 , Untitled-1.jpg )
Safety first, Tohno-chan! I built some railings. I may continue them some time.
>> No. 1701 [Edit]
File 130039298049.jpg - (214.06KB , 1680x1050 , Untitled-3.jpg )
>> No. 1702 [Edit]
File 130039306638.jpg - (287.40KB , 1680x1050 , Untitled-2.jpg )
Finally a tavern. It was really quick and the result came out sort of ugly, so I may rebuild it again in the future. It's too small, I think.
>> No. 1703 [Edit]
There's so many trees now...
>> No. 1704 [Edit]

You can chop them down you know.
>> No. 1705 [Edit]
I don't want to ruin other peoples' stuff though
>> No. 1706 [Edit]
Oh, someone already went around and chopped some of the trees down.
>> No. 1707 [Edit]
someone took the liberty of taking down all the cool safety fences i put up. what a fucking asshole :(
>> No. 1708 [Edit]
Clearly it was someone who wants people to die clumsy painful deaths
>> No. 1711 [Edit]
Great, now i HAVE to get logged in lol.
>> No. 1713 [Edit]
is it lagging hard for anyone else?
>> No. 1717 [Edit]
>> No. 1718 [Edit]
File 130047287879.jpg - (1.28MB , 1920x1031 , ad5f46d5sf.jpg )
So I went really far into the world and found a burning forest.
>> No. 1719 [Edit]
There's probably a lava flow around there
>> No. 1721 [Edit]
File 130047775753.jpg - (140.42KB , 1019x768 , v82azt.jpg )
Coming soon: Church of Cat 420
>> No. 1723 [Edit]
File 13004787661.jpg - (756.45KB , 1920x1052 , ad5f46d5sf.jpg )
I connected a few hours later and it was still burning. Could this sort of thing be making the server lag or does it only happen if you get near it?

Looking nice.
>> No. 1724 [Edit]
I dunno. I would guess that since nobody is near it it doesn't render so no lag, but I don't know know how minecraft works like that.
>> No. 1726 [Edit]
File 130048329262.jpg - (101.28KB , 620x785 , SDC1193122.jpg )
>> No. 1727 [Edit]
I think it only happens when you get near it. A similar thing happened a few days ago.
>> No. 1740 [Edit]
  Holy shitting dick nipples.
>> No. 1741 [Edit]
I will never be that creative ;_;
>> No. 1742 [Edit]
Server's gonna be down for I don't know how long due to a power outage.

Fuck ;_;
>> No. 1743 [Edit]
Let's all think of something big to make in the meantime!
>> No. 1744 [Edit]
File 130049641174.jpg - (364.66KB , 1397x987 , sealab.jpg )
Exploring this big empty facility gives me a Dead Space vibe
>> No. 1745 [Edit]
File 13004971599.jpg - (513.65KB , 1397x989 , attack.jpg )
>> No. 1746 [Edit]
File 130049771967.png - (398.65KB , 1680x994 , 2011-03-07_16_52_22.png )
Power's back, server's back up, my dog is upset and won't shut up, blah blah blah.
>> No. 1747 [Edit]
File 130049867485.png - (665.43KB , 1680x994 , 2011-03-18_21_36_20.png )
Oh god who burnt Brocyon's forest down.
>> No. 1748 [Edit]
File 130049870240.png - (532.54KB , 1680x994 , 2011-03-18_21_36_30.png )
>> No. 1751 [Edit]
Think we could get a Cartograph of the map? I'd like to see our world from above.

You'll have to look for "Cartograph-G."
>> No. 1753 [Edit]
File 130050729620.png - (1.91MB , 2200x1248 , server-resize.png )
Had to resize it so I could post.
>> No. 1754 [Edit]
File 13005074958.png - (0.98MB , 1546x1069 , daefdsafdsafdas.png )
>> No. 1755 [Edit]
That's beautiful.
>> No. 1756 [Edit]
Ah, we can see the forest is still burning down on top of the map. Anyway we could get a higher resolution of this? That would be useful for exploring.
>> No. 1757 [Edit]
I'm gonna have to investigate that mysterious shack in the distance. Also the thing with the white/red tower
>> No. 1758 [Edit]
I'd have to upload it somewhere else because the original file is about 18 mb, but yeah I'll go ahead and do that.
>> No. 1759 [Edit]
>> No. 1761 [Edit]
Thanks, you're the best!
>> No. 1763 [Edit]
File 130051638072.jpg - (300.97KB , 1397x987 , hosp.jpg )
Oh god I've found the medical ward. This is always where the zombie attacks are!
>> No. 1766 [Edit]
File 130052419949.png - (504.30KB , 1366x688 , 2011-03-19_03_37_45.png )
I built us a rocket! Too bad it can't actually send it to space, though.
>> No. 1805 [Edit]
Can I ask for op rights so I can use use the give command?
It's Ryuji.
>> No. 1814 [Edit]
>> No. 1819 [Edit]

I'm in the middle of building a castle in the sky. Hopefully I'll make a bigger floating island city by the ocean.
>> No. 1820 [Edit]
File 13007785129.png - (1.00MB , 1680x994 , 2011-03-22_03_15_09.png )
Found it, nice work so far.

And in the deserts west of your castle I found pic related. Use /warp maperror to get to it. Looks like the power outage I had over the weekend screwed with the map a bit in more ways than just the color of the grass/trees in pre-existing areas.

Time for adventure.
>> No. 1821 [Edit]
  Enterprise in Minecraft
>> No. 1869 [Edit]
  Check out this totally original xbox exclusive!
>> No. 1870 [Edit]
where are copy right laws when you need them?
>> No. 1873 [Edit]
File 130106162640.jpg - (845.89KB , 1342x1080 , 1300903962033.jpg )
Typical console gamers.
>> No. 1878 [Edit]
File 130107787465.jpg - (309.99KB , 1395x983 , huh.jpg )
What do they mean ;_;
>> No. 1891 [Edit]

TC may be a bit stagnant but not dying. It's just a very closed community because it's not advertised or anything unnecessary like that.
>> No. 1892 [Edit]
I hope it stays that way
>> No. 1893 [Edit]
Now that I think about it I don't know if he means Tohno chan or Tohno craft. I kind of agree in the latter case, but only because it seems a lot of people have run out of ideas for cool things to build. I've seen some nice pixel art pop up in the last few days though
>> No. 1896 [Edit]

I'm building a cool thing, you just have to wait for a little while.
>> No. 1950 [Edit]
File 130159619768.png - (29.51KB , 1680x988 , 2011-03-31_14_24_28.png )
I'll update the server as soon as craftbukkit is updated, in case anyone still cares.
>> No. 1951 [Edit]

I play from time to time, it's just that it gets kinda boring with no other people around.
>> No. 1952 [Edit]
Yeah. Usually when I play nobody else is on, so I just wander around looking at stuff until I get bored. And when other people ARE on I'm too shy to really talk to them ;_;
>> No. 1954 [Edit]

Don't be shy! We are all friends here!
>> No. 1963 [Edit]
I care!

Someone proposed a while ago that we play games on the server, like pretend and hide and go seek. I'd like to arrange that.
>> No. 1970 [Edit]

We could make a big project, I mean something like a spleef stadium we could build all together.

Of course, with special rules for the survival multiplayer.
>> No. 1974 [Edit]

>> No. 1981 [Edit]
File 130163321715.png - (1.56MB , 1680x988 , 2011-04-01_00_44_23.png )
Ok, server's back up and working with 1.4
>> No. 1982 [Edit]
someone sure loves china.
>> No. 1984 [Edit]
Who doesn't?
>> No. 1985 [Edit]
I don't know, Korea?
>> No. 1991 [Edit]
thanks for updating so fast~

/warp doesn't work though
>> No. 1992 [Edit]
File 130170038387.jpg - (342.47KB , 1397x983 , wolfie.jpg )
I got a cute pet dog but it kinda...uh...mauled someone to death
>> No. 1993 [Edit]
It works fine for me. Do you have ops? Apparently with this version of Essentials /warp is only available to those with ops by default. I'm gonna try and see if I can find anything about editing permissions for commands again. Hopefully I won't give up after ten minutes of looking this time...
>> No. 1994 [Edit]
File 130170666742.jpg - (441.97KB , 1395x985 , wolfies.jpg )
if only I had a sled...
>> No. 1995 [Edit]
I finished our spleef arena.
Its by the rainbow.
>> No. 1996 [Edit]
our what?
>> No. 1997 [Edit]

I'd suggest you use netherrack for the floor since it breaks more easily with a diamond pickaxe.
And a glowstone roof in case we want to play at night.
>> No. 2002 [Edit]

Nah no op
>> No. 2014 [Edit]
Dammit you guys, this game looks like so much fun.

Too bad I can't get it to run. I followed a guide to help, and it did help, it stopped crashing, but's just a black screen. I think that's better?
>> No. 2015 [Edit]

What kind of PC are you using?
Does it give an error message or something?
>> No. 2018 [Edit]
It's a pretty old PC, running Ubuntu(Also open to new OS suggestions, but they have to be able to run on an 8+ year old computer with no modifications.).

There was a message for the crash before, but I didn't save it and now with the black screen just staying there...I think it was something about only one instance of something at a time or some shit. I can delete the data and try again to get the crash message, if that would help?
>> No. 2020 [Edit]

Well, I'm not really good with linux, and it seems too much of a trouble switching to XP just for one game we are not even sure it'll work.
>> No. 2021 [Edit]
Well, I'm not on this OS by choice, I just haven't found a good way to get back to XP.

Thanks anyway though, man.
>> No. 2023 [Edit]
I remember I had the black screen problem when my video drivers got messed up, and that fixed itself with drivers from the Nvidia site. Then again I'm running windows 7, which is radically different than linux all the way down to the core, so I'm not sure what your problem could be.

I would try reloading your video drivers (preferably drivers from the manufacturer) or reinstalling java (if linux even needs it), but that's just 2 wild guesses.
>> No. 2024 [Edit]
Minecraft has crashed!

--- BEGIN ERROR REPORT a1dce528 --------
Generated 4/3/11 4:05 PM

Minecraft: Minecraft Beta 1.4
OS: Linux (i386) version 2.6.35-28-generic
Java: 1.6.0_24, Sun Microsystems Inc.
VM: Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (mixed mode, sharing), Sun Microsystems Inc.
LWJGL: 2.4.2
[failed to get system properties (java.lang.NullPointerException)]

java.lang.IllegalStateException: Only one LWJGL context may be instantiated at any one time.
at org.lwjgl.opengl.Display.create(
at org.lwjgl.opengl.Display.create(
at org.lwjgl.opengl.Display.create(
at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.a(SourceFile:267)
--- END ERROR REPORT fb2310e7 ----------

I see Java mentioned a few times.
>> No. 2025 [Edit]

I did a little research into that, and yeah, it seems it's a video drivers problem.

Here's another solution I've found, but it seems it's working mostly for windows users.
>> No. 2028 [Edit]
Alright, thanks man. Really.

It's nice to know I'm not the only one. I guess I'll just try another time when I finally upgrade.
>> No. 2059 [Edit]
File 130194942211.png - (2.23MB , 1398x1599 , bad.png )
I found this. Minecraft has such a shitty ungrateful community. I mean yeah the game has kinda taken a nosedive as far as adding new interesting stuff, but goddamn who would take time out of their day to make something like this
>> No. 2060 [Edit]

>Minecraft has such a shitty ungrateful community

But then again, they are charging you for an unfinished game with the promise that they'll do it soon (and it's not that cheap either).

It would be weird if no one complained, and some people just like to complain *cough*.../v/...*chough*
>> No. 2065 [Edit]
The server has been so dead lately, what's up guys?
>> No. 2068 [Edit]
I was pretty much done with minecraft before Rostran's server. That managed to give me a few more hours of fun with it though
>> No. 2070 [Edit]
File 130197345757.png - (133.75KB , 740x770 , DataValuesBeta.png )
Data value chart for 1.4.

>Minecraft has such a shitty ungrateful community.

So fucking true, that's why I avoid going to the minecraft forums unless I'm looking for mods.

Speaking of which, I suppose the increased time between updates is a good thing if you're like me and don't like your mods/texture packs/server getting broken with each update.
>> No. 2072 [Edit]
File 130198484999.jpg - (34.85KB , 399x434 , cat420church.jpg )
Babby photo
>> No. 2073 [Edit]
My only recorded accomplishment.
>> No. 2080 [Edit]
i come back from having my computer being fucked up to find this and a slew of other mess smack dab in front of my secret project which is apparently not so secret anymore.

i guess ill just have to finish it anyway
>> No. 2081 [Edit]
The amazing beginnings of a fortress?

I haven't built anything around there, but it sure does look really cool.
>> No. 2082 [Edit]
Fortress? you think so small, friend.

What you see is the very beginning of the mighty kingdom of TSUNDERIA!
>> No. 2086 [Edit]
File 13021732122.jpg - (25.32KB , 475x475 , PinkFloyd-TheWall.jpg )
I'm proud of my tribute
>> No. 2088 [Edit]
Guys. Lets listen to this while we build stuff.
>> No. 2092 [Edit]
Minecraft now has a release date: 11/11/11
>> No. 2095 [Edit]
File 130225086439.png - (247.06KB , 854x480 , 2011-04-08_01_13_04.png )
Not to bad for my first build I think.
>> No. 2096 [Edit]
"It’s a bit tricky to really do a release for Minecraft as we keep updating it all the time."

Haha, opening with a joke. I like that!
>> No. 2097 [Edit]
The same day as Skyrim? Surely that has to be bad for sales.
>> No. 2098 [Edit]
File 130225932133.jpg - (610.20KB , 2513x2729 , box.jpg )
Please make Tsunderia!!
>> No. 2099 [Edit]
dont worry ill finish it

even though i really have no plans and am just making it up as i go.
>> No. 2100 [Edit]
Bad business for Bethesda, amirite?
>> No. 2101 [Edit]
The only godforsaken way that Skyrim would sell horribly is if they announce that they're going to have some form of modding prevention.
I think notch just chose the date cause it was all 1s
>> No. 2105 [Edit]
I don't plan on playing Skyrim until we get some good loli mods so the release date doesn't matter to me! Not that it matters anyway, since I doubt "release" minecraft is going to be much different than "a week before release" minecraft
>> No. 2111 [Edit]
File 130230281423.jpg - (361.27KB , 1397x981 , words.jpg )
What does this say?
>> No. 2112 [Edit]
>> No. 2113 [Edit]

Tohno chan
>> No. 2114 [Edit]

The lightings are a nice touch.
>> No. 2121 [Edit]
File 130232575819.png - (331.30KB , 854x480 , 2011-04-08_21_39_45.png )
Some Kaiji Pixel art..
>> No. 2122 [Edit]
File 130232587017.jpg - (19.82KB , 470x210 , space-invader-bender.jpg )
Man I didn't know my bender tile art would look so shitty with the default textures ;_;
>> No. 2123 [Edit]
File 130232590163.png - (242.17KB , 854x480 , 2011-04-08_21_33_39.png )
and a stargate, because every planet should have at least one.
>> No. 2124 [Edit]
I was wondering what that thing was...
>> No. 2125 [Edit]
If you made it 3 blocks thick you could make the portal be water. Then people could walk through it
>> No. 2126 [Edit]
are we allowed to build nether portals or will they fuck things up in some way
>> No. 2127 [Edit]
You can build them they just don't work
>> No. 2128 [Edit]
I was gonna use water, but made a bit of a mess, maybe I'll try again..
>> No. 2129 [Edit]
File 130232967123.png - (855.32KB , 1680x988 , 2011-04-09_01_57_12.png )
Great success!
>> No. 2130 [Edit]
Agh I've never seen more than two people online
>> No. 2141 [Edit]
File 130240819721.jpg - (50.34KB , 857x469 , delete1.jpg )
Who thought that it was a good idea to build this over the site of my super secret project?
>> No. 2142 [Edit]
If it was a super secret project, how could you expect people not to build over it?
>> No. 2144 [Edit]
File 130240902050.png - (1.52MB , 1920x1030 , 2011-04-10_06_14_52.png )
You guys should probably build things a bit further away from Moehole it's getting pretty crowded with all those pixelarts.

Also, who did this and or how? What is it?
>> No. 2145 [Edit]
You can put those blocks (and anything else) into your inventory with the /give command
>> No. 2152 [Edit]

Oh, I made that, but it's not done yet.
I'm just taking a little break since tnt gets boring after a while.
>> No. 2154 [Edit]
Are you 8?
>> No. 2157 [Edit]
File 130245862516.png - (426.54KB , 865x950 , 1300837416652.png )
Who's up for it?
>> No. 2163 [Edit]
File 130248919985.jpg - (16.08KB , 712x491 , delete1.jpg )
> My dick is itchy. Please somebody itch it for me.

>> No. 2164 [Edit]
How do you guys get all this stuff to build? I went on the server and all I had was my hands and a few pieces of sand.
>> No. 2165 [Edit]
The /give command

>> No. 2166 [Edit]
Weird. I can't open the chat box or check the player list or anything when I play. I guess Notch hates us pirates.
>> No. 2167 [Edit]
Probably a dumb question, but are you using "t"? I had no idea how to use it at first either because every other game on the planet uses enter
>> No. 2168 [Edit]
Yup, that was the problem. I feel like an idiot now.
>> No. 2169 [Edit]
File 13024944698.jpg - (83.66KB , 852x480 , Untitled.jpg )
This game hates me or something.
>> No. 2170 [Edit]
You need op rights to use the give command. Post your name and rostran will set you up
>> No. 2171 [Edit]
>> No. 2172 [Edit]
>> No. 2173 [Edit]
File 130250437275.png - (1.15MB , 1680x988 , 2011-04-11_02_39_28.png )
Is anyone planning on building anything here behind Meiling? I thought I'd because it looks like someone leveled the land in order to build something later on and I was about to build a railroad across it.
>> No. 2174 [Edit]
i made that bridge but you can do whatever you want with it, or destroy it
>> No. 2175 [Edit]
It's a nice bridge, who would destroy it?
>> No. 2176 [Edit]
File 130250560572.png - (1.20MB , 1680x988 , 2011-04-11_03_04_10.png )
Nah, I'm not going to do that.

Here's a better screenshot of where I'm planning to build. I'm just gonna cut straight through until I get to the mountain, as long as no one else has any plans for this area, that is.
>> No. 2177 [Edit]
File 130250602859.png - (1.16MB , 1680x988 , 2011-04-11_03_11_12.png )
>I wonder what's down here...
>> No. 2178 [Edit]
What was in there?

Man, I really wish I could play this with you guys.
>> No. 2179 [Edit]
a very long hole with nothing at the end
>> No. 2180 [Edit]
I just built a little entrance to something in Molehole. It's only half-finished, but feel free to look around in there.
>> No. 2181 [Edit]
File 130252807972.jpg - (624.56KB , 1680x988 , ashawiot.jpg )
I levelled that in order to get rid of all of this, so it's still going to be a lot of work. That mountain should be flying soon with a nice pyramid on top.

Of course, you can build anything you like there.
>> No. 2182 [Edit]
Horrible exploding death.
Alright, cool.
>> No. 2183 [Edit]

Man, your texture pack completely screws with my pixel art! I made the hole too.
>> No. 2186 [Edit]
File 130256864083.png - (392.83KB , 1680x988 , 2011-04-11_16_37_05.png )
There's a storm coming and the lights at my place were starting to flicker, so I'm playing it safe and turning the server off for a few hours. Bad things seem to happen to minecraft maps when the computer running them abruptly shuts off. Sorry.

Yeah, I know, but I like the darker painterly wood texture.
>> No. 2187 [Edit]
i wish i could play minecraft for more then 10-20 minute periods every 2-3 weeks.
>> No. 2188 [Edit]
File 130256931132.png - (689.69KB , 1680x988 , 2011-04-11_17_08_53.png )
Actually, disregard that. I'll keep the server up, I just made yet another backup just in case something happens.

Maybe you're getting bored of the game?
>> No. 2189 [Edit]
I've never been able to put an extended period of time into playing though.
>> No. 2190 [Edit]

I read in the wiki that that kind of minecart booster completely lags the server, I don't know if it's true though.
>> No. 2191 [Edit]
Notch is going to put in actual minecart boosters sometime this week, so it won't be a problem even if that's true
>> No. 2192 [Edit]

Apparently it makes the server lag. We may have to find another solution, but this seemed like the easiest one.
>> No. 2194 [Edit]
File 130257697879.png - (771.21KB , 1680x988 , normalfag.png )
I wish I read that page first before I started this project...
>> No. 2195 [Edit]
You built a sentient racist caricature?
>> No. 2196 [Edit]
File 130257805561.png - (875.06KB , 1680x988 , burnthenormalfag.png )
That's just a normalfag who found his way into the server today. He was talking shit, so I spent 20-30 minutes killing him in just about every way possible until he disconnected. I thought it was funny as hell.

Right now I'm working on a railway that'll extend into one of the snowy biomes in the far reaches of the map. There will be multiple stops of course, but as for where exactly these stops will be isn't set in stone yet.
>> No. 2197 [Edit]
I'd hold off on building minecart related things because like I said notch is going to add REAL boosters. Also, that guy didn't break anything did he ;_;
>> No. 2198 [Edit]

You know, you could just use other types of boosters.
>> No. 2199 [Edit]
Nah, the only "damage" he did was dig holes in the ground so he could hide from me while he spammed chat with shit like "this server is gay fucking autists can't do anything right reported my dad is the admin vocaloid sucks why don't you go outside" as I killed him again and again. I did more damage blowing him up with tnt (although not near anything people have built).

He was apparently invited to the server by someone so he could check something out. I won't say who though, I don't want this turning into a witch hunt. What's done is done.

He did say that the Kaiji and the Helix outside of Moehole were cool though, but other than that he was a faggot.
>> No. 2200 [Edit]
File 130258006810.png - (573.65KB , 1680x988 , 2011-04-11_23_40_43.png )
That's what I'm trying now, but I'll have to completely redo the platform setups for the two existing stations in order to accommodate a booster powerful enough. For example, the one pictured here isn't enough to propel carts from the Moehole station to the Yukkuri station. I think I'll wait until Notch puts boosters in the game and then go from there.
>> No. 2201 [Edit]
File 130258058794.png - (578.82KB , 1680x988 , 2011-04-11_23_56_02.png )
derp, actually this will work afterall, it just requires additional boosters.
>> No. 2202 [Edit]
File 130258093997.jpg - (54.54KB , 472x394 , akagi.jpg )
>my dad is the admin

You need to get control of your children!
>> No. 2203 [Edit]
I know right? Damn kids these days, spontaneously coming into existence for the sole purpose of causing a ruckus on their parents' Minecraft servers! Well back in my day we didn't simply pop into existence whenever we felt like it, we had to be born first and then we spent many years growing up! And we didn't have Minecraft either! Kids these days have it so easy...
>> No. 2204 [Edit]

/bun/ is getting spammed (well if you call one post in every thread spam) by a guy posting racist caricature pictures. I wonder if it's the same guy
>> No. 2205 [Edit]
File 130259905380.jpg - (137.83KB , 1542x1050 , grief.jpg )
I just got on, and it looks like someone has been messing with shit
>> No. 2207 [Edit]
File 130259976060.jpg - (367.50KB , 1542x1050 , grief2.jpg )
things seem alright apart from this, he also wrote "nigger" in the sand
>> No. 2208 [Edit]
what the fuck?!
who would do that?
>> No. 2209 [Edit]
What a piece of shit.
>> No. 2210 [Edit]
I was naive to believe people could behave cooperatively in any lasting manner.
>> No. 2211 [Edit]
did my good deed of the day and restored the ground
>> No. 2212 [Edit]
File 130261101232.png - (875.92KB , 1920x1030 , 2011-04-12_14_22_23.png )
Someone's been having fun.
>> No. 2213 [Edit]
File 130261795581.png - (445.92KB , 1680x988 , 2011-04-12_10_07_56.png )
God fucking damnit.
>> No. 2214 [Edit]
Ok, I restored the world using the backup mentioned in >>2186

Everything is fixed now, but unfortunately this also means anything built since last night has been reverted as well.
>> No. 2216 [Edit]
does the server keep logs? you could check them to see if anyone suspicious was logged on last night
>> No. 2217 [Edit]
Yes the server keeps logs. There were two suspects, one with op rights which I took away, and another without op rights who I banned. I'm not taking any chances when it comes to shit like this, that's part of the reason why I did what I did to the normalfag yesterday.
>> No. 2219 [Edit]
It's pathetic that someone would get their kicks by fucking with people's shit. Don't they have something better to do?
>> No. 2220 [Edit]
Like I've said before we shouldn't even have the server on the steam page since any vindictive asshole can look at someone's profile after getting killed in TF2 or whatever and find it
>> No. 2221 [Edit]

People actually do that kind of thing?
>> No. 2222 [Edit]
Idiotic 13 year olds, yeah.
>> No. 2225 [Edit]
Well it was taken off the profile itself, but the announcement is still there. I can't fix it at this exact moment cause I'm at work, but any mod here has admin on the steam group (as well as rostran and myself)
>> No. 2227 [Edit]
why the hell do you guys just have tnt lying around?
>> No. 2228 [Edit]
He said one of the suspects had OP rights so they can get all the TNT they want with /give
>> No. 2229 [Edit]
Actually I found a chest a few days ago filled with tnt, I just forget exactly where it was, this guy might have found it.
really, this is bull crap, some of that stuff took people days to work on, and he goes around fucking with it like he does without a care, it's amazing they call us losers when they're this pathetic.
>> No. 2230 [Edit]
As long as rostran keeps backups it doesn't matter what people do
>> No. 2237 [Edit]
File 130264340060.jpg - (48.61KB , 603x398 , fuck the police.jpg )
Oh Wah, I knew you kept backups, and I felt like blowing shit up. Besides, someone's gotta keep you ladies on your toes or else you might get too comfortable.

>> No. 2244 [Edit]
Alright, just deleted the announcement for the minecraft server, so there is no mention of the server anywhere on the steam page.
>> No. 2245 [Edit]
it does matter if we can't build anything without the having to worry about some no life dip shit wrecking stuff, causing a reset of the server, and us losing whatever it was we were just working on.
I lost at least an hour of work on my project because of that fag.
>> No. 2247 [Edit]
File 13026516773.jpg - (68.57KB , 1280x720 , Samurai Champloo Ep 01 'Tempestuous Temperame.jpg )
Is that supposed to be some kind of joke?
>> No. 2256 [Edit]
I can't connect to Maybe we'll be getting an update soon?
>> No. 2257 [Edit]

Probably not
>> No. 2258 [Edit]
Someone made a Minecraft meets Battlefield kind of thing
>> No. 2262 [Edit]
File 130273715729.jpg - (622.26KB , 1394x986 , desertbox.jpg )
I was wandering around in the desert after a train ride and found a big glass box
>> No. 2263 [Edit]
This is what I like about this game, it's fun to explore and find stuff other's here have made.
>> No. 2264 [Edit]
Oh totally. If it weren't for the server I wouldn't even be playing anymore, since I burned out on single player after less than a month
>> No. 2266 [Edit]

Yeah, I did that too...
Along with a lot of unfinished projects...

Examples: Hellcity in the ocean, castle in the sky, that giant stone dome (that's almost finished, it just doesn't have a roof, and I wanted to make a volcano inside of it).
The only thing I did finish in the server are two small pixel arts.
>> No. 2268 [Edit]
File 130274597898.jpg - (447.99KB , 1398x982 , snowy.jpg )
I kept going and now I'm in the middle of some snowy mountains. Exploring is fun!
>> No. 2286 [Edit]
File 13027662605.png - (378.12KB , 1680x988 , 2011-04-01_01_00_55.png )
I thought I turned windows updates off on the computer hosting the server. Oh well, sorry about that.
>> No. 2297 [Edit]
File 130280123985.jpg - (406.48KB , 1399x987 , netherish.jpg )
this is pretty neat
>> No. 2298 [Edit]
They've been talking about that a lot on /v/. I played it a little bit, and it looks like it has potential, but there are a good deal of problems such as hackers and the low chance of being able to actually connect and play.
>> No. 2303 [Edit]
update please
>> No. 2304 [Edit]
File 130283591837.png - (583.45KB , 1680x988 , 2011-04-13_01_34_41.png )
I'm rendering it now, it's gonna take ages though because the server's map file is 163 MB big. Compared to the 40 MB it was when that map was rendered that's quite the jump.
>> No. 2305 [Edit]
Wow. I think we should cut down on the exploring a bit.
>> No. 2306 [Edit]

>> No. 2308 [Edit]
sorry about that, I didn't know minecraft maps build as you go, and I spent like an hour just walking in a strait line trying to get to the end.
>> No. 2309 [Edit]
File 130284438836.jpg - (13.23KB , 200x246 , daross.jpg )
Hey there bud, it's me, the normalfag.

I was just jokin around, and you guys did some good work there on your server.

I never left, I thought you kicked me after I minimized minecraft for about 5 minutes while you burned me and it said I disconnected.

Being an honorary member of Cat 420, I may return to your server some day, but instead of throwing insults at everything, I'll try and build.
>> No. 2310 [Edit]
File 130284465959.jpg - (119.18KB , 864x644 , tohnoroad.jpg )
>> No. 2313 [Edit]
File 13028486261.png - (418.60KB , 1366x718 , 2011-04-15_01_44_43.png )
Typical day at cat 420 sermon
>> No. 2314 [Edit]
File 130284867414.png - (493.54KB , 1366x718 , 2011-04-15_02_14_15.png )
Spending time with good friends bring warm smiles
>> No. 2317 [Edit]
Said "end" is a huuuuuuge distance from spawn. Supposedly the actual size of the world is about 8x the size of Earth's surface.
>> No. 2325 [Edit]
I haven't really played minecraft multi before, anything special I need to do to use the /give command?
>> No. 2330 [Edit]
It actually goes beyond that but by that point the system that generates the world starts to fuck up and the game can't handle it
>> No. 2335 [Edit]
You're going to need someone to give you ops.
>> No. 2336 [Edit]
You need Rostan to give you op rights.
>> No. 2352 [Edit]
File 130294605314.png - (312.15KB , 804x718 , 2011-04-16_05_20_20.png )
dog 666 die die dei deid eid ei deidie heretics
>> No. 2357 [Edit]
File 130300971669.png - (343.49KB , 1680x988 , 2011-04-16_23_07_34.png )
>> No. 2358 [Edit]
Congratulations! I still have 2 more secret areas I've made, one of which isn't too well hidden (someone has found it before and left a sign). Both are in and/or around molehole
>> No. 2359 [Edit]
I found the maze earlier this week and I've known about the creeper face for a while. I gotta say you did one hell of a job hiding these places.
>> No. 2360 [Edit]
I didn't make a maze
>> No. 2361 [Edit]
Also the entrance to the last secret is more secretive than the others, since you need to destroy a block (or blocks!) to reach it.
>> No. 2370 [Edit]
File 130306745492.png - (405.27KB , 1680x988 , Spoiler Picture.png )
>> No. 2372 [Edit]
You did it! Spend it well
>> No. 2420 [Edit]
are you planning on finishing the glass box? we've been looking around for a good location to build a big pyramid and this is the only flat desert we've found
>> No. 2421 [Edit]

No, not really.
I just made it because I was bored, it's not like I actually planned it. You can destroy it if you want.
>> No. 2423 [Edit]
thanks, we'll dedicate the pyramid to you
>> No. 2444 [Edit]
Is there a warp/vague directions to the ocean hellcity?
I found it once but I've lost it ever since.
>> No. 2445 [Edit]
go to the memorial bridge, im pretty sure theres a warp to it, hell city is in the lake on the right
>> No. 2454 [Edit]
File 130323590815.png - (105.97KB , 967x593 , 1300838034125.png )
1.5 got released.

>Performance improvements
>> No. 2455 [Edit]
File 13032360325.png - (1.61MB , 1440x900 , 1300836809360.png )
Oh and boosters.

(´ ∀`)
>> No. 2456 [Edit]

Time to wait for a server update
>> No. 2457 [Edit]
He released it the same day as Portal 2?
>> No. 2460 [Edit]
I'll update the server as soon as possible. You should still be able to get on the server as long as you do not update your client.
>> No. 2461 [Edit]
And the "release date" for minecraft is the same day as Skyrim. Notch is kind of an idiot
>> No. 2462 [Edit]
small minecraft updates arent competeing with AAA releases
>> No. 2464 [Edit]
I'd say those games and Minecraft have a different target audience. Most people already bought Minecraft anyway, so there's no great risk. This >>2462.
>> No. 2477 [Edit]
Server's up...kind of. It's running on the vanilla server software so there's basically no commands aside from /give.
>> No. 2480 [Edit]
File 130327634025.jpg - (518.82KB , 1395x985 , snow.jpg )
>> No. 2482 [Edit]
>> No. 2483 [Edit]
90% of the map is covered in snow
>> No. 2484 [Edit]
File 130328107541.png - (1.54MB , 1600x850 , 2011-04-19_23_29_47.png )
Snow everywhere
>> No. 2486 [Edit]
Makes that big snow globe kind of redundant
>> No. 2489 [Edit]
Hey Rostran, is the server updated to 1.5_02?

I kept crashing when trying to craft stuff, and apparently it's a bug that's been fixed in the latest version.
>> No. 2493 [Edit]
File 130332363191.png - (42.45KB , 1680x988 , 2011-04-18_03_36_55.png )
It is now, sorry I was asleep.
>> No. 2495 [Edit]
File 13033267567.png - (148.12KB , 740x770 , DataValuesBeta.png )
I know Bukkit hasn't been updated meaning that few of us have ops, but here's the data value chart for 1.5.
>> No. 2496 [Edit]
Anyone with ops should be able to give ops. Feel free to do so for the time being.
>> No. 2497 [Edit]
File 130333043826.png - (2.02KB , 320x320 , louise.png )
>> No. 2498 [Edit]
File 130333802484.png - (444B , 64x32 , louz.png )
>> No. 2501 [Edit]
Looks good.
>> No. 2510 [Edit]
Ok, server's running on craftbukkit again. Post here if you run into any problems.
>> No. 2513 [Edit]
File 130342853476.png - (1.27MB , 1680x988 , 2011-04-21_19_27_49.png )
This is interesting...
>> No. 2515 [Edit]
/give is now kinda buggy, it wont give you alot of items
>> No. 2522 [Edit]
i decide to start messing with it again to find a wolf.
one box full of beef, 7 stacks of clay, two leather armor sets, and 3 stacks of wool later, nothing.
>> No. 2523 [Edit]
File 130351536034.jpg - (235.31KB , 1542x1505 , shack.jpg )
who pushed it?
>> No. 2524 [Edit]
woo finally found 2.
Now time to make a huge fenced in area to make a house, a place for wolves, and a largish open area for cows/pigs/sheep/chickens to spawn with light to keep mobs out.
Be cool if there was a sort of 'at ease' option for your tamed wolves, cause i'd let them wonder the fenced in area.
especially if they could be told to hunt, go out every so often and collect meat and such.
>> No. 2525 [Edit]
>Be cool if there was a sort of 'at ease' option for your tamed wolves
You can tell them to sit by right-clicking them. But they won't wander around.
>> No. 2529 [Edit]
That's what i mean, an option to let them wonder around an area.
Say, either within the boundaries of say a fence or a certain distance from your spawn.
Be neat if they could be trained to hunt chickens and such at some point too. Just take a walk in the woods and follow your wolves as they hunt down cows and shit.
>> No. 2532 [Edit]
File 130354122322.png - (226.20KB , 854x480 , 2011-04-22_23_41_20.png )
don't mind me, just gonna slightly spam with my current derp project.

Small bit of land i've cleaned up and put dirt on. Have some grass trail growing to it, cause i plan to expand it later and put trees. It's basically gonna be a large safe zone from mobs after i place torches.
>> No. 2533 [Edit]
File 130354126529.png - (183.22KB , 854x480 , 2011-04-22_23_41_38.png )
Yes that's wool flooring, i was bored. Also my wolves and stairs.
>> No. 2534 [Edit]
File 130354129943.png - (213.89KB , 854x480 , 2011-04-22_23_41_49.png )
second story looks just like the third, but no bed and one extra chest.
>> No. 2535 [Edit]
File 13035414336.png - (251.72KB , 854x480 , 2011-04-22_23_42_02.png )
and, beginnings of basement where furnaces and shit will be. those chests have building materials, the other has mob shit.
It's gonna expand slightly i think, and maybe have a path down into an area to mine. It'll be all smoothstone and/or cobblestone. (probably cobble walls and smooth floor/roof, maybe sandstone floor actually...)
>> No. 2539 [Edit]
looks like minecraft finally sunk it's fangs into surtic
>> No. 2540 [Edit]
It gets to the best of us.
>> No. 2541 [Edit]
Hey Rostran, the lighting that came with the new weather is setting stuff it hits on fire, you should really try to either turn weather off, or make it so lightning can't start fires, before everything within a mile of moehole goes up in flames.
>> No. 2542 [Edit]
form a minecraft fire brigade
>> No. 2543 [Edit]
  2D minecraft thing that seems to be more action-oriented
>> No. 2544 [Edit]
I'll do something about it this evening. Can't do much now because I'm at work.
>> No. 2548 [Edit]
Not really, i play off and on for a short time every few weeks to a month.
Odds are, within a week, i won't be playing again.
>> No. 2550 [Edit]
File 130361096443.png - (1.30MB , 1680x988 , 2011-04-23_20_16_12.png )
Hmm, I thought I made a post about this a few hours ago. Oh well.

I installed a weather plugin in order to deal with any weather related problems. In short; if it starts snowing/raining/thundering just type /mn sun. There's also a few other weather related commands as well, use /mn help to see what they are.

I also played around with some of the settings in order to prevent fire from spreading, so even if lighting strikes something flammable everything won't burn down.

Had a few close calls during testing. The first weather plugin I tried didn't work, and soon afterwards a thunderstorm started. Lost a few trees and the rainbow nearly went up in flames, but I managed to save it.
>> No. 2551 [Edit]
i really should check into that memory editor thing again and try checking the server out again.
>> No. 2552 [Edit]
The tc server is the only thing keeping me playing this, single player seems very pointless.
>> No. 2553 [Edit]
Singleplayer was cool until I had built an awesome self-sufficient base that I never had to leave ever.
>> No. 2554 [Edit]
Meh, is it better then it was a month ago? back then i tried a few times and no one was on.

i never even get that far
>> No. 2555 [Edit]

I love single player, I just build stuff, keep building, and when I feel like I'm done I move somewhere else, or go adventuring with sword in hand.
>> No. 2569 [Edit]
Yo, i havnt felt the need to go on multiplayer/tohno for a while, feel free to finish/work on/completely disregard Tsunderia

at The Wall there is a small doorway at the left end. i never got much done but that just means its a blank slate.

Make it a community project or something, k?
>> No. 2573 [Edit]
Notch made a post saying he wanted modders to pay for the right to use the source code. He later retracted that statement after everyone went "WHAT", but still wow
>> No. 2581 [Edit]
>> No. 2590 [Edit]
File 130386243890.jpg - (45.32KB , 450x466 , cirno.jpg )
You'd guys better stop messing with the 420 church
>> No. 2620 [Edit]
sooo... i pressed /stop in an attempt to stop the weather from raining said "stopping the server"


>> No. 2621 [Edit]
  This looks amazing.
>> No. 2622 [Edit]
File 130409286725.jpg - (92.40KB , 1222x739 , Tohnocraft.jpg )
>> No. 2623 [Edit]
Fuck, I knew giving everyone ops so everyone could use /give because I'm too lazy to tweak permissions for that command would be a bad idea.
>> No. 2624 [Edit]
There are also a few commands that can crash the server if used in to large of a number so you know
>> No. 2643 [Edit]
I'm going to do some work on the server in a few minutes in order to get the weather commands working again.
>> No. 2738 [Edit]
  neat texture pack
>> No. 2739 [Edit]

Cool, it reminds me of Wind Waker.
>> No. 2766 [Edit]
File 130505871911.jpg - (219.70KB , 1226x816 , kIrmC.jpg )
Is anyone still playing?
>> No. 2767 [Edit]

I connect once in a while, but I get bored easily...

I just can't have much fun without monsters.
Going out at night with a sword in hand is the best part of the game for me.
>> No. 2768 [Edit]
got kind of bord of it, and the weather makes me not want to build anything outdoors...
>> No. 2770 [Edit]
File 130507410322.jpg - (286.32KB , 1276x676 , 1300838111239.jpg )
Yeah, I got to admit the weather really turned me off from the game. Simply having night already bugged me, but now with snow all over the place it's really tiring to build anything.

Although I had some fun yesterday riding those train tracks. That glass tunnel must have taken a lot of work to make.
>> No. 2771 [Edit]
Is there a way to "move" the main part of the map (that we play on) to a rain climate? I like rain but snow everywhere is a turn off
>> No. 2772 [Edit]
you can just type /thaw [radius] to remove the snow. If the radius is too big it crashes the server, I suggest 64. Theres probably an option to lock the weather settings in there too.
>> No. 2773 [Edit]
>Theres probably an option to lock the weather settings in there too.
If there was, why has no one turned weather off yet?
>> No. 2774 [Edit]
with this server plugin
/weather sunny 0
should turn all the weather off, it didnt work when i tried it though. Which is wierd, because the WorldEdit commands from this site all work. I'm not sure what mods the server is running
>> No. 2817 [Edit]
File 130522188021.png - (27.65KB , 599x228 , dCKYa.png )
>> No. 2818 [Edit]
File 130522192499.png - (28.04KB , 549x225 , nV9Pb.png )
Notch is just trolling the minecraft community by this point, nobody could be this clueless
>> No. 2819 [Edit]
If anybody actually noticed, the server was down during the last two days because my internet was out yet again. It'll be back up in a few minutes.
I'll give it a try. Thanks Hamish.
You have got to be squidding me.
>> No. 2820 [Edit]

New server address, my IP changed for some reason.
>> No. 2821 [Edit]
This might have been good for April fool.
>> No. 2836 [Edit]
  Portal 2 in Minecraft.
>> No. 2914 [Edit]
The subways hold a dark secret
>> No. 3008 [Edit]
  This mod is insane.
>> No. 3010 [Edit]
its weird, thats the second time I've seen this mod mentioned today. maybe I should get it
>> No. 3085 [Edit]
patch notes
>> No. 3086 [Edit]
Finally molehole's nether portal will actually go to the nether. Wait, molehole still exists right
>> No. 3087 [Edit]
File 130620607976.png - (631.58KB , 1680x988 , 2011-05-23_23_00_06.png )
Yep, it's just really really quiet these days.
>> No. 3143 [Edit]
1.6 is out, if anyone still cares.
>> No. 3144 [Edit]

I heard it's really buggy, so I will wait
>> No. 3145 [Edit]
The wiki says you can't but trapdoors on flat ground and they open upwards, so I'm wondering why they are called trapdoors
>> No. 3146 [Edit]
aka hatches
>> No. 3147 [Edit]
also liquid can't pass through them which means you can't do cool things like have a torrent of lava pour from the ceiling when someone steps on a switch. It will make entrances to underwater bases easier though i guess
>> No. 3148 [Edit]
Hopefully the server gets updated soon. I really want to map out our world, and not with a program either.
>> No. 3149 [Edit]
Oh yeah I forgot there's a new map tool thing. That might be cool
>> No. 3150 [Edit]
It looks like it'll be a while until the server gets properly updated to 1.6 given how buggy this release is.

The server is still accessible as long as you don't patch your clients. If you did download the patch I'm sure there's a way to revert your client to 1.5_01
>> No. 3161 [Edit]
Reading the version history on the wiki is hilarious because every bug fix patch they've released so far for 1.6 causes more new bugs than it fixes.
>> No. 3163 [Edit]

Well, Notch, his staff, and his company are, in reality, kind of all awful programmers as shown by how awful every new update is, considering all they're doing is taking existing community mods and ideas, and sticking them into the game. None of them really expected Minecraft to get as big as it did, so they're always slow on updating and tend to break twice as much than they add.
>> No. 3179 [Edit]
Has it been fixed yet? I don't want to start playing and run into a bug that makes my house burn down or my diamonds disappear or something
>> No. 3195 [Edit]
File 130694081523.png - (113.14KB , 740x770 , DataValuesBeta16.png )
I'm going to finally update the server sometime today, maybe in the next hour or so. Prepare for maps and Ghast hunting.
>> No. 3197 [Edit]
File 130694929051.png - (682.51KB , 1680x988 , gensokyo.png )
Server's updated and working as of an hour and a half ago.
>> No. 3253 [Edit]
  This is just insane.
>> No. 3261 [Edit]
I think it may be time for a new Minecraft thread, this one is at 430 posts.
>> No. 3265 [Edit]
That's amazing.
Will do.

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