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File 133512232769.jpg - (222.62KB , 800x800 , 1251781766554.jpg )
9714 No. 9714 [Edit]
So here we are again and again, day after day. We go through same process of ranting about whatever is bringing us down every time in the comfort of knowing someone, somewhere is reading it. But what do you do when you realize no amount of letting it all out here will ever save you and anything else enjoy is just a temporary distraction before whatever is ruining you takes hold again? That feeling when there is no way out and really all you can do is just sit there and cry because you know that even if you did stand up in your locked up situation it would be no use. Much like a prisoner banging on a wall with his fists till they bleed knowing nothing can save him. I also think that even if I do kill myself I will be even more miserable since I'll probably be trapped in the same place for an eternity. It gets pretty bad when thoughts about how not even death can save me cross my mind.
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>> No. 9716 [Edit]
>So here we are again and again, day after day.
I actually just got in here for the first time.

>But what do you do when you realize no amount of letting it all out here will ever save you and anything else enjoy is just a temporary distraction before whatever is ruining you takes hold again?
When I'm so depressed that nothing will make me forget it I just lay in my bed and lose myself in thoughts. Hopefully I end up sleeping. I like to sleep because my dreams are always good and interesting, unlike my life.
>> No. 9717 [Edit]
File 133512600215.jpg - (255.29KB , 479x600 , 039a9dd7bd327cc76b5431aaee344d60.jpg )
I just try to stop thinking. I've gotten pretty good at it and have gone through a lot of time not thinking and not realizing it until I think about it.

Also, I don't care about the "afterlife". If it exists, then it exists, if it doesn't then that's fine as well. I just don't care about it.
>> No. 9720 [Edit]
I don't rant about things that much... though I usually find someone to whine to when I'm feeling blue.

Why are you so down, Anon? ;_; Please don't say these kinds of things, they're very sad. What is it that sent you to this miserable state of mind?
>> No. 9722 [Edit]

>What is it that sent you to this miserable state of mind?

This your first day on tohno son?
>> No. 9727 [Edit]
> But what do you do when you realize no amount of letting it all out here will ever save you and anything else enjoy is just a temporary distraction before whatever is ruining you takes hold again?
I work on achieving Enlightenment so that I may have true peace and happiness.

In all seriousness though, I masturbate and watch Touhou videos on YouTube and play visual novels where I live a life in an ideal world surrounded by ideal girls. Studying Japanese has recently been a source of contentment as well.
>> No. 9766 [Edit]
OP here, yeah I was pretty messed up in many ways when I posted that but my point my still stands. I try to do anything I can sit comfortably in my mind with. Something that makes me mentally numb but in a positive way if that makes sense.

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