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File 133166427536.jpg - (154.67KB , 800x1172 , biomega_v01c001p002.jpg )
9278 No. 9278 [Edit]
Anyone else have a problem with this, particularly when it comes to getting your life "back on track"?

For years now, I keep telling myself "just a little longer"...then I'll fix myself. Get a job, maybe take up some classes. But then a week goes by, then a month, then a few more, then a year has passed...then another.

How the hell can one break out of this vice? It's been going on so long now, I think I've reached the point where I can't really fix anything.
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>> No. 9280 [Edit]
My usual thought is "maybe I'll die in my sleep tonight so it won't matter". No need to go to the doctor or dentist, or get a job when I'll be dead any day now...please ;_;
>> No. 9282 [Edit]
The earlier the better. If you don't do it now while the situation is at its easiest, you'll probably never do it, wait till its too late or wait until some horrible new development shocks you into action.
>> No. 9292 [Edit]
>My usual thought is "maybe I'll die in my sleep tonight so it won't matter". No need to go to the doctor or dentist

See, this is a huge problem for me. 'Well I'll probably kill myself before the week is over so I guess I don't need new batteries.' And then I don't and I regret not buying those damn batteries.

Happens all the time man.
>> No. 9356 [Edit]
How do you currently sustain yourself? Your parents? Benefits?

Maybe if you cast aside all of that, your natural instincts might kick in, trying to get you away from the physical suffering it will undoubtedly bring.

You should also get a pet or something to cheer you up. My budgie always make me smile and get my mind off those negative thoughts.
>> No. 9382 [Edit]


I have some pets, but they're introverted cats who just take it easy all day.

I don't know anything about anything, fuck it.
>> No. 9878 [Edit]
>It's been going on so long now, I think I've reached the point where I can't really fix anything.

It's been going on for so long for me that it's started to affect my physical health to the point where I wouldn't be able to do anything about it now even if I wanted to.

If only I had got a job when I was 18. I could have been a normal person by now. Probably in better health too.
>> No. 9891 [Edit]
>If only I had got a job when I was 18. I could have been a normal person by now

I've had jobs since I was fourteen and I can tell you from experience that being employed doesn't change anything.
>> No. 9892 [Edit]
I got my first job at age 18, I think it only served strengthen my hatred of people and the real world more.
>> No. 9894 [Edit]
File 133577486945.jpg - (55.57KB , 396x600 , 1287891012508.jpg )
Write down a 'to-do' list of minor tasks and tick them off as they are completed. Set long term goals like 'get a job', 'move out of my parents house' or 'own life sized Rei Ayanami figure'. Put yourself in a sink-or-swim situation, for me it was moving into a place where I could hardly afford the rent; it forced me to get a job.
>> No. 9896 [Edit]
I'm going to second this.
>> No. 9897 [Edit]
>If only I had got a job when I was 18. I could have been a normal person by now.
You say that like it's a good thing, anon.

Anyway, to anyone seriously wanting to get a job but insecure in their own ability to handle one, try volunteering for a bit to get some experience and learn to count on yourself. If you like animals, hit up a dog shelter or something, the people there are generally some of the nicest Ford Drivers you'll meet, and you're not under much obligation or pressure.

This also works. Giving yourself a visual representation of the things you do during the day both reminds you to do them, as well as gives you a sense of satisfaction after looking back and realizing that you've actually accomplished something today.
>> No. 9907 [Edit]
I go to school (well I graduate soon) and work two jobs so I'm well on my way to being on the "right track" by average standards and it's overrated. I hate my degree, yet I'm probably going to be stuck working with it until I retire. Sure, I'm going to be able to sustain myself, but that's not all there is to life. I still have no friends, no real skills or hobbies I enjoy, nothing really.
>> No. 9915 [Edit]
> Sure, I'm going to be able to sustain myself, but that's not all there is to life.
I once said to my dad that life isn't all about money, and you can be happy without making billions of dollars. He became angry and disappointed in me and basically said I don't belong in his family if I think that way.
>> No. 9917 [Edit]
My family doesn't really I think I belong to them either, I'm just treated as almost like a adopted child or a failed abortion. They aren't surprised by anything about me they don't like anymore, it's just expected of me to be the lowest a human could possibly get to them all now.
>> No. 9923 [Edit]
>You say that like it's a good thing, anon.
it is a good thing, isnt it? whats the upside to being a social outsider?
>> No. 9924 [Edit]
Quite true. We don't live in the middle ages anymore. We can gear our lives for fun, not work.

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