No. 1785
When I was little, I was a very introverted kid. My closest friends were my neighbors who happened to all be girls. We lived in a relatively small town in Europe and knew each other very well. Went to the same school, and all that stuff.
My parents then moved to America, and I naturally had to tag along. The culture shock for a 10 year old me was very difficult. It was hard to interact with boys because I only really knew how to talk to girls, and in America boys and girls separate themselves for whatever reason. Even then, being an introvert, I did not initiate conversations often.
Luckily, I wasn't bullied, and I had a very nice teacher to help me out. I eventually managed to make some acquaintances and eventual friends, but in the process began down a path of pathologically lying to everyone and everything in order to "fit in". I lied so often that I sometimes began to believe my own lies, and I had gotten very good at it to the point that I was able to mask myself behind them.
My lies have really more or less taken a life of their own. My relationship with my parents isn't that great, especially when I told them when I started highschool that I wanted to live a simple life. I managed to fit into social cliques and groups but I was never an initiator. For this reason, I never had a 3DPD. During my latter highschool years, I hung out with people of different social cliques, I had acquaintances ranging from nerds to pot heads, to metal kids. But never really any friends. For some reason, then I sort began to lose interest in everything.
I am now in my second semester as a freshman in college. I failed my first semester(my parents don't know yet, though I have no idea how long I can hide it), and all of my acquaintances have moved to different schools. I have not made a single friend in college. I still do not really know what I want to do with my life. I really like computers, but to go anywhere you need to have experience. To get experience you need to work. But to work you need experience. I am terrible at math, so I can't really do programming, but I have been looking into become a network administrator. I am also slowly learning Linux on the side. My college campus is a community college, so to really get recognized I need to transfer out in 2 years. But all of the computer classes that I want are already offered here. It seems that to have a good shot at something, my resume needs at least a bachelor's degree or something.
I've sort of retreated back into solitude and become depressed because I don't really know what I want. I also tend to be a lazy person, and I hate myself because of it. I lack any real sort of motivation to accomplish anything. I've never worked a day in my life, and I am removed from the heritage of my old country. I can barely speak the language, and from a social standpoint I am a recluse everywhere now. I'm really just more or less doing nothing but hating myself for doing nothing.
I'm sorry for the long text, even though I don't really expect anyone to read it, it's at least nice to be able to get some of my feelings off my chest.