No. 9256
I was a loner that mostly kept to myself, I got a bit of crap in my earlier years, but not that much as I went on and stopped giving a shit about school and grades and didn't show up as much.
I cut class and school all the time, and didn't do any assigned work when I was there.
I literally was sent to the detention room on a daily base during my last year of high school for refusing to do the class work.
might have given me a bit of rebellious image, I dunno, I certainly didn't get any shit from anyone that year.
during middelschool I got a lot of shit from a group of Hispanic kids that would harass me a lot, poke me and throw things at me from behind, picking on when not in class, even followed me home and robbed me blind once, no joke.
I was something of a pussy, looked like one and acted like one.
My memory isn't so good, but I think it died down when I got sick of it and fought back, I wasn't strong by any means, and couldn't fight worth a shit, but I think it was impotent to send the message that I wasn't going to just take it.
I think I got into a ton of fights after that in middle school, I don't remember them well, but I remember seeing the school counselor by weekly and getting suspended a lot.
I remember once I got my ass handed to me so badly I couldn't move, felt paralyzed but I guess it was the shock of it, had to get taken away in a golf cart to the nurse's office.
I guess it helped I had little regard for my own well being.
but what really got people to leave me alone was one day in the middle of class when some punk had been tossing his trash at me for the whole class, I bet the little bastard thought it was so damn funny throwing his junk at me, until I threw my chair at him and knocked his ass own, I'd have kept going if the teacher didn't forcibly subdue me, I guess that event seemed to really stick with the people around me, since people talked about it for some time after.
Had some problems when I changed schools and started high school, but those mostly went away when a gangbanger wannabe tough kid who transferred in decided to make me part of his crew for whatever reason.
It really only involved sitting near the guy at lunch, and we never even really talked.
He started gather other tuff kids into the group and I felt like more and more like the third wheel I was, but by the time we parted ways, I had already started skipping school as I talked about earlier, so that was that I guess.
I think it's disgusting that the only way to escape bully's, is to be one yourself, or at least be a violent alpha jackass.
if a kid ever asked me for advice on dealing with bullys, no way in hell I'd tell him to ignore them, I'd tell him to take a sock filled with rocks to school and beat the living shit out of those assholes, maybe fuck them up badly enough to where they can't pick on anyone else ever again.