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File 132643784378.jpg - (407.85KB , 1024x768 , forest.jpg )
8573 No. 8573 [Edit]
When I'm daydreaming, I often catch myself fantasizing about living in the wilderness or some other remote place, where I could do my own thing without fear of being bothered or shit on by the greater part of mankind.

Of course, I don't have any of the skills necessary to make that a reality. I can't farm and I can't hunt. But it's possible to get some kind of job in a remote place. Total separation from society might not be possible, but at least the chances are higher that the people around you are also the types who value solitude, and that might make it more bearable. I've been thinking about this a lot the past few days.
>> No. 8574 [Edit]
I remenber threads in a a board once where people were looking to live togheter somewhere and started looking for a nice, secluded place to buy. Of course, like many other of these ideas, the thing never lift off planning but they did show that there are, in fact, many isolate small towns out there that don't seem to be getting the reach of the urban stress soon. Maybe that is what you are looking for, OP. If you do wish to live in the wilderness, however, good luck wrestling bears.
>> No. 8576 [Edit]
Living that sort of rural life is really very hard. If you haven't grown up there you will not know how to take care of yourselves. There are people however who inherit property and simply pay their property taxes through money they get doing odd jobs like bear baiting, or growing and selling dope. It is an existence of extreme poverty, but if you have rural skills and are able to get into their whole secret/informal/gray/black market thing it is doable. It is sort of a marvel to behold when you discover it.

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