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File 132570097015.jpg - (579.04KB , 1536x2048 , 1324848020495.jpg )
8518 No. 8518 [Edit]
Which of the two do you chooose, /so/?
Safety or freedom?
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>> No. 8519 [Edit]
I'd take either.
>> No. 8520 [Edit]
whichever one allows me to sit around naked browsing the web all day
>> No. 8521 [Edit]
The middle path.
>> No. 8522 [Edit]
I don't want to have choose between those two.
>> No. 8523 [Edit]
How much do you value your lives on this earth?
And by this I mean your physical form. Whatever keeps you attached to this earth, what do you think of it? Do you have any sense of honour or pride? Any concept of beauty?

Post edited on 4th Jan 2012, 10:06pm
>> No. 8524 [Edit]
It depends. I definitely value freedom more than safety, but that's pretty easy for me to say living in a first-world country. If I lived in constant fear of death, I'd likely prefer safety.
>> No. 8525 [Edit]
>How much do you value your lives on this earth?
Not much, to be honest.

>And by this I mean your physical form
To me it's the same thing, so I still don't care about it very much.

>Whatever keeps you attached to this earth, what do you think of it?
I'm too much of a coward to kill myself. I don't really think much of it.

>Do you have any sense of honour or pride?
Not really.

>Any concept of beauty?
Not really.
>> No. 8527 [Edit]
My life is worth as much as any other life, which is to say nothing. All life on Earth is going to end one day, and even the Earth itself, and the entire universe eventually, and nobody will ever know we were even here. So I don't worry about my own worth or the worth of others.
>> No. 8528 [Edit]
I view myself as being pretty worthless and want nothing more than a quick painless death, preferably in my sleep. Every day I wake up in the morning I feel a tinge of disappointment that I have to live through another day, and that I'm too spineless to end it myself
>> No. 8529 [Edit]
What does safety means? protection from physical harms, financial security or protection from all things I think are harmful for me in some way?

If the latter, then 'safety' definitely. I don't care about freedom that much. My most important things are something that none can't forbid from me because those things are in my head. I think I am willing to follow orders and contribute society as long as I can live healty and safe life.
>> No. 8530 [Edit]
Life is one hassle after another in a world that has largely become a shit hole in my opinion.

I don't think much about my possessions. Katawa Shoujo is currently the thing I am clinging onto the most. I'd rather not have any attachments or passions.

Indeed I do have a concept of honor, beauty, and pride. The first and last come packaged with having a sense of self. I can't tell you what I find beautiful with words, but I could with pictures. Art is a strange thing that I have no business with whatsoever due to having zero creativity.
>> No. 8537 [Edit]
File 132595692780.jpg - (48.45KB , 463x438 , cirno vuvuzela.jpg )
The question is so vague, I cannot answer it to my satisfaction. Please clarify.

Post edited on 7th Jan 2012, 9:47am
>> No. 8539 [Edit]
File 132597538550.jpg - (47.17KB , 500x375 , teomsdfgurren.jpg )
I guess my original question was a question of your attitude and thoughts.
Do you like involving the unknown in your life? How much would you say you have gone outside of your comfort zone? How long have you been clinging to these vestiges of safety that you nourish off of? Have you gone underground, or have you learned how to fly? Do you try to survive or do you prosper?
>> No. 8543 [Edit]
File 132603007434.jpg - (221.54KB , 373x800 , 50787b6fc6f85e3516d8f0d324ba0a140b3532de.jpg )
I used to be interested in new people, places and experiences, but somehow I'm not any more. It feels as if I have seen everything already. I want to spend the rest of my life with thinking and studying, in moderate comfort and without being disturbed.
I value my existence, but I certainly know I'm not unique. Thus I don't dread my inexistence.
I'm very much interested in virtue (a generalization of the honor and pride you mentioned), but I'm unsure what it would mean, if it's meaningful at all.
>> No. 8544 [Edit]
"the price we usually pay for survival is our life."
>> No. 8548 [Edit]
I'd much rather have freedom than safety, because for me, any time I chose the latter over the former, I always had a miserable time. I'm not someone who needs "safety". I've no regard for my own life, so "safety" strikes me as more of a bond I'd rather not have, than something desirable.
Of course, it all depends on what brand of "safety" and "freedom" we're talking about. It's too multi-faceted to warrant a simple black or white thoughtframe.
>> No. 8550 [Edit]
I prefer safety, as to me that implies happiness.
Freedom to be exploited by others is at the opposite side of the fence.

My body is just a piece of meat, and a way for the actual me to interact with the world around.
I am not attached to it at all. I don't believe my mind is worth anything either, as I am a spectacularly underwhelming person. There isn't anything I am or can be, that will ever be of value to any person.
I do hold myself to a high moral standard though, which would cover your question of honor and pride. I've taken to reading a bible some some jehovah witnesses dropped by along with some kind of hand booklet, and it looks like it would be very easy to join them. I don't believe any Haruhi exists, but the standards set by christian religion are something I can agree with.
The world we live in is absolutely disgusting and devoid of anything beautiful. I do hold a concept of beauty, but I find it hard to believe that any thing in this dimension will ever come close to it. Filth even encroaches on the 2D plane now.
>> No. 8554 [Edit]
>> No. 8560 [Edit]
Freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose.
>> No. 8561 [Edit]
reminds me of a quote from a book I read. It went something like "You only have power over a man as long as you don't take everything from them. But when you take everything from him, you make that man free all over again."

I wonder what direction the world is headed in with regard to freedom. It's almost definitely the wrong one. I won't be able to stand watching the debate later this year, when Obama and Romney will go head to head. Because I know that neither of them give a shit about our freedom.

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