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8390 No. 8390 [Edit]
Does anyone else ever hear about stuff going on in the outside world and regret their inability to take part in it?

Not mundane bullshit but the odd little fun thing that you maybe used to enjoy doing but don't anymore because you can't get over your anxiety?

For example, I used to really enjoy live music and I've missed so many concerts by bands that have broken up and I'll probably never see again. That kinda stuff?
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>> No. 8391 [Edit]
I kind of wanted to go to the miku concert they had in la a few months back, but all the people that would be there...
>> No. 8392 [Edit]
i wish i had money so i could buy fast food
>> No. 8394 [Edit]
I've never done much in the outside world, so I don't know if I'm missing out on anything as I've never experienced anything that felt like I was missing out on.
>> No. 8395 [Edit]
Yeah, the thought of the crowds are terrifying now. They always were, but I remember going to a show and finally finding a place to watch the show and just feeling the music. While the band played I didn't have any anxiety.

Yeah, I just lost my job so I'm preparing my anus for a serious ramen reckoning for the next month. There's no money for anything fancy, like... cheeseburgers...

I think there's good and bad to everything. Despite making sacrifices I don't know how much I would change because the risks associated with intimacy are minimized.

6 years of drama-free living is kinda worth having to pay for a DVD to enjoy a concert.
>> No. 8396 [Edit]
Ya I do. I have a snowboard/etc, I'd like to use it, but I am paranoid of being bad at something in public, and sometimes even around family or sometimes even more so around them. I wouldn't mind going at 2am-8am when everyone is sleeping, but I don't have a vehicle/license. Also joining clubs; robotics, LARPing, D&D, light music club, genshiken, S.O.S. brigade, ninja club, zombie walks or volunteering. I've never done any of these things, but dang they just look so much fun when other people do it. Cosplay+cons and Protests too, maybe. also build snow forts, kid games, and other sport activities that require at least one more person.

I'd feel so awkward there, I am kinda envious of all those "weeaboo" kids who are oblivious that they act socially abnormal. Ya, I definitly can't express myself in public.

The main reason I never go out side is definitly because I can be myself when alone,
>> No. 8397 [Edit]
I don't hear anything about the real world unless it's posted on one of the few websites I frequent. Out of my whole family, I only know my brother's. It's all the same news: people dying and lying, advancements in science, some tragedy somewhere, and problems with the economy.
>> No. 8398 [Edit]
I only know his birthday, that is. I hate when I get ahead of myself and leave out words.
>> No. 8400 [Edit]
I've read this about six times now and I still can't figure out if you're serious.
>> No. 8401 [Edit]
You know, when you put it that way it doesn't sound like any of us are missing much.

I'm pretty terrible with dates, myself. I actually rely on my own brother a lot to keep me apprised of upcoming dates I should be aware of.

It's not even that it's not important to me, numbers just don't stick to me.
>> No. 8405 [Edit]
I don't know how to ride a bike yet.
And I don't think I ever will.
>> No. 8406 [Edit]
File 132436924710.jpg - (15.52KB , 260x257 , bike_ride.jpg )
Just jump on, Anonymous.

I'll take you anywhere.
>> No. 8408 [Edit]
>It's all the same news: people dying and lying, advancements in science, some tragedy somewhere, and problems with the economy.

Truth, even most of the "science" stuff is just some lame computer technology that has been around for ages, but will now be available in some shit phone. At least science that gets promoted on regular news. Speaking of news I tohno-chan is also my only source of news.

The only untruth in that post is that I didn't actually hear about most of it happening, I just assume it does and that I am missing out.
>> No. 8409 [Edit]
I just don't care unless it directly affects me, in which case I will hear about it on sites that are relevant to my interests, like Tohno-chan. There's also the radio for everything else.
>> No. 8415 [Edit]
Not sure if this counts but I love boardgames. I own a few myself (~20) and I was actively following all the new releases and whatnot over quite a few years (mostly through BGG, great site a very nice community - as soon as underage people disappear the quality of any given forum drastically improves, what a mystery!). I stopped a year or two ago because I obviously have no friends I could play them with so looking up all new releases, reading reviews and opinions, sometimes buying them even though I knew I won't ever play them... It felt kinda awkward.
>> No. 8416 [Edit]
I would like to know some nerds and play D&D and similar.
Never played, but it sounds like fun.

Too bad I'm too awkward to get to know people, so it won't happen. Also lack of that kind of nerds in my area, narutards the best I could find.
>> No. 8417 [Edit]
I've gotten pretty disenfranchised myself, so I can understand that completely. It's hard to care about a society that has marginalized the shit out of you. At least that's how I feel. It's not that I've gone full buttangst and hate the world, but the pastimes and activities that most people concern themselves with have nothing to do with me so I tend to avoid their media.

That definitely counts. That's exactly the kind of thing I was talking about in the original post. I love CCGs and I don't really have anyone to play them with. I have one or two friends that play but when we get together we always end up just watching anime.

My friend is running a Dark Heresy campaign in IRC which I joined but because of RL bull I haven't been able to play. Maybe next week. I'm sure you'd be welcome to join if you want!
>> No. 8419 [Edit]
I wish I had a friend to explore places like the bush or certain parts of the city with. Its somewhat creepy to do it alone.
>> No. 8420 [Edit]
non-narutarded nerds try to blend in with society, I think.
maybe bookstore employees? everyone at the BaM here is either a DnD nerd, or at least open to MtG.
and dangerous
>> No. 8421 [Edit]
I'm kind of in the same bind. I bought the DM's guide, Players Hand Book, and the Monstrous manual for AD&D 2E. Aside from the fact that I'm still waiting for one of the books to arrive. My main problem is finding people who are not only interested in d&d, but people who are interested in Ad&D 2E.
>> No. 8425 [Edit]
I've always wanted to learn a martial art, but I'm too self conscious to take lessons.
>> No. 8426 [Edit]

>>8415 here and I own a set of D&D books, too (except for the 3E). I don't have that much of an interest in RPGs but I used to follow all board game related releases - RPGs, TCGs, minis wargames and whatnot. There were a couple of RPGs I had some interest in, particularly cWoD/nWoD, Unhallowed Metropolis and a few others - after reading rulebooks of some indie RPGs (Don't Rest Your Head and InSpectres for a more lighthearted approach) I thought they were pretty interesting, too.

As I said, it feels weird to talk about it. I am quite confdient in my knowledge on this subject(s) but I never really played any RPGs.


As for TCGs I've been playing one for years but I quit completely ~two years ago. I think I was pretty good, I didn't participate in a whole lot of tournaments but I caused some memorable upsets. I actually won against my country's reigning champion (at that time of course, although maybe he won this year, too; he also participates in European Championship on yearly basis) in a mirror match on top of that. Good times.

I played a lot of TCGs at least once, to get used to the mechanics. I even took part in the WoW launch event (and managed to make it to Top 8 running a Haruhidamn Druid, in the swiss rounds I only lost to a guy running a Ranger who placed 1st, then in Top 8 I got raped by a Warlock who won against said Ranger in the finals). I was particularly interested in Warhmamer: Invasion and even though a city not so far away has a decent local league I feel to anxious to play with some people I never met before. I really like the new LCG system, though. Way better than having to buy a single card for 150$.

As for minis I had a bit of an interest in 40k after getting introduced to it by two friends of mine from middle school. But I become pretty obsessive once I take an interest in something so within few weeks I knew 10 times as much as they did. Digged through all the White Dwarves I could find, read everything I found on the net etc. They weren't that crazy about it and enjoyed the sculpting/painting part of the hobby quite a lot (whereas my hands shake as if I had Parkinson's, I take pills for it but they don't help all too much) so it never got anywhere.

I like the idea of minis wargames, though. Over the years I was very interested in some other games of this sort (ASL for example) but - of course - I haven't played them.

Sorry for the wall of text. I just really love these things and I never really had any chances to talk about them. I spent thousands of hours playing TCGs on the net and it kinda works but when it comes to real boardgames it's not always possible (unless there's a VASSAL module for it) and it just doesn't feel the same.
>> No. 8427 [Edit]
This reminds me I have the 3rd edition D&D books but I only played a couple of times, theyre just fun to read. I think thats pretty common.
>> No. 8444 [Edit]
I have over 63gig of RPG books on my computer and I've read them all.
I've never played a single tabletop RPG in my life.
Back when I still visited /tg/ regularly I noticed that this was pretty common.
>> No. 8445 [Edit]

Good to know I'm (>>8426) not alone.
>> No. 8473 [Edit]
Well, I've heard of things I'd like to do but they aren't all necessarily outside (I'd like to learn to draw).

But yeah, I kind of want to go to a con as dumb as they may be, except I have no real life friends to go with. Except one who's about 1000 miles away.
>> No. 8480 [Edit]
Nothing I could come up with to do outside sounds very fun or worth the suffering of being out.

I guess maybe eating teppanyaki at Japanese was neat but I would still rather stay at home.
>> No. 8487 [Edit]
Please avoid actually discussing Cons.
>> No. 8488 [Edit]
I want to race cars.
>> No. 8489 [Edit]
I while ago I was reading a thread on 4chans /mu/ about Skrillex, so I checked him out and watched his "rock and roll will take you to the mountain".
I felt like crying, he looked like he was having so much fun, traveling around the world, meeting lots of interesting people, jumping into crowds of fans. I'll never get to experience anything like that.
I hadn't even thought about it since I watched the video, but new years eve is tomorrow, and I feel bad, I want to go out with friends, I want to drink egg-nog, chat with people, kiss a girl when the ball drops.
But instead I'm here, at home, alone. The only reason I'd go out is if my parents are invited to a party and I come along with them.
>> No. 8490 [Edit]
>kiss a girl when the ball drops.

here's hoping you mean a 2d girl, else we're gonna have some problems
>> No. 8491 [Edit]
I'll ready the clubs and sticks.
>> No. 8492 [Edit]
I want to hold someone, in a non sexual way of course.
Dogs smell kind of weird.
All my younger cousins are too hyperactive and don't sit still, not to mention all boys so they have that boystink. There are too many boys in my family, why can't they have another girl? My sister moved and I can't talk to her much.
>> No. 8498 [Edit]
I'm too weirded out by intimacy for that. I don't like being touched. It usually makes me very paranoid about the other person's intentions. It's stupid, and sometimes I definitely do need a hug.

I just get sketchy.
>> No. 8501 [Edit]
It is common to greet even extended family with a hug and a kiss on the cheek where I grew up. I don't have a problem with intimacy, just a severe lack of it.

Getting hard dejavu right now, like I have posted this before.
>> No. 8503 [Edit]
I don't really have a problem with that if it's between family, although other than my mother and my aunt I can't really think of another person that kisses me. I kinda brohug the rest of my family, men and women alike.

I don't want any of them to hold me, though. Haruhi, how awkward.
>> No. 8507 [Edit]
When I'm with my father's family I have to do the Mediterranean kiss on both cheeks thing. Usually twice on both cheeks. I grew up with it, so it doesn't seem weird to me. Hugging is different, though.
>> No. 8508 [Edit]
So you kiss without hugging?
Skinship if that is what you call it, is very common in my family.
>> No. 8512 [Edit]
No hugging, you just kind of touch each other's arms when you do it. I personally have a problem with getting too close to people, even family, but the cheek-kissing thing is just a standard greeting with close family and friends and it's not really a big deal.
>> No. 8595 [Edit]
>You know, when you put it that way it doesn't sound like any of us are missing much.
It's true, we really aren't missing out on anything.

I used to be really big on conspiracy theories. It's like every single thing is out to get you...chemtrails, vaccines, secret societies, illuminati, 9/11, entertainment, businesses, the internet, conspiracy websites "run" by the FBI, world ending, everything. Even the news is the same way.

Well I thought, what if I just go watch some Gintama for the hell of it? Nothing bad happened, and suddenly I stopped caring.

My life not caring about the news and my life caring about the news is no different, except the latter having unnecessary dread. I still continue to play video games and no one from the FBI has knocked down my door because I "know too much".

If you turn off all that shit and look around you, life really isn't so bad as the news/media makes it to be. Of course it's obvious the news isn't like everyday real life, but sometimes it's hard to see something like that when you're so caught up in conspiracies and fear.
>> No. 8598 [Edit]
Conspiracy theories are the same as general politics for me.
I don't get involved in either, but it's a fun way to pass time as a spectator thing. Worst outcome of conspiracies for me is being dead, and that isn't so bad anyways.
>> No. 8599 [Edit]
The downside of this lifestyle is missing out on all the news regarding people's deaths. I find out a few weeks later at best. Just yesterday I learned Hitchens is dead. Oh well.
>> No. 8601 [Edit]
I have the ability to take part in things at least. I can talk to people but I don't like a good 99% of them and I'm terrible at starting conversations even if it's someone I like. Usually going to concerts makes me feel better and forget about my hopelessness. Just take me to a metal concert and kill me with a wall of noise and I'm happy. There's nothing else going on that I want to take part in. My stress is caused by how everything is just falling apart in my life when I thought I already hit rock bottom and the end is going to be a lot more than just painful.

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