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8369 No. 8369 [Edit]
While I was browsing a 3D vs. Waifu thread on 4chan, I was reminded that most people are shit. Then a song called "Dear Mr. Jesus" starts playing on 107.7. It's about a little kid praying. A child sings it and for the chorus a group of children sing:
> please don't let them hurt your children we need love and shelter form the storm please don't let them hurt your children won't you keep us safe and warm

>dear mr. jesus please tell me what to do and please don't tell my daddy but my mommy hits me too

This is where I broke down and started crying. Because this happens, and Haruhi doesn't save these innocent kids from such inhumane treatment. I was then reminded how filthy the world is. We spend billions to kill and harm each other. We go out of our way to hate people. We are hypocrites. And no matter how much someone prays, Haruhi isn't going to fix this place.

At this point I'm rocking back and forth, looking utterly pathetic, crying over the well-known fact that humans do things like rape, animal abuse, etc. I'm thinking how the world is shit compared to what it should and could be if we weren't such animals. "Shit. We are all walking pieces of shit." The worst part is I have no one to talk to. Men aren't supposed to cry (Dad would always get mad at me for tearing up). Everyone already knows this shit happens and they don't care. I'm gripping my head and wishing I could talk with my waifu. I'm wishing she could hug me and show me kindness and love and listen to me. Then I realize she would find me disgusting and my current state deplorable. She'd spit on me if I tried to ask her to hold me and comfort me. Suicide sounded nice.

I'm just posting because, like I said, I have no where else to go. Typing this out has calmed me down. I don't think you guys care more than casually, but I do think you all can understand. I'm sorry if this is just a "blog post". Thanks for even somewhat listening.
>> No. 8370 [Edit]
And people wonder why we don't go outside...

well, hang in there op, the 2D world will always be there, even if you think it would reject you, it just can't.
>> No. 8371 [Edit]
>Haruhi isn't going to fix this place.

'If you want something done right do it yourself. You can do it! Go get'em champ!'

This is my general attitude towards the incompetences, apathetices, and retardese of the human populace. I have yet to accomplish any of my 'doing it right' though, but I won't give up (al lesson learned from every anime with a fight scene), and neither should you.

It may seem impossible to help, especially with crippling social fears, and the likes, but at your finger tips is the most powerful tool to ever exist, the computer, there are always ways to help by digital means.

Remember we are all in this together, even if some of us think otherwise

good luck comrade.
>> No. 8372 [Edit]
You don't honestly expect OP to single handedly bring peace to the world and stop all crimes and injustices throughout the lands?
>> No. 8373 [Edit]
You may want to become a vegan to stop abusing animals.
>> No. 8374 [Edit]
Im not that guy, but hell no, thats obvious man. What you CAN do is just fix a little part of the world and try to get others to do the same.
>> No. 8375 [Edit]
Except no matter how much good an individual does, the rest of humanity is there to set it all back. It takes numerous acts of significant good to change anything. If you don't keep at it, people stop caring like they used to. It doesn't seem to matter in the end.
>> No. 8376 [Edit]
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Things are different, but they won't change.

Please don't short-sell your waifu, OP. The only thing in your post that even remotely disturbed me was your disbelief in her. That's supposed to be sacred territory. I'm not telling you to start believing in humanity, or yourself for that matter - but you better respect your loved one. The children have hope, that's why they sing. You have hope, that's why you love your dearest. Or maybe I'm reading this all wrong..
>> No. 8378 [Edit]
Of course the world is filled with shitty people, OP. We've known that forever. All you can really do is, no matter how unfortunate your personal situation, make an attempt to leave the world a slightly better place in some regard before you die.
>> No. 8379 [Edit]
Also, I believe that song to play homage to Fydor Dostoevsky, a Russian philosophical author from the 1800s. A common concern of his was the innocence of children - or rather, any helpless being - vs. the hardships of life. Check this essay out for more detail, it's good. It really explains a lot:
>> No. 8380 [Edit]
I expect everyone to try. Eventually someone will be super good at it, then we'll have super heroes.
>> No. 8381 [Edit]
I know where you're at, OP.

Sometimes shit happens and the world reminds you of how surrounded we are by conscience-devoid sociopaths. It's frightening.

I usually respond by retreating into the 2D world where I spend most of my free time. It's easy to get stuck in a rut, though, so I think it's important to remind yourself of the beauty in the world. Acknowledge that there are people out there that are trying to stymie the best efforts of the soulless scum responsible for societal ruin.

If it's any consolation, you're not one of them and you're not alone.
>> No. 8385 [Edit]
  somewhat related.
>> No. 8388 [Edit]
Hey, it's OP. I just wanted to thank you guys for giving me hope again. I do need to just do whatever I can to improve "my little part of the world". This advice especially helped:

> All you can really do is, no matter how unfortunate your personal situation, make an attempt to leave the world a slightly better place in some regard before you die.

And you're right, >>8376 I should not have pushed my waifu away like that. I'll spend more time with her to make sure it doesn't happen again. We have been rather distant.

I really love you guys.
>> No. 8393 [Edit]
It's not easy, but as long as you have the courrage to write about this - that's solid proof that you have in truth not stopped believing. Those who completely stop believing will not write, they will not talk, they will not express, they will not sing, they will not love. They will just exist, and at some point stop existing.

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