No. 8526
I used to have admirers. In school, when I had a future and I was outspoken for the most part, several people would actually come to me looking for advice and help. I would use their experiences and thoughts on subjects and help them come to a conclusion on a course of action they thought was best. Many would really be nice and kind to me because of that. I also had a large knowledge of trivial facts that were brought up when people asked questions. I was compared to Miyuki from Lucky Star once.
Most of my friends in school were lost when they discovered I had a very slippery course into being nothing. They noticed that I had no drive, had a very pessimistic view of the public school system, and was very critical of my school and my peers, and my grades were average and below. They tried to make me do things like school work but resented me for not doing them. When it was discovered my advice was based upon no authority, I lost admirers quickly as well. Only four or five narutards I treated like organic living beings as opposed to sod still admired me. Soon I resorted to hilighting my quirks, a social contact tactic that netted me a social circle in my early high school and middle school years, but this just became an annoyance to some.
The friends I didn't lose to my lethargy or my idiocy were lost to lack of communication. The only two people I kept contact with on a regular basis became my only friends, along with a couple more who think I'll do something someday, but are just waiting to hear news about it.
However, I gave up on seeking social contact after discovering how it felt to tell people that no, I did not go to college like you thought I would. No, I didn't start writing books. No, I am not living in Japan. No, I'm not a comedian. No, I am not smoking a pipe and reading classics as I debate with the rest of the fireside club about the impacts that textile production had on the waning years of the Meiji era and the subsequent expansions in industry during the Taishou era. I sit at home collecting plastic girls and playing games and posting on an imageboard buried deep within the "bowels of the Internet". I cannot be bothered to do more as I cannot physically and mentally bring myself to go through the torture of working, interacting with strangers, or doing labour because the simple thought of it, in even diluted and optimistic forms, gives me extreme lethargy and stress. Over the years I have grown accustomed to the fact that if I feel uncomfortable with something, I can either speed it up to finish it or simply not do it. I also have no money to pay into college, and view the college system as a scalping business taking advantage of professors, scholarship programs, and rich students rather than being an educational system.
My crippling social anxiety stems from the one "so what have you been up to for the past [x] [time units]?" question everyone asks and is disappointed to hear I have nothing valuable to report. I was always shy and avoided contact because I am socially inept unless I know a person (my voice is very feminine when I speak to people and I am uncomfortable, feeding into my self-consciousness, but is much more masculine (read: obnoxious) when I speak to friends. I guess I have the feminine voice because I would rather someone mistake me for a girl or child than an obnoxious ass as a first impression, but it still irks me when a sandwich shop cashier or the UPS guy calls me "little buddy" when I am twenty and look twenty-three)
Looping back into OP's question, I only look down upon myself when I put effort into goals that never become accomplished because of outside forces or what I did in my past schooling. Like college and stuff. There is a little voice in my head that says "oh, looking into the Coast Guard? Well, enjoy combatting your hate for authority figures there. Also, try getting over your lack of patriotism when it's forced in you." or "oh, college? Nice. Hope you enjoy feeding into the shark of an educational system you assimilationist whore. A language major? Pffffff wow. What a Weeaboo. I'm sure that you'll be having an asston of job offers to be a translator. Maybe getting a teaching license in another country? Haha wow, good luck on that one." I'm undecided on whether to call it the Ayu-Ayu voice or the UnFreed voice. The original name was the troll voice but it's not really keeping me down for its own entertainment...
I like seeing others accomplish things, especially when I encouraged them to do it. It gives me a warm feeling inside, like I made an impact on someones life. That's all I need.
Post edited on 5th Jan 2012, 10:05am