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File 132311954343.gif - (362.61KB , 846x1224 , 01-back.gif )
8240 No. 8240 [Edit]
Tohno I have come to a disturbing realization.

I was watching a commercial on TV I had seen a few days earlier. I noticed that the commercial seemed to go by faster the second time. Now I've noticed this phenomenon before, but then I got thinking. I've noticed that during the last 3 years I've been a NEET time seems to have gone by a lot faster. I can barely even remember the little details of life. Then it dawned on me that perhaps to my brain my "life" is nothing more than a commercial I've seen before and it's speeding me through it. Maybe this is an entirely unscientific hypothesis, but I think this makes some sense. At the rate I'm going maybe I'll blaze through another 3 years before I know what hit me. Has anyone else ever thought of something along these lines?
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>> No. 8241 [Edit]
They always two versions of commercials, they air the long version for a while, then taper off to the short version. It's to save money on timeslots. And yeah time seems to go faster the older you get, especially when you do nothing all day every day.
>> No. 8242 [Edit]

Also If you want to feel like time is longer, just remember things on the Internet.

For me, I feel like I got into high school not too long ago but the dawn if lolcats feels lIke it happened a week before Clinton became president.
>> No. 8243 [Edit]
If you don't do much with your time it goes by quickly. In the mining industry we usually do 7 days in a row or 10 days in a row of 12 hour shifts and apparently those days go by in the blink of an eye.
>> No. 8246 [Edit]
People don't particularly like to pay attention to things that they don't like. If you spend your time doing the same things that don't interest you, you tend to just go through the motions. Who is to say that one thing is different from another? Who is to say that it's worth differentiating one similar, uninteresting thing from another. People like us on this board, if we don't have to do something, we tend to not do it. We will always take the easy way out.
>> No. 8250 [Edit]
Yes, I know what you're talking about: a year used to be a dense and complex amount of time to go though; but the last two, especially, have escaped almoust without me noticing them at all: they'd just arrived and, before I knew it, they were gone...

I guess it's just that everything had kept changing, while I don't. I'm older, indeed, but I'm basically still in the same place, doing basically the same things. I don't think this is exclusive of being a shut-in, though, but of living, in general, a repetitive life without any further purpose.
>> No. 8284 [Edit]
File 132330191635.png - (107.47KB , 314x291 , balawhat.png )
>They always two versions of commercials, they air the long version for a while, then taper off to the short version.

Well that would make me feel silly if it were the case. But I did see the commercial again on the same day, so I dunno...
>> No. 8286 [Edit]
Commercials go by faster the second time for literally every single person who sees them
>> No. 8287 [Edit]
The time it takes to double your life years will always feel the same.
>> No. 8291 [Edit]
So if we live forever it really feels like we've been dicking around for a second and in actuality a million years have passed?
>> No. 8295 [Edit]
Reminds me of number 2 on this list:

(Sorry it's cracked)
>> No. 8296 [Edit]
We really need to not have to apologize every time we link to something that isn't tohno-chan.
>> No. 8307 [Edit]

Apologizing for linking to cracked is understandable. It's reminds me of kotaku, expect it's for Ford Drivers and it's worse.
>> No. 8717 [Edit]
>At the rate I'm going maybe I'll blaze through another 3 years before I know what hit me

Yes. That will happen. It happened to me.

Can you believe that 2009 was 3 years ago? Or that 2008 was 4 years ago?

It doens't make any sense does it. That used to be a long amount of time. Like the difference between a 13 year old and a 16 year old is quite big. But to me, the last 3 years have been nothing. I haven't moved on in the last 3 years, but the rest of the world has. It's so terrible.

To normal people 3 years is a long time, but to me, it's nothing. I'm just pissing my life away and it's so awful. Why haven't I saved myself by now?
>> No. 8719 [Edit]
It's weird for me to think that in May I will have been out of high school for as long as I was in it (4 years)
>> No. 8724 [Edit]
Now that you mention it, holy shit, that's going to happen with me this year too.

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