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8031 No. 8031 [Edit]
Does anyone here like using music in general to treat social anxiety?
I really hate being out alone an not having a pair of headsets to block out the world in general. Leaves me fucking nervous.

Any suggestion on how to ease off of this. I'm starting work soon and I'd rather not have to carry around the headset.
I've been trying to slowly lose the habit by not wearing them as much, but it's a hard thing to do.
>> No. 8033 [Edit]
I understand that completely. It's actually a lot harder for me to function in general if I'm not listening to music. The situation is at the point where I'll get up, put my headphones on, and they won't leave my head until I've gone to bed. Anytime I have to deal with folks, I'm listening to music. I guess it just helps to have a soundtrack...

Get earbuds and bring them around your back to your ipod/zune/whatever, rather than around front. That's what I used to do. They don't get in the way of anything, and you can still listen to music~ If your workplace doesn't mind it too much, of course. I don't think they would if your work isn't impacted by it...There are plenty of good earbuds that block out sound surprisingly well - I had a pair that were better than the headset I'm using now.

Song related.
>> No. 8035 [Edit]

Yeah, I suppose. But there's just something about headsets that make me feel safer. Can't explain it, just general insanity.

And it's not just about starting work. I'd rather kick this habit for personal reasons that are not called for here

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