No. 8024
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, have a little faith on me.jpg
>And who exactly are "we"?
Whoever else that, like OP, finds himslef at the gates of inanity (in or out); not you, probably.
>You don't need pretext; what you need, my man, is purpose [...] It doesn't matter how truthful your relevations may be if it doesn't help keeping you alive, for it is not purpose to wish for the end of life.
You should have noted already that, for what is perceived as an insignificant existence (i.e. for me, at least; I have no idea who you think you are), there's no real difference between purposes and big pretexts for living. If you read again that post, you may find that pragmatically conditioning/configurating one's lecture of any so called discovery to one's personal pitiful needs and towards a personal (useless or even detrimental) survival, it's the general and aparently unavoidable condition of inauthenticity and self-deceive, whose acknowledgement leaded me to self-abandonment in the first place; so, you see, you are not offering me any new perspective, this time... and now you'll have to read poetry:
Frente a la furia del mar son
inútiles todos los sueños.
¿Para qué decir la canción
de un corazón que es tan pequeño?
(Facing the fury of the sea they are
useless, all dreams.
Why even saying the song
of heart that is so small?)
>repeat a positive mantra, typically something like, "I'm good enough, I'm smart enough, and, doggone it, people like me!"
lol... the disappointment you'll experience when you try to test, courageously, those assumptions.
Post edited on 20th Nov 2011, 3:39pm