No. 8686
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>Only people that are extremely self-conscious feel that way.
Thing is, you got me dead on with that (and most of /so/ I'd presume).
It's the case with the OP image, too. I don't think people going to see films alone are really under that level of scrutiny from others, but for someone with existing social anxiety knowing that there's a stereotype associated with eating or going to a cinema alone is enough to make you paranoid about it and start taking steps as seen in the OP image or avoiding the situation.
I know that nobody is actually going to talk to me or ask me why I'm alone. Just the thought that someone might judge me in my head is terrifying though.
>If anything, the largest annoyance of eating alone is that it generally makes you more approachable for strangers. The waiter is generally more chatty, and I even sometimes have other people walk over and try to strike up a conversation.
This a thousand times. The other half of my fear over eating alone is the fear that someone will see me and decide that I'm approachable or that I'd appreciate someone talking to me. It's a nice gesture, and my guess is that the average person would enjoy having someone strike up a conversation with me, so I can't really blame them. So there's two fears, the fear that someone will think you're some sort of pathetic loser, and the fear that someone will decide to try and change that or "help" you. It's similar to when you wander around a restaurant that doesn't seat you looking for an open table and someone invites you to sit with them, or you're sitting alone and someone asks if they can sit with you. I never turn them down, but I basically finish my food as fast as possible and leave.
Re: image. I thought this was a nice idea (it's supposed to be a shirt that you wear), but it's inaccurate for me. Mine would read something like ``I have terrible social anxiety, please don't pay any attention to me", except the catch 22 is that wearing such a shirt would draw people's attention to me and prevent me from fading into the background.