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7961 No. 7961 [Edit]
Will this work?
Expand all images
>> No. 7962 [Edit]
Better plan:
use the price of admission to buy a drink and popcorn from a store while a bootleg version of the film you'd like to see downloads, then watch it when you get home.
>> No. 7963 [Edit]
Fortunately American entertainment doesn't appeal to me, so I avoid the situation altogether. If you must, though, I think >>7962 has the right idea.
>> No. 7965 [Edit]
I think you underestimate the mental stress the movie going experience can put onto social outcasts, the likes of which primarily occupy this site.

but yes, I do concur with your final point.
It seems rather illogical for one such as OP to attend a movie screening with his condition.
>> No. 7966 [Edit]
Best idea: pirate said film you wanna see, watch it in the comfort of your home. Why would you willingly go to a cinema to pay more money than the stuff is worth, to be surrounded by annoying fools?

This just seems overly paranoid. I don't think people notice if you go to the cinema alone anyway. Who's to say you aren't arriving on your own, and meeting up later? Who's even consciously lookout out for people that may be there alone anyway, besides someone as equally paranoid?
>> No. 7967 [Edit]
The last time I went it was with my dad last year (I think it was last year anyway) and it was pretty fun. We went in the afternoon on a weekday so there was only 2 other people in the theater, and my dad handled buying tickets and everything so I didn't need to talk to anyone.
>> No. 7969 [Edit]
>Why would you willingly go to a cinema to pay more money than the stuff is worth, to be surrounded by annoying fools?

presumably because you want to see it on the big screen, with a good sound system.

and if something is worth watching its worth paying for. if you cant afford it you probably have bigger issues in your life than being embarrassed at a movie theatre. work on that.
>> No. 7970 [Edit]
If simply going to the cinema alone is such a stressful experience, why would you want to talk to random strangers or attract attention with #2 or #3?
>> No. 7980 [Edit]
This thread...
>> No. 7998 [Edit]
I go to the movies alone all the time. No one has ever tried to talk to me, let alone laugh at me. Yes, I have some anxiety, but no more so than when I do anything in public. Once the movie starts nobody gives a shit about who's around them unless you're a loud, rude asshole.

I'm an "outcast", I get nervous being around and talking to people, I don't have friends to go to the movies with. But if you seriously think anything in that guide is necessary then you're literally insane and should seek help.
>> No. 7999 [Edit]
>But if you seriously think anything in that guide is necessary then you're literally insane and should seek help.

Get lost, motorist.
>> No. 8000 [Edit]
I used to go alone a lot see ballet (and a few concerts). There were waiting rooms and moments when people started socilizing that falt kind of lonely, but I never really cared too much about it all; I went to see the performance and I enjoyed very well by myself.
>> No. 8032 [Edit]
The coat thing (not an EXTRA coat) is useful to make sure you get at least one space between yourself and the next person

Sometimes this is useful because they can be that one couple that starts a snogging fest mid movie, which regardless if you're one of us or not is fucking annoying. (you need to buy the last seat in a row for this)

Otherwise, no...that's complete trash really. Just play it cool
>> No. 8056 [Edit]
I "what"'d at the OP's image. I'd rather just watch it on my computer and even if I had to go I wouldn't care so much anyway as the people there wouldn't care too.
>> No. 8102 [Edit]
As someone who has gone to events and eaten out at restaurants by himself and goner one related shot. I can personally say people do not snicker or diss you for going to those places alone. The most you will hear if when talking to people and they ask Who you are with and you respond that you are 'alone' they might have a little surprise or shock and that is it. I flat out say 'I don't really go out with other people' or ' I am a shuton' or ' I couldn't find anyone to go out with so I went alone, and they are either okay or volunteer to accompany me places
>> No. 8154 [Edit]
why do you think anyone cares if youre going to see a movie on your own
>> No. 8162 [Edit]
This over-thinking is part of your illness. It's no ones business what you're doing at the movies by yourself.
>> No. 8165 [Edit]
Besides I seriously don't think anyone will care about you. So long as you look like some average person who the fuck would give you crap for watching a movie alone? Its not like thats really peculiar or something.
>> No. 8182 [Edit]
I think these actions would simply draw more attention to you, creating an effect opposite to the desired one.
I used to go to cinema alone all the time and no one cared.
The occupying nearby seats with your items wouldn't work here anyway, because your seat number is on your ticket.
>> No. 8184 [Edit]
>your seat number is on your ticket

Every movie I've ever gone to (admittedly not many) hasn't had assigned seats. They just tell you what screen to go to and you can sit wherever you want.
>> No. 8192 [Edit]
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If you could solve any social anxiety problem by saying "no one cares" psychology wouldn't exist in the first place.
>> No. 8193 [Edit]
Sorry for speaking the truth
>> No. 8195 [Edit]
All of these seem really inconvenient.

I go to the movies and don't give a fuck. Besides, most of the movies I go to attract worse people than me.
>> No. 8196 [Edit]
While it is true that most people will not care for your existence, it is difficult for an irrational person to believe that.

I speak from experience.
>> No. 8197 [Edit]
The basics seem ok. I wouldn't do the other things, though. They might attract attention to yourself. But why do you want to go to the cinema? I would simply download it.
>> No. 8198 [Edit]
Watching it on a big screen is a different experience, and some people actually want to pay for services they get.
>> No. 8199 [Edit]
Watching it on a big screen is a different experience, and some people actually want to pay for services they get.

Not that I'm defending them or anything, since the american movie industry is Haruhidamn awful
>> No. 8201 [Edit]
If you're willing to put in such a giant effort, why wouldn't you just invest that effort into actually making friends?

I'm friendless as well, but Haruhidamn this guide requires you to talk to people anyway so you might as well make real friends instead
>> No. 8232 [Edit]
This all looks pretty good except for #3...

Talking to strangers? HELL nah. If I did that I would get so self-conscious I'd have no choice but to move and if the urge to flee overtook me after the movie had already started I'd probably leave rather than search for an empty seat. Yeah, that's a bad idea.

I think it's important to note that all of this is essentially roleplay to make yourself feel better since people at the movies aren't paying attention to jack squat. As long as you're not wearing a hot pink sweater and cosplay angel wings you're not going to get noticed.
>> No. 8234 [Edit]
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One of the benefits of living in my shitty area is that the crappy cinema nearby is always near-empty.

I've went there before when I was the only person and it was nice, though a bit creepy.
>> No. 8262 [Edit]
>Dress casual, no bright colours, nothing that attracts attention to you, wear a hat if possible

The hat bit just makes me think I'd look more creepy.
>> No. 8358 [Edit]
What is wrong with going to see a movie alone?

I do it all the time, even if it's some blockbuster and there's ton o people.
>> No. 8360 [Edit]

Seems to be some sort of social stimga.
>> No. 8361 [Edit]
People are idiots, they think if you're doing something by yourself then something is wrong with you.
>> No. 8366 [Edit]
I've been to the cinema alone only once before, and I actually got harassed that one time. Never before, never after. I never thought it might've been because I was alone, until I saw this thread. This cinema was a local small-ish one, with only one hall, so I ended up generalizing that cinemas of this sort attracts bad crowd/foul behavior more so than bigger and "cleaner" or "tidier" cinemas. Which hypothesis is more truthful I will never find out - because I don't go to cinemas on personal initiative anymore; oh and never again small cinemas whatsoever.

Contrary to the OP picture, I believe a healthy ammount of crowd is more fortunate in most aspects, because then you have a bigger chance of fellow crowd members to sanction foul behavior. I once sat behind a guy which repeatedly turned on his phone to read/text/whatever, so I gathered some courage, patted him on the shoulder and whispered in his ear "turn that thing off". He did; and it felt good. Would I have dared so if there wasn't a healthy ammount of people in the hall? Not likely.
>> No. 8383 [Edit]
I remember when I was a teenager going to the movies was like that. If you were between the ages of 12 and 20 and showed up for the 8:00 showing of ANYTHING on a Friday or Saturday night, hormonal wannabe gangster alpha pups would grille the shit out of you and if you looked at them it was on.

I had forgotten what that was like until just now.

No fun.
>> No. 8682 [Edit]
is it US-limited? I rememeber my mother felt weird about going out to restaurnts alone to eat when out at her work (as opposed to wating with a friend). apparently a lot of people go out to restaurants a lot for the social aspects (i.e. dates or eatign with friends) as opposed to the FOOD offered there.
>> No. 8684 [Edit]
It might be a bit more prevalent in the US.

Eating alone really depends on the place. If you're just grabbing something at a fast food restaurant, chances nobody cares, but it's considered strange to go to a nice place and eat alone. I get self-conscious about it. I don't even want to be eating with someone, but I feel like people will judge me for it.
>> No. 8685 [Edit]
>but it's considered strange to go to a nice place and eat alone.

No, it isn't. Only people that are extremely self-conscious feel that way.

I see business people eating alone all the time. No one gives them a second thought. I often end up going to restaurants by myself. No one seems to judge me for it, or at least they're not obvious about it. That group of women a few tables over isn't whispering and laughing about you.

If anything, the largest annoyance of eating alone is that it generally makes you more approachable for strangers. The waiter is generally more chatty, and I even sometimes have other people walk over and try to strike up a conversation.

At least, those are my experiences in the South, Southwest USA, and even most of Southeast Asia.
>> No. 8686 [Edit]
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>Only people that are extremely self-conscious feel that way.

Thing is, you got me dead on with that (and most of /so/ I'd presume).

It's the case with the OP image, too. I don't think people going to see films alone are really under that level of scrutiny from others, but for someone with existing social anxiety knowing that there's a stereotype associated with eating or going to a cinema alone is enough to make you paranoid about it and start taking steps as seen in the OP image or avoiding the situation.

I know that nobody is actually going to talk to me or ask me why I'm alone. Just the thought that someone might judge me in my head is terrifying though.

>If anything, the largest annoyance of eating alone is that it generally makes you more approachable for strangers. The waiter is generally more chatty, and I even sometimes have other people walk over and try to strike up a conversation.

This a thousand times. The other half of my fear over eating alone is the fear that someone will see me and decide that I'm approachable or that I'd appreciate someone talking to me. It's a nice gesture, and my guess is that the average person would enjoy having someone strike up a conversation with me, so I can't really blame them. So there's two fears, the fear that someone will think you're some sort of pathetic loser, and the fear that someone will decide to try and change that or "help" you. It's similar to when you wander around a restaurant that doesn't seat you looking for an open table and someone invites you to sit with them, or you're sitting alone and someone asks if they can sit with you. I never turn them down, but I basically finish my food as fast as possible and leave.

Re: image. I thought this was a nice idea (it's supposed to be a shirt that you wear), but it's inaccurate for me. Mine would read something like ``I have terrible social anxiety, please don't pay any attention to me", except the catch 22 is that wearing such a shirt would draw people's attention to me and prevent me from fading into the background.
>> No. 8687 [Edit]
For me there's some horribly humiliating about being called shy. Or timid, another one I've heard. It actually makes me angry. The idea of wearing that shirt, much less wearing it in public, is unthinkable for me.
>> No. 8688 [Edit]
Oh, me too. I thought the shirt was neat, but I wouldn't be caught dead wearing it.

When I had a job we'd have downtime, and people would sit around and talk. Sometimes I would actually enjoy listening in on the conversation and just sit there, only to have my silent observing broken half an hour later with ``Anon-kun is quiet today, isn't he?". Horribly humiliating indeed.
>> No. 8689 [Edit]
Seriously OP, movies suck now. But they are so bad that they are laughable. I went to see the movie Warhorse awhile ago (yes, alone) and honest to Hamrooheed everything was so, so bad. The previews were just awful. So chalk full of stereotypes. And the movie itself! The acting was so bad, everything was just.. shit. Absolute shit. Granted I had smoked weed a little while beforehand so maybe that's why I laughed a lot. Anyway, save your money.
>> No. 8690 [Edit]

If you only go to see shitty movies then yes, movies suck. That doesn't mean there aren't any good movies being made today.
>> No. 8693 [Edit]
the only 'good' movies being made are artsy fartsy pretentious people/relationship drama shit.

what I'd like to see are 'good' movies in other more interesting genres.
scifi movies -can- be good, horror movies don't all have to be idiotic gore fetishist shit.
there's no law that says all big budget blockbusters are required to be retarded as all hell.

Is it really asking that much for a movie to be related to a subject one might find interesting (like aliens or robots or loli cat girls), but also not be shit?
>> No. 8713 [Edit]
>there's no law that says all big budget blockbusters are required to be retarded as all hell.

There is if you want to compete with the reality TV extreme action sports dancing star babies or whatever's popular on the idiot box these days. Lowest common denominator trash gets more sales, and the MPAA is a commercial enterprise, plain and simple.

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