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No. 7774 [Edit]
  Shit, I am a lump of shit since I was born. you enjoys over your rich dainties and I suffers being a crap, I know it is predestine till to the death .
Shit, I am a lump of shit, humbler than the ants. You driving a Benz and I just picking my nose,I know it is predestine 'till the death.
Long night, sparse star night, I past the night in a crapper. Do you know a life is short and joy is even shorter?
Shits , we are pile of shits , striving for happiness. Since we are acquaintances, we should share happiness, although everything is miserable.
Long way, lonely way, I've found myself on a journey of no return. Do you know that misunderstanding is many that the insult even more .
I am in the nadir shit and humble like a mud. You kicked my ass and scolded me instead say sorry to me. A smelly shit can never allowed make a career.
Hope one day I can be in the garden, by the side of the flowers, looking up to the tender leaves.
Hope one day a lump of shit become fertilizer, to nurture the flowers, with fragrance beneath the starry night .

Post edited on 29th Oct 2011, 5:28pm
>> No. 7775 [Edit]
I hate myself too, OP. I know that I'm nothing more than shit, but I would rather just die and disappear than "nurture" anything.
>> No. 7779 [Edit]
>I would rather just die and disappear than "nurture" anything.
Chances are, you wont be able to "nurture" anything or become a fertilizer, unless you actually fight for it with other lumps of shit. There are only few flowers, and so much shit.
So I dont even hope to become a fertilizer, or "die for a cause" or whatever. My birth was a mistake and my life is a mistake. Nothing good can come out of it.
>> No. 7795 [Edit]
I never once implied that I would be able to "nurture" anything, but I like everything else that you said and can say that it also applies to me.

I love this board and site.

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