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775 No. 775 [Edit]
For those of you that find it a challenge to step outside, what are some things you do when you're forced to do so that help take the edge off so to speak?
What are some ways you make being outside when you have to be, a little less horrible?

For myself, I find sunglasses really help.
It helps to get rid of that problem of never knowing where to look, which is one of my biggest problems when outside, seems no matter how or where I look, it's the wrong way.
The down side to this of course is that it might draw extra attention to ones self.
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>> No. 776 [Edit]
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I have hair that covers my face so it can serve as an isolation barrier of sorts and no one will want to talk to you that way anyway

Also it obstructs your peripheral vision so you're more likely to be hit by a car and put out of your misery
>> No. 777 [Edit]
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If someone speaks to you or otherwise calls your attention, just ignore him, act as if you didn't notice it. He'll try a few more times, then give up. Forever. Works with family too.
>> No. 779 [Edit]
I might try sunglasses, if I can find any that make me not look like a faggot. I tend to stare a lot, and that makes for people wanting to start conversations. I hate that an unchangeable habit forces me to socialize with people who I don't want to talk to.

Also, when I do go outside, I try to make myself look as unsavory as possible. A constant scowl and the right outfit really help in deterring people. This won't always work if you're the type (like me) that gets lost in thought and gets a blank expression, since people will talk to you if you inadvertently stare at them with a vacant face. Trust me. I have had the worst experiences on trains on the odd occasion I do go out.
>> No. 781 [Edit]
Looking like shit helps, if you don't care about appearance that much. If I have to leave and I don't want to talk I quit shaving so I get a neckbeard and lots of patches of shitty blonde hair all over my face. Also, dress as inconspicuously as possible. No brand names, everything as plain as possible, possibly even dirty. That way people won't be able to pigeonhole you in a group or clique and you won't be approached.
>> No. 782 [Edit]
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I largely avoid conversations or people by walking fast and generally looking pissed.

Sunglasses sounds like an interesting technique. I might give this a try and see if it works. I had a bad experience a few years ago when the sunglasses DID draw attention though. Some mentally-disabled and obese guy came up to me and said "your glasses look cool".
>> No. 783 [Edit]
This. I pretty much dress like a hobo and people steer clear of me.
>> No. 785 [Edit]
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1. Listening to music, always keeping your earbuds on.
2. Looking pissed off or intimidating.
3. Keep looking at the floor.
4. Walk fast and take the shortest ways.
5. Sit in the last wagon, last row in class.

I would add growing an awesome beard but I noticed I get far more views when I have a beard (people think I'm a terrorist or sth). These are what I do to make it the shortest possible outside experience. For making things a little less horrible I usually have music that gives me tremendous nostalgia, images of my waifu on the phone or keep some RPGs in my GB micro.
>> No. 786 [Edit]

That's the exact opposite of what I always do, except for the walking fast part.

I always try to look kind of happy and distracted, people seem to find it normal.
>> No. 787 [Edit]
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>> No. 788 [Edit]
I wish I could wear big shades but I'm blind without my glasses. I have prescription sunglasses but they aren't as concealing as I'd like
>> No. 789 [Edit]
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Clip ons. Hell yeah, mofo.

>> No. 790 [Edit]
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But NEETs do go outside. Even if not often.
>> No. 791 [Edit]
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I have headphones on to give myself an excuse for not reacting if people try to talk to me or make fun of me. The headphones are the kind with a strap going over the top of my head, so I also don't have to worry about my hair blowing about too much when I have them on compared to if I used earphones.
I stare at the floor to avoid eye contact and have an excuse for not reacting to people using gestures to try and gain my attention, and to avoid seeing people looking at me or laughing at me, since that makes me feel worse.
I keep my hands in my pockets because I don't know what to do with my arms and feel like anything I do will look awkward anyway.
If I have to wait somewhere near another person, I'll pretend to be busy texting someone with my phone or doing something else that requires attention and might keep me from noticing them.
I drug myself up on anti-anxiety meds before going out, and count things or recite song lyrics inside my head to distract myself from what's going on.
>> No. 793 [Edit]
I find people don't bother talking to you if you look uninteresting. which amounts pretty much to what >>781 said.

I also find if you must go out for some reason that going out at night works best, if it's a store a hour or so before they close as (depending on the store) their amount of customers slow down. When you go to pay for whatever it is your buying act like you're having trouble organizing the stuff in your wallet to avoid the clerk from trying to chit chat. You could also act like you're on the phone with some one if you're good at acting.
>> No. 794 [Edit]
Had something like that happened? I mean people making fun of you etc, or is that just an irrational fear? I know what that's like, I'm always paranoid that people are laughing at me. I have to force myself to see the reality of the situation.
>> No. 795 [Edit]
As far as stores go, I find it's best to not take out earbuds/take off headphones, get exact change for the things you're buying, and make a quick exit.
>> No. 796 [Edit]
Always look towards the ground.

Everyone just leaves you alone.

Sometimes they ask you why you look so sad. Just never respond.
>> No. 797 [Edit]
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Used to happen occasionally, I'm not sure any more since I take steps to avoid being able to tell if it does happen, though that just ends up making me assume it happens all the time when it might in fact be much rarer than I think. It's probably mostly an irrational fear.

I try to tell myself that when people are laughing at me, the intended audience of their words and actions isn't me but the friends they're with. They're not doing it to put me down, but to show off to their friends about how confident and outgoing and alpha they are. Still, as much as I tell myself that, it doesn't really make myself feel any better when it does happen.
>> No. 802 [Edit]
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The Advanced KIT:

- Sunglasses (+hat). Apart from catching unwanted glances, you'll also need protection from the sun's blinding light, if you normally sleep daytime.

- Headphones/earphones. Take your essential OST et al. always with you; not just the sight but also the noise of the city (the so called music at the bus, the honks, the people's silly chat and laughter) tends to be quite uncomfortable. If you heat iPods, none of us really use cellphones to speak (apart from with parents), so a decent one might do just well and it serves also for watching your favourite waifu pics whenever you want.

- Hobo wardrove. Chez vous, you might normally wear pijamas, t-shirt, sandals and a sweater; probably you also stoped shaving, and now take the least baths as posible since your heater sucks. If you're just going out for a minute, like to the convenience store, there's no reason to change this; but if you're heading to a longer journey in a crowded place (say: college), it could be good to have an always ready to go pair of jeans and a coat, already packed with your samall daily supplies (v.g. cigarrettes, snacks, can of favourite beverage, some medicine); that coat can really become like a portable bed (to lay alone comfortably), whereas it helps scaring some people away as well.

- Gaming/Netto portable device. Even if you're not particularly attached to any console or preffer to read, this doesn't mean you might not ever get suddenly fed up/sick already with the outside, wanting to run immediately to your bros or the 2D soothing virtual world you know. So, if you're gonna have to spend long dead hours in college, and have the posibility to acquire it, a decent laptop/notebook -ready to hook on your school wireless- can really save your day (altough you should always carry a fan for it as well; and it could be dangerous to be spotted using it by your local junkie petty thieves).
>> No. 804 [Edit]
try to keep in mind that nobody gives a shit about you and anyone you see in public will have completely forgottern you within 5 seconds.
>> No. 805 [Edit]
Not to contradict you, but I always remember people I see in public, unless something earth-shattering happens (i.e. a stranger talks to me). I even give them little pet names if I usually see them more than once a day (Example: there is a guy who walks around in a trenchcoat, goth-ish parachute pants, and sunglasses - I ironically call him 'the One', after Neo in The Matrix).
Then again, I'm weird.

I found that the music/plain wardrobe combination work. Music guards against the itching feeling I have that everyone is noticing and/or laughing at me, and the inconspicuous wardrobe prevents me from standing out too much.
>> No. 806 [Edit]
I think we're the ones who aren't in the norm. I nearly always remember people, but from what I've gathered ford drivers don't.
On an unrelated note, I sometimes spontaneously start crying when I walk by a group of people having a good time. This draws attention. Any tips on helping me not tear up?
>> No. 807 [Edit]
You just need a healthy contempt for other people. Think about how much you'd probably hate spending time with those people you're walking by. Alternatively, distract yourself with music.
>> No. 808 [Edit]
I know how this feels. I used to have a habit like that. It was the deepest feeling of regret that I've ever felt, whenever I passed a group of ford drivers having fun. A few times I teared up...

I forgot how I got over that. I guess it was when I became all "Up the punx", and realized that I didn't care about them, myself, or anyone else, really. I just wanted to live life on my own terms, and if I wanted something nobody else did, or didn't want something everyone else did, so what? Apathy works, I guess. Or, like >>807 said, contempt.
>> No. 809 [Edit]
File 129164621796.jpg - (26.89KB , 590x481 , 1262316900349.jpg )
I found out that being agitated and looking everyone straightly into the eyes is enough to ensure never having social interaction outside. Sometimes a hooligan or something will look back and provoke, but then it's usually enough to just start chasing them while yelling curse words.
>> No. 814 [Edit]
Sunglasses help. This, coupled with looking at the person's nose or eyebrows, can lessen social anxiety.
>> No. 815 [Edit]
I always wear headphones, even though I don't have a music player. I can just pretend I don't hear anyone talking to me.
>> No. 816 [Edit]
Headphones and books. Just stare at the ground if you're walking somewhere, maybe glance at stuff when passing by.
>> No. 860 [Edit]
I have actual glasses, so I can't wear sun glasses with much ease.

Lucky bastards. I never know where to look.
>> No. 863 [Edit]
Get prescription sunglasses
>> No. 864 [Edit]
Or use lenses.
>> No. 865 [Edit]
I hope you don't mean contact lenses because those suck.
>> No. 868 [Edit]
>Prescription sunglasses
Well, that is definitely an idea. I would certainly hope I like them though, they must be expensive.
>> No. 873 [Edit]

Aren't those kinda expensive?
>> No. 978 [Edit]
the problem with headphones is that I sometimes get people who try asking me what I'm listening to.
>> No. 979 [Edit]
and then you pretend not to hear them, or just respond with metallica or some other normal music if you don't feel like ignoring them.
>> No. 981 [Edit]
I don't know, my parents bought mine
>> No. 985 [Edit]
what if they tap me on the shoulder?
>> No. 986 [Edit]
Punch them and scream rape
>> No. 999 [Edit]
That's never happened to me.

Well, at least not since my school days.
>> No. 1035 [Edit]
Sunglasses are great... Dress plainly, or if you want to pass as one of THEM even stylishly. It might even help your self-esteem.

I also tend to plan rewards to myself for my efforts whether it's food or a little prize. Knowing that I was gonna go to the toy store after running boring errands with my parents as a child always helped me endure it.

Things haven't changed that much.
>> No. 1060 [Edit]
Long, unkept hair, cheap clothes, sunglasses.
I get a lot of strange looks from people, but for some reason 1000 glances at you with sunglasses is way better than 10 without them. They make you feel invisible.
Being drunk when going out never hurts either.
>> No. 1062 [Edit]
It's very frustrating that some normalfags have social phobia but despite that get 3DPDs (OP is an example). I don't have social phobia but always had 0 chances with bitches, or society in general.

I can give advice for those who feel uneasy outside: for few days go out and every time look at strangers' eyes as long as you can (so he stops staring first). Do it with 20 people. Soon you will start feeling comfortable on the streets, at least for me it worked. Another thing is to look stright ahead, at horizon line. It actually makes you more comfortable and confident than looking at floor.
>> No. 1063 [Edit]
>look at strangers' eyes as long as you can (so he stops staring first). Do it with 20 people
do this in the wrong place and you're liable to get your ass kicked
>> No. 1073 [Edit]
Well of course you don't do it in a bad place or with someone who even LOOKS like they might have a temper.
>> No. 1091 [Edit]

Yeah, I get the idea here, but most people will think you're trying to start shit. I don't recommend this. Either way, this is abnormal behavior and might actually DRAW attention to you rather than deflect it.

If the intention is to blend in, I think there's a lot of useful advice in this thread. If the goal is the learn how to integrate into society we're gonna need a different thread.
>> No. 1096 [Edit]
I agree, staring at people is just going to start crap. And maybe a thread on how to integrate might be of interest to people here, although it does kinda run perpendicular to our culture here.
>> No. 1098 [Edit]
None of this is all that uncommon, but the way you lay it out so plainly makes me want to hug you and tell you it'll be alright.

Maybe it's the cute umbrella-girl you paired your post with.
>> No. 1121 [Edit]
thread related - i disagree with a lot of the advice but fuck it
>> No. 1144 [Edit]
Why the fuck were you even on that site?
>> No. 1180 [Edit]
Why not? It probably has similiar percentage of normalfags as tohno-chan, so there is no difference. Stop criticizing people's choices of internet shitholes to dwell in.
>> No. 1182 [Edit]
>And maybe a thread on how to integrate might be of interest to people here, although it does kinda run perpendicular to our culture here.
How hypocritic, considering nature of that site. Nonetheless, aim of my advice wasn't meant to get social skills but to remove unpleasant feeling of being watched and similiar things coming from social phobia. For me it worked.
>> No. 1239 [Edit]

Agreed. You gotta keep an open mind and your ears open in order to struggle through this world. Still, it's important to consider the sources when weighing out your options. I think it's great that you were able to find something that spoke to you, though. God knows I wander through most of my life feeling severely misunderstood.
>> No. 1341 [Edit]
The plain clothes do help. I used to dress pretty stylish back in highschool, as my elder sister bought me my clothes. Right before I started college, I got rid of all the polo's and shirts of scene bands I dont listen to, along with the plaid shorts and skinny jeans.

I bought an entirely new wardrobe at walmart. Ten plain shirts of varying colors, and ten normal straight jeans along with some cheap looking shoes and a jacket. I dont use the headphone thing, as I feel that would only draw more attention towards me. Walking fast, using a wristwatch and looking at it every once in a while, or pressing random buttons on a cheap prepaid phone helps. Anything to look busy. This works great during lab work as well. If anyone tries to start a conversation I just tell them I'm in a hurry and need to concentrate. If they keep talking anyways, which many people have, just act disinterested or leave to the bathroom or something.
>> No. 1343 [Edit]
Carry a loaded gun at all ti- ooooh THAT kind of survival...

Let's see now:
Ⅰ.Ignore the fact that there's people around you.
I know it sounds ridiculous, but try it. Simply refuse to acknowledge their existence and think about something else, or just visualize an empty street.

Simply decide that you hate people, even if you don't. When you practice enough, the hatred will build up on its own, but don't go too far. How does this help, you ask? Simple, hating people usually involves viewing them as something less than yourself. This removes the fear of people and replaces it with hate.

Ⅲ.Focus on what you're doing.
Obviously you've gone out for some very important reason, such as stocking up on food. Focus on thinking about the food and how good it's going to be.

Ⅳ.Take alternative routes.
If you're looking to avoid people at all costs, take unpopular routes to the location you need to reach.

Ⅴ.When using public transportation:
Remember to just sit down and look out the window of the bus, tram or train you're in and just focus on what's outside. If all the seats are taken, look at the ceiling or floor. Looking at the floor is a bit less awkward for your neck, so I recommend that.

Any questions?
>> No. 1348 [Edit]
>Any questions?
Yeah... what should you do in situations where you absolutely have to interact with people?
>> No. 1350 [Edit]
Ingest copious amounts of alcohol and initiate a brawl.
That's what I do.
>> No. 1351 [Edit]
Then just go with option Ⅱ. Hating whomever you're talking to is better than fearing them.
>> No. 1352 [Edit]
That didn't really help me in high school. I loathed everyone around me and I was still nervous all the time
>> No. 1353 [Edit]
The Misaki Manoever doesn't work well, as Misaki Nakahara would have told you.
>> No. 1354 [Edit]
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Thee "Misaki maneuver" is more about looking down on others than hating them. You don't necessarily hate your inferiors, they're just not supposed to be important enough to make you nervous (like a child or dog or something).

I'm not sure if it actually works very well (obviously not in the context of NHK but we're talking bigger here). I've never been able to pull it off seriously, since I have a sort of perverted sense of morals that doesn't allow me to look down on others. Also because I hate myself.

But I think a huge amount of people in the world have superiority complexes to some extent. I think believing you're better than most is almost vital to being a "normal" person. A big thing that stops me is, "why would it be worth it for this person to hear what I have to say?". But if you have a strong ego, you would think more like "Of course this person should hear what I have to say!".

If you can manage to go from anxious inferiority complex to a superiority complex, good on you. But I don't know if it's possible.....
>> No. 1355 [Edit]
I think the reason it doesn't work is a bit simpler. Its hard to convince yourself down to the depth of your subconsciousness something you know isn't true. Even though you would like to believe, it outrages your true nature, and no matter how much you try to pull the wool over your eyes you won't be truly convinced. At most you can only pretend to be convinced and live in that pretend persona.

Example: convincing yourself that you like your job.
>> No. 1356 [Edit]
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>> No. 1357 [Edit]
I think I'm going to give the Misaki technique a try. I genuinely am pretty arrogant and look down on others, so I want to try keeping this in mind during social interactions.
>> No. 1362 [Edit]
No. The Misaki technique is not true strength. One day your fragile world will come crashing down on you, and until that day you will have a superiority complex.
>> No. 1381 [Edit]
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Well, the misaki thing does work for me. At least at my shitty job (fast food) They all are niggers (soul niggers, you know, shit people with no knowledge of anything, bad manners, kida bullys etc) So, i KNOW i'm better than they. Yeah, i have no friends or girl or purpose, but at least i have good manners and i respect women, i don't steal, etc.
Whatever. Oh, and sorry for my english.
>> No. 1382 [Edit]
>One day your fragile world will come crashing down on you

Only if you allow it to.
>> No. 1448 [Edit]
normalfag shit here - i warned you
>> No. 1451 [Edit]
>> No. 1452 [Edit]
that is the worst site I have ever seen.
>> No. 1453 [Edit]
I would slam my hand in a car door 20 or 30 times if it meant I could unsee that site.
>> No. 1457 [Edit]
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>I posted an ad just so I could watch the replies come in and feel like I had some kind of choice in the world. That somebody wanted me, even if they were gross and I'd never want them back.

>> No. 1458 [Edit]
Here's an obvious but very useful tip: Don't leave the house on Fridays or weekends. Normals everywhere.
>> No. 1476 [Edit]
Once I had to stay back at uni to finish an assignment until late. Only the late bus was around and I had to catch the train home. The road to the train station became a nightclub strip at night.. It was somewhat traumatic.
>> No. 1502 [Edit]
Just going poses no problems for me, unless i meet a bypassenger who could recognize me from schooltime.

But i can't interact at all with others, and i don't really want too.
>> No. 1579 [Edit]
If you are nearsighted, take off your glasses while you're on the street. That way, you might see people as mere smudged blobs.
>> No. 1580 [Edit]
Never thought of this, might actually try it when I'm not using lenses.
>> No. 1581 [Edit]
I dunno, I wouldn't want to trip or something

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