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File 131907651060.jpg - (136.55KB , 800x970 , 8d4cee26c17344f4bb4c3c5d1e8fc1df90e510fc.jpg )
7640 No. 7640 [Edit]
Fuck all of what I said you guys are great.

Also I had the worst time this afternoon and I regret what I did.

Also this still applies if I die accidentally:

"I've alerted some people of my possessions in case of my demise, and you will probably be hearing from someone named Kim or Lux in the IRC about some things. I have about $100 to my name for shipping. The cash is in my wallet, so they can just get it from there. "

Post edited on 22nd Oct 2011, 7:00pm
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>> No. 7641 [Edit]
if you need money, maybe you should sell your stuff online?
>> No. 7642 [Edit]
I'd talk you out of it, but it would be somewhat hypocritical of me since I would probably do the same
>> No. 7643 [Edit]
Don't do it.

That's all I can really say.
>> No. 7644 [Edit]
why not?
>> No. 7645 [Edit]
I'd have no stuff and all of my money would go to my mother's mounting credit card debt, of which none of it went to things I have.

I'm not totally resolute. Just considering it as a serious option.
>> No. 7646 [Edit]
>all of my money would go to my mother's mounting credit card debt.
That's her problem, not yours.
I don't care if I sound like a dick for saying this, Shinden, stop being such a pussy and stand up to your bitch of a mom already and tell her to fuck off when she gives you unreasonable orders.
She bosses you around as much as she does because you let her.

I mean seriously, come the fuck on, you're saying you rather die then stand up to your bitch of a mother, what the fuck is wrong with you?!

Post edited on 19th Oct 2011, 11:00pm
>> No. 7647 [Edit]
Living with messed up parents can be very difficult. Just keep looking for a job. I hate the way my parents treat me but until someone hires me there's nothing I can do. Eventually you will find something. The holiday season is coming and lots of retailers will start hiring.
>> No. 7648 [Edit]
stop being a melodramatic crybaby and do something about your life
>> No. 7649 [Edit]
anime is like the Japanese version of the Wayans brothers.
>> No. 7650 [Edit]
I'm sure you can do something about your life, you don't deserve to be killed by the world.
If you need more money, there are ways to get it, you could save up for a bit and move out from your mothers house.
Are there any abandoned houses in your town that you could squat in?
>> No. 7652 [Edit]
Try being a vagabond for a while, it's what I did.
Then again I have awesome parents to get home to if I seriously need it.

>Wayans brothers
I have no idea what that is.
>> No. 7656 [Edit]
I guess I should just call my dad about that rent-free place... I have a few options.

Also if I lived in the place in Boston, my mother would be so angry, so it would be a nice passive way of sticking it to her.

One issue is that I value a net connection more than my life... ニート魂。
>> No. 7657 [Edit]
You're too sane, you need to get rid of what ever is keeping you sane and freak the fuck out.
>> No. 7660 [Edit]
It doesnt sound like you are ready to go yet. And that rent-free place sounds like a good alternative.
>> No. 7661 [Edit]
Is your dad a nice man?
>> No. 7662 [Edit]
At least wait and see if your boston tohno-house fails.
>> No. 7663 [Edit]
>I value a net connection more than my life

As do I.
>> No. 7666 [Edit]
Do you have any money at all?

Because if you able to buy food in bulk, you can easily live on 70 dollars a month, I'm sure if you got some other people from Tohno to live with you, you could all raise enough money for an internet connection.
>> No. 7671 [Edit]
I like this idea. I like it a lot. However, many of us have no jobs and aren't very employable. How would we get the money for something like a brohno house? If enough people had food stamps or disability it might work but that's not so likely.
>> No. 7673 [Edit]
Food stamps are calculated be household income.
So if a large number of people (more so if they all have monitored income such as disability) are in one place, there'd be very little foodstamp money to be had.

Two people on disability could live rather comfortably together though, if you could stand having a room mate.
>> No. 7677 [Edit]
Stop talking about the tohno house it's never going to happen
>> No. 7679 [Edit]

This. Seriously, stop talking about it. If you're so incapable of living the life you live now, how the hell are you and a dozen other socially inept guys going to live together in a house, pay bills, and manage day to day responsibilities?

And please don't shit up the board with faux suicide threads OP, that's seriously the most attention whoring thing you can do on the internet.
>> No. 7680 [Edit]
Tohno House could be just a cover for the real business.

The tohno Brothel. We'd all walk around in frilly clothing and occasionally kigurumi. As you all go outside and seduce men, I'd charge them to impale your boy pussys. That way all of you get to feel the pleasure of being cummed inside as a little girl, and I'd have enough money to live the good life and support the rest of you.
>> No. 7681 [Edit]
it's kind of embarrassing, really
>> No. 7682 [Edit]
Someone's jealous he didn't get invited.
>> No. 7683 [Edit]
That is even more reason to talk about it.
Srsly who wants to talk about things that currently exist?
>> No. 7684 [Edit]
Sign me in!
>> No. 7685 [Edit]
File 131923874365.jpg - (47.71KB , 400x400 , 1299994166149.jpg )
>> No. 7686 [Edit]
(´ι _` )
>> No. 7688 [Edit]
>> No. 7690 [Edit]
Fine then.

If you don't want my shit it's just being thrown away anyways.

There's a good $1,500 retail priced things here, including a limited 2008 Konata figma (Haruhi cosplay).

Eh, guess the prospect of free things isn't worth your time.

Even if my death is an accident you guys don't want anything anyways so it's cool.
>> No. 7692 [Edit]
I'd want some stuff, but I am a little wary of giving my address to strangers on the internet
>> No. 7693 [Edit]
Please reconsider, it sounds like you have a place to stay, so thats half the battle.

Food is cheep if you buy it in bulk, you can get on the internet from public libraries.

Im sure there must be a better alternative.
>> No. 7694 [Edit]
I wouldin't mind giving a few of your figs a nice place to stay, and wouldn't mind paying for the shipping.
But it's way to long of a distance to drive to, as I'm sure the case would be with many others.
>> No. 7695 [Edit]
Hey Shinden, if you're willing to relocate to a rural area I could talk to my mom about renting a room for cheap. We have an extra one, and we have internet access. I'll let you use my PC and my external HD, too. I made an email just for this, so message me if you're interested. If you're not I'd be OK with getting your stuff, just message me about it.
>> No. 7702 [Edit]
This is why I love Tohno-chan, right here. Everyone here is awesome.
>> No. 7703 [Edit]
I've completely changed my mind. If I go, it's either due to something beyond my control or me flying a bomb-laden A6M into Shintaro Ishihara's office after I get some sort of life sentence with no chance of parole.

I botched a plan up and spent two hours swinging back and forth strung by my feet from a tree like some sort of vomiting pendulum. It didn't help that my back was arched for so long that I feel like I'm a bow. My weight was taken mostly by the rope where it tangled on my feet, but the rope still tugged a bit on my neck, and it felt like when you stick your finger down your throat.

I had to pull myself back up, untie myself, and go home. Gloryless. Painful. tiring (getting out there was hard enough).

If it had actually happened, I doubt my body would be found for a good half year, maybe more. And I'd hate to see how I would look like that. Rot is not moe.

If any of you get this far, if you physically actually do things like collect items to assist your suicide, mime out actions (except the joke seppuku or gun to head thing) or look at trees and high places, I highly suggest finding some sort of psych help. I'm going to one for a bit to see what I can fix about myself, since I made such overt mistakes I guess I always wanted to live. There's still a lot of things I can see that haven't even come out yet.

I would also appreciate nobody talking about this if someone asks about me. I'd hate for someone to find this in six months and suddenly put me on suicide-watch lockdown and not let me near any cleaning agents or strings. I already have to wear turtlenecks for a week and a half...

The offer is still out there if I die in a car accident or something. I'm sorry for wasting your time with this, and I appreciate the encouragement that I was kind of blind to the past few days.

Seriously, just fuck my mother. Nothing is worth killing myself over. Except sacrifice for the greater good. If Ishihara bans loli in Japan it's happening, I swear to Haruhi. Even if I have to get the plane from the Yuushuukan, I will see that bastard die to the nationalism he so fervently (and inaccurately) propagates.
>> No. 7728 [Edit]
>I botched a plan up and spent two hours swinging back and forth strung by my feet from a tree like some sort of vomiting pendulum

I need a visual aid on what happened.
>> No. 7730 [Edit]
>strung by my feet from a tree
You're supposed to put the rope around your neck, you silly goose.
>> No. 7739 [Edit]
you have a 3DPD and cons why would you try tha tin the first place?
>> No. 7740 [Edit]
Cons aren't a reason alone.

Also do you mean my "beard"?
>> No. 7741 [Edit]
I have no idea what you said.
>> No. 7742 [Edit]
I know right. geez what an amateur
>> No. 7743 [Edit]
Threads like this is why I dont even care now when people say "I am going to kill myself"
Those who say never do, they are just posers looking for attention. Those who do usually dont say anything.
>> No. 7744 [Edit]
>> No. 7745 [Edit]
The reason I said this is because my mother would have thrown away all of my things, and my friends and acquaintances would have no use for my merch, and I wanted to have them ship it all to some of you.

I even left an envelope with the cash for shipping. That completely emptied my checking account.
>> No. 7747 [Edit]
>and my friends and acquaintances would have no use for my merch

Get lost Ford Driver. First a fake attention whoring suicide thread, now you're trolling about friends?
>> No. 7748 [Edit]
Yep, all two of them.
>> No. 7750 [Edit]
You know, trying to act like a hardass because you have crippling social anxiety or don't leave your house often doesn't impress anyone.
>> No. 7751 [Edit]
That's where you're wrong. His act totally impressed me and that's that I'm not easily impressed.
>> No. 7753 [Edit]
it may be an irrational thing to say but I dont think I'd want any merch that belonged to someone who killed themself. its kind of a downer.
>> No. 7754 [Edit]

Maybe you're not familiar with IRC; Shiden loves to tell outrageous stories every day that are obviously not true and for attention.
>> No. 7758 [Edit]
Oh no I talked about something that happened five years ago I must be lying.
>> No. 7760 [Edit]
People still use IRC?
>> No. 7761 [Edit]

Yes, the /tc/ IRC has grown to be more active than the actual website itself.
>> No. 7763 [Edit]
>grown to be more active than the actual website itself.
The website was never half as active as the irc channel.
>> No. 7765 [Edit]
That's more than slightly disappointing. IRC is terrible.
>> No. 7767 [Edit]
i dont think its fair to say IRC is more active than the site, it's real-time chat compared to an image board, the site has alot more people visiting it than the irc
>> No. 7768 [Edit]
yeah, it's apples and oranges
>> No. 7781 [Edit]
>I have about $100 to my name for shipping. The cash is in my wallet, so they can just get it from there.

What's to stop your friends from just, you know, keeping the money?
and maybe taking your stuff themselves to sell online or pawn?
>> No. 7782 [Edit]

And the fact that they have dealt with my shit before and are still willing to deal with it, which should make them candidates for canonization.
>> No. 7783 [Edit]
uhh, I think it would take considerably more Effort to track down your online buddies and each of their addresses, and ship things out to them after figuring out who gets what, then to just keep stuff.
They might care about you, but why would they care about your online pals?

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