I was recently stray in the internet and opening some random things at Wikipedia, when I started reading about the comparison of guilt societies and shame societies, with examples such as the western societies and japanese ones. Most of us feel a certain continuous torture because of the lack of a job, determination, skill or most of the other things society requests of us to become a full member of its industry, so I think this idea may interest some of you. It actually sums quite clearly why we come to hurt ourselves and become so selfaware of flaws whilst living in a western predominant culture enviroment. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guilt_society
I'd say most people on tc where ashamed, rather than guilty, which is more inline with the culture of glorious nippon
I feel the opposite, if I got a job I would feel great shame.
For once I have to agree with hamish. d-don't get the wrong idea! b-baka!
I think the difference is superficial on the personal level. Not sure about "society" though.