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File 131866112648.jpg - (413.95KB , 1164x918 , 1318292296571.jpg )
7557 No. 7557 [Edit]
Anyone else scared of becoming obese? My family tells me I'm skinny but I think they're trying to flatter me... I weight about 55kg but my stomach looks kinda round, I think I'm becoming fat. Recently I've started to skip meals and the mere sight of sweets makes me want to puke, but it leaves me with no energy so I end up spending a large portion of the day sleeping... am I the only one in the situation? Anyway to get out of this without doing exercise? (I don't want to leave the house)

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>> No. 7559 [Edit]
How tall are you? The taller you are, the higher your natural weight would be, really. Also take into consideration your gender. I'm 174cm tall and 56 kg, and I'm skinny as hell. I have a belly sticking out but thats not cause I'm fat, its just cause of my horrible posture. Maybe consider fixing up your posture? Please don't skip meals, you need nutrition.

Post edited on 15th Oct 2011, 12:11am
>> No. 7561 [Edit]
Exact same thing here OP, right down to the family telling me I am too skinny.

I started doing some pushups and squats while I watch anime, it has gotten me looking a bit better and it gives my body something to do. I'm looking at buying a bench too.
>> No. 7562 [Edit]
I'm sort of scared. I'm really skinny, but I know my horrible eating habits are going to catch up with me eventually.
>> No. 7563 [Edit]
>Anyway to get out of this without doing exercise?

you just need to burn more calories than you consume.

>my horrible eating habits are going to catch up with me eventually
I think this is what happened to me. anyone in their mid 20s or older can probably relate.
>> No. 7564 [Edit]
I thought I was puting on some wight, but I noticed a lot of my close fits rather lose now, family also noticed, since I'm sometimes holding my pants up when I leave my room.
Whatever, I rather be a twig then a blob.
>> No. 7565 [Edit]
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>> No. 7566 [Edit]
You have no muscle, you are skinny-fat.
>> No. 7568 [Edit]
Poor chubby Mio, I want to help you feel better about your body. ;_;
>> No. 7569 [Edit]
>I want to help you feel better about your body. ;_;

Post edited on 15th Oct 2011, 9:08am
>> No. 7570 [Edit]
>Anyway to get out of this without doing exercise?

I used to be pretty fat, about 240 lbs due to comfort food and all that stuff.
Then I read the 4-hour body( and lost about 90 lbs, no exercise.

I finally fit in girls clothes!
But now I don't know whether to keep losing weight to look more feminine or build up some muscle...
>> No. 7571 [Edit]
I...I like this.
>> No. 7572 [Edit]
I actually was obese for a long time (my family did the same thing too, telling me I was "healthy"), but I slowly dropped the excess weight over the course of a couple years.

The solution was pretty simple for me, and it didn't involve exercise or even a change to the foods I eat. Instead of eating a few large meals every day, I just ate snacks every time I felt somewhat hungry. The only exception to this should be the 2-3 hours before you go to sleep, when it's a bad idea to consume more calories.

Surprisingly, the majority of my diet was still junk food. The weight loss was fairly slow too, at a few pounds per month...but it worked and it stayed off, so I can't complain.
>> No. 7574 [Edit]
I don't want to read through all of that, can you sum up the most effective tips?

Being "girl thin" is pretty much my only real life goal right now and I'm not doing too well with it. I've lost 30 pounds in the last 7 months or so just by replacing lunch with slimfast, but I want to lose faster

Post edited on 15th Oct 2011, 12:07pm
>> No. 7575 [Edit]
>Anyone else scared of becoming obese?
I always maintained the belief that if I exceed 185 pounds, I'm going to kill myself. I cannot be an obese person. It's like, easily one of my biggest fears.

I know I've given up on normal social standards, and as such, I should be okay with my body being in a less-than-desirable status...I think it's just a sort of 'fallout' from my love for my waifu - I don't think she'd want to be with a fat, boring guy. If I'm at least only skinny-fat, or something, I ought to have the smallest of chances for her to love me. It's that last shred of motivation I have to make myself worth at least a little bit.

In short, yes. I am scared of becoming obese.
>> No. 7576 [Edit]
>> No. 7579 [Edit]
I'm sorry but I can't sum up the important bits and you have to read it to understand why.
READ IT, you won't regret it.

You can however skip a lot of chapters, just read the introductions and the chapters on fat loss. There are even some exercises to preserve the feminine figure.

>I've lost 30 pounds in the last 7 months
Oh man I lost that in 2 months. Trust me just read that damn book.
>> No. 7580 [Edit]
>185 pounds

What are you, 5 feet even? You'd have to be pretty short for that to be considered even remotely fat. I'd personally hate being 185; that's too light for me.
>> No. 7581 [Edit]
At 5'6", 140 is the weight my doctor said I should have. At 160, I still have a disgustingly bulging spare tire.

Cursory internet searches imply that you'd have to be over 6 feet for 185lbs. to not be overweight.
>> No. 7582 [Edit]
I'm about 5'9" I'd say. But still, I guess that's just my limit. Then again, I'm not really sure on any of this. 130-something, myself.
>> No. 7583 [Edit]
I've heard that bad posture can give skinny people the appearance of having a belly.

I have no fears of becoming over weight.
>> No. 7584 [Edit]
So the trick to losing weight is eating a shitload of beans every day and stuffing your face once a week? That's what I'm getting out of this, anyway
>> No. 7585 [Edit]
Yep. It's the most effective diet I've ever done.
I actually stopped enjoying junk food but I've to binge on this diet anyways.
>> No. 7586 [Edit]
I can't really stick to that diet unfortunately because my mom shops and makes dinner and I can't tell her to buy/make beans all the time.
>> No. 7587 [Edit]
6'3'' 191cm 79-80kg 175lb. The scale is a cheap piece of shit that changes depending on the ambient temperature.

Generally exercise every day. Cycle 19-31km on a heavy mountain bike. Out there cycling I'm alone with my thoughts. My legs look better and better, my top keeps getting smaller. But I do other physical stuff around the house to strengthen my arms. I'm not skinnyfat. I worry and awful lot about being inactive.

Fructose (as part of sucrose) is the biggest thing that will make you gain weight. Shit like soft drinks, sweet iced tea, sweet bakery items consumed in excess. Especially after drinking alcohol.

It's not as simple as calories in calories out.
>> No. 7590 [Edit]

Actually, it IS as simple as "calories in, calories out." The laws of physics literally dictate that it couldn't be otherwise (conservation of mass/energy).

What complicates it is simply that people tend to be very, very bad at measuring their own calorie flow.
>> No. 7591 [Edit]
I don't know OP.. i suppose it matters how "dense" you are. (I think its got something to do with muscle/fat ratio)

For instance, i'm 6ft and 240lb's, but if you saw me you'd think i was normal/average weight.
>> No. 7593 [Edit]
>Cursory internet searches imply that you'd have to be over 6 feet for 185lbs. to not be overweight

Yeah no. My cousin is 5'10 (or 5'11), weighs ~190, and he's underweight. Ribcage and everything.

>Fructose (as part of sucrose) is the biggest thing that will make you gain weight

It begins.

A thousand times this. I'm sick of people referring to outdated BMI charts that use height and weight as the only factors in being "healthy" like gospel. I'm 5'11 and look normal at around 220 lbs (you'd think I was 190 at best from looking at me). I exercise, but I'm certainly not musclebound.
>> No. 7594 [Edit]
Re: calories in vs. calories out
2000 Cal. of vegetables is still better than 1999 Cal. of sugar, I would imagine.
>> No. 7598 [Edit]
like a ton of bricks weighs more than a ton of feathers amirite?
>> No. 7600 [Edit]

One creates a large blood sugar spike, the other does not. If you do not immediately use this spike it is stored as fat. The other can be used progressively when needed.

To put it simply.
>> No. 7602 [Edit]
I used to care for that OP, and I was in the the, literally, same situation as yours, but suddenly I stopped giving any shits at all for weight. I mean, I do not desire to be with people from real life so I don't have to cling to the acceptable format that other people have to, and I am 1,83M tall so it is almost impossible for me to gain weight at all by how much my body consumes simply off doing its usual functions. And you don't worry, OP, there is no way no matter how tall or short you are that you are fat with 55.
>> No. 7603 [Edit]
I wish I had you guys' problem.

I weigh 185 pounds (84kg) and am 5'9" (172cm or so).

Well I was a lot fatter years ago. I did get down to 160 pounds several months ago, but put on the pounds in short order again...

I am attracted to chubby Mio
>> No. 7605 [Edit]
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You guys lb's and pounds... as an international user, under the metric system, this thread is kind'a hard to grasp for me. Anyway:

I was fat until my early teens: utterly hated it. I became thin mostly with moderate anorexia (and a bit of aerobic sports), and decided to remain that way forever on. After highschool, I quited all sports, developped a horrible posture and so became skinny fat; years latter, I started doing classical dance wich, together with an strict diet, turned me into a quite athletic looking man but, inside, my body was really fucked up, all severely hurt. I also failed hard, so I quited it.

For the last years I've been doing fucking nothing at all, just laying in my bed or sitting in front of my desk, constantly eating snacks and often junk food. I thought I was going to get really fat really soon, and decided I wouldn't care anymore. I mean: what the fuck for, now? who was even going to see me now, anyway? in any case, I didn't wanted to be so girly/metrosexually obssesed with my figure anymore; mai waifu could still be a reason to remain decent looking; but hey! slim or not, she wouldn't actually like me anyway, and she doesn't even physically exist so how could it matter how I am myself physically, now or ever? So yeah: I just gave up and prepared for my sort of requiem-Mio's fate, becoming a L337 hiki-fatty-neckbeard-motherfucker...

That said, it actually hasn't come yet: I am still fairly thin. I think it is because, again, I've been gradually eaten less and less, since I sleep much longer and avoid going out more, wich includes going to the convenience store to get snacks (and the need of saving money for figures made meas well a much more sensible consummer); also: I'm effectively getting old, and I can't carelessly eat junk food anymore without regretting it hours later. Just, I neither had lost so much muscle as I thought... and that, gentlemen, is a fucking mystery.
>> No. 7608 [Edit]
I played badminton straight for 2 hours yesterday, slept like a log and my body aches all over now.
>> No. 7609 [Edit]
Use a conversion program like we have to. I know how to use metric far better than the average American, not saying much, but I still need to use one because the retard system is so ingrained in us.

That said, kilograms are not a measure of weight you ninnies. Yes, there is a difference between mass and weight.

Sorry for the off-topic rant.

I was obese. It took years of hard work to drop the weight. Don't let yourself go, your body will fight you every last way it can if you need to lose weight.
Personally, my favorite form of exercise is to ride a bicycle. It is low-impact and kinda peaceful. I know that isn't an option for many here, but if you can you should give it a go.
>> No. 7610 [Edit]
File 131887943946.jpg - (26.28KB , 396x396 , hei_2037.jpg )
I was obese, then on my worst(?) hikikomori years I lost like 50kg, because I didn't have money to buy junkfood. That was pretty much all my excess weight, I was happy and eventually that led to me becoming a normal member of society, for a while.. then I got a job and now I've gained like 30kg's back, because I have money to buy junkfood again.

I'm too much of a slob to bother to learn to eat frequently so I pretty much starve for a day and then buy everything I can possible imagine while being at the grocery store and shove everything down my throat at once.

Fucking thing sucks.
>> No. 7616 [Edit]
I am skinny and it seems to be genetically based and that I excercise (bike/walk) a decent amount. so no
>> No. 7617 [Edit]
>Kilograms are not a measure of weight

Well, weight is not a measure of body fat percentage or overall health, either.
>> No. 7618 [Edit]
I'm about 20-30 pounds overweight. I don't eat a lot of junkfood so it puzzles me how I keep the weight on. I guess I just need to work out to lose the gut I have.
>> No. 7620 [Edit]

I'm afraid of aging. I'm afraid of being worthless. I'm afraid of living my life just like the rest of ants that surround me.
>> No. 7621 [Edit]
Could be your base metabolism. It's a really important factor when it comes to weight. One of my relatives manages to eat 4,000+ calories every day (much of it being junkfood), doesn't exercise, and he's still underweight.
>> No. 7623 [Edit]
I have the same problem as well. I have a high metabolism in my body in that any heavy foods I eat I don't gain much weight. When I was in college I never got the freshman 15. Those 15 pounds came after four years.
>> No. 7628 [Edit]
I happened to go through a period where I ate very little when I first started being a hikki. Partly due to no money, partly due to the depression that sets in a lot of people when they first start out, my point is after a few years of more or less constant starving my metabolism has shut down. Before I could eat anything and not gain an ounce. Now it takes ages to burn anything off. I guess this is a common trap to fall into for people like us. Maybe one day I can get it working properly again, but until then gaining unsightly weight is easier than I'd care to admit.

Watch out for this fellow Brohnos!
>> No. 7634 [Edit]
I've gained ~10kg in the last six months, due to moving even less than before, eating at night, and antidepressants. Now I'm borderline overweight. Fuck.
>> No. 7776 [Edit]
I'm going through the same thing, with the exception of the antidepressants as I haven't visited my therapist in a long time and don't care to.
>> No. 7816 [Edit]
>my therapist

>> No. 7817 [Edit]
You can exercise inside your house. You can get a stationary bike, treadmill or a doorway pullup bar. You can do situps, pushups, dips or squats without any cost at all, and all inside your own home. You can practice boxing, do jumping jacks or get dumbbells. If you play music while you're working out, it's often a lot more fun.

There are plenty of options. Just skipping meals isn't good for you. You should instead look to balance your diet and exercise regularly, as this can also go a long way in helping with depression.

You should take care of yourself now, because the older you get, the harder it will be.
>> No. 7908 [Edit]
>> No. 7943 [Edit]
That joke is old as dog shit, bro.

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