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7539 No. 7539 [Edit]
Going through all the old topics on /so/ is depressing. It's a sea of people in quiet desperation crying out for help, realizing it forgot to come for them, and slowly hiding away in some corner somewhere waiting to die through almost no fault of their own.

Just wanted to say I love you guys, best group of people I've ever met. That's all.
>> No. 7543 [Edit]
Precisely the reason I bought a bunch of charcoal.

Once I finish my back log of anime I haven't seen, I'm done.
>> No. 7544 [Edit]
Yeah, I pretty much feel like I'm just waiting to die. I actually get somewhat excited when I go to bed at night because of the possibility I could die in my sleep somehow
>> No. 7549 [Edit]
In an attempt to make your waking hours a little more exciting: you don't have to be asleep to die suddenly!
>> No. 7614 [Edit]
WTF? That's old school nihonjin group suicide. Respectable. I'd rsther ram my aircraft into a building or aircraft carrier. Or go on a spree killing for my suicide attack, preferably against enemies. You've all had to deal with people on forums you wish you could track down and kill right? I'd want to do that if i can. Just get money/loans go traveling tracking down my enemies, taking their shit and moving to new targets. That and fuck up people I know IRL who pissed me off.
>> No. 7619 [Edit]
I don't care about your love.
I just want superpowers and a goal. That's all.
>> No. 7625 [Edit]
Sounds like something I'd say.
>> No. 7631 [Edit]
I'd do fine with my human desires for a goal.
So get me some superpowers already.

Post edited on 18th Oct 2011, 4:10am
>> No. 7632 [Edit]
>I'd do fine with my human desires for a goal.

I already have enough food to live, a place to sleep, and a waifu. No goals to work towards just kills you.
>> No. 7638 [Edit]
Well that doesn't sound like it'd satisfy your whole emotional horizon. That's quite desirable to a human.
Okay that's pretty difficult to read out of what I said but what I meant anyway. Somehow!

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