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File 131801214366.gif - (28.30KB , 240x160 , eva_drinking.gif )
7425 No. 7425 [Edit]
Do you guys get drunk often? I am drunk basically every weekend and sometimes even middle of week. Fridays the the highlights of my life and drinking makes me feel alive.
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>> No. 7426 [Edit]
I have never drank or done drugs. I don't think my psyche could handle having any of that thrown into it
>> No. 7427 [Edit]
I have never been drunk and I never will be.
>> No. 7428 [Edit]
I rarely ever get drunk.
I'm not really into distilled beverages and I don't drink much of fermented ones (I really like them, though). Something like having 3 cans of beer or a cup of wine on a single night, just enough to make me feel light-headed, but definitely not drunk, is what I usually stick to.
>> No. 7429 [Edit]
I've never drank alcohol or done any kind of drugs.

Both of my parents were alcoholics. My father died recently as a result of it and my mother is recovering.

So as fucked up as I am, I'm still wary of it and probably won't ever try it. Unless I move out one day. I don't really know.
>> No. 7430 [Edit]
I don't drink or do anything that will have an effect on my mind (aside from the constant isolation, sleep deprivation, mental abuse, and some other stuff).
>> No. 7431 [Edit]
I used to drink a lot, but then I realized that drinking would never give me what I want. Then I pretty much stopped.
>> No. 7432 [Edit]
It doesnt really make me feel alive but I do enjoy drinking. It makes family gatherings bearable for me.

I think there is another thread about this on the board btw.
>> No. 7434 [Edit]
Drinking isn't very fun. Personally, it always ends up with me vomiting everywhere, as it is easier to drink when you've had a few drinks and everything goes downhill from there.
>> No. 7435 [Edit]
I go back and forth between this and having more of a "well, why not" attitude. Being drunk feels good, it's just not something you can rely on for good feelings because it's unhealthy and you can't do it all the time.

That said I do like the way some drinks taste; some beers are nice, and a lot of wines are pretty good. I can't stand anything that's very bitter or stronger than wine, though.
>> No. 7436 [Edit]
I agree feeling happy is unhealthy.

/don't drink

(also for the curious there should be a similar thread some medium-high amount of pages back)
>> No. 7437 [Edit]
Every day.

I'm more or less the drunk erday
>> No. 7438 [Edit]
>I agree feeling happy is unhealthy.

Har har har.

I meant the weight gain, and possible liver/stomach/intestine difficulties (though beershits are temporary, I guess).
>> No. 7439 [Edit]
I'm always afraid that if I get drunk I'll start spouting on about my waifu to some random stranger or do something which I would regret. I don't like the concept of not being in control of my actions.
>> No. 7440 [Edit]
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I buy my brandy in litre bottles.

Post edited on 7th Oct 2011, 8:53pm
>> No. 7441 [Edit]
Did she get drunk then fall asleep masturbating?
>> No. 7442 [Edit]
This, and my father was a violent alcoholic for decades to boot.
>> No. 7444 [Edit]

I used to do a lot of downtown culture due to work pressure I would do this exactly exactly.

High BPM music plus being drunk and high = ultimate bliss. Dancing with the waifu erday
>> No. 7447 [Edit]
I drink a lot. I probably have hit alcoholic level by now.

I don't really care. Things aren't going to magically get better if I sober up.

I don't get violent, just talk WAY too much about things and how much life sucks. Were this not an anonymous board, you guys would most likely recognize me.
>> No. 7448 [Edit]
No. I was getting drunk on daily basis when I was ~16 but I'm past that stage.
>> No. 7449 [Edit]
I love to have 2-3 beers or a hard drink or two once every few nights. I'm fairly lightweight, and two is enough to just give me a comfortable yet heavy buzz without stumbling around like an imbecile. Even so, that can be lovely sometimes.

I've only been really, seriously drunk a handful of times in my life. The first time I was alone and I almost drowned in my own vomit. In company I've gotten angry, crying and confessional. Needless to say, it's better if I drink alone.
>> No. 7450 [Edit]
I guess I'll buy alcohol every so often (every two weeks to every month or so) and enjoy a few nights of numbing the pain of existence. I'm trying to knock it off before it becomes a real problem; I have enough to deal with as it is.

In the end it just feels like a waste of money and bad for my health, and I wind up losing a day I could have spent doing something more productive like anime/games (I don't like feeling I haven't remembered what happened in the story once I'm sober again) or continuing my Japanese and programming self-study.
>> No. 7451 [Edit]
There are only a handful occasions where I drink. I've never been drunk, but I am interested in how it would feel. So far I've only failed though.
>> No. 7452 [Edit]

Hey, good observation. Possibly so. That's something else we have in common then...
>> No. 7466 [Edit]
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Not really. I dislike the taste of strong drinks, and even though I do like wines/fortified wines, I just dont feel like drinking them.
When I used to have friends it was fun drinking with them, but drinking alone just makes me more miserable than I already am. It does give you this nice buzz in the head for a bit, but then all you are left with is headache, dry mouth and bad smell. They say you can drown you troubles away. For me its often opposite, the more I drink the more pathetic I feel, the more I remember.

Besides, alcohol is expensive. A bottle of nice wine costs about 30 dollars. I can buy food for a week or drink it all in one evening.

If I was working, I could have justified drinking as a way to "wind down", but as a NEET I have no reason to drink, except to become an alcoholic. And even though my life has no worth and no meaning, I wouldnt want to be one.
>> No. 7492 [Edit]
I don't drink often but I enjoy having a few drinks when I can. When I have downed a few drinks, all my worries go away, as if my inner voice had suddenly become mute. I would drink more often but I heard it makes existing anxiety worse and of course, it messes with your physical health as well.
>> No. 7493 [Edit]
Not really. The only time I drink these days is if my parents decide to bring home a bottle of wine or something. I'll drink a glass or two of that with dinner, but never enough to get drunk. Being drunk isn't such a bad feeling though, I care less about things and just take it easy.
>> No. 7508 [Edit]
>>Besides, alcohol is expensive. A bottle of nice wine costs about 30 dollars.

That's like saying "I don't drive because I can't afford a Mercedes." $2-5 wine can taste just as good if you're not a snob about it.
>> No. 7509 [Edit]
There's $2 wine? Are you talking about bumwines like MD 20/20?
>> No. 7511 [Edit]
Not in Canada, wine prices are a bit higher here.
Besides, I said "nice wine". Hey, if I just need to get drunk, I can chug a bottle of the cheapest vodka/wisky/window-cleaning liquid, whatever. But I dont like drinking just to get drunk. To me, the process is more important than the face-in-the-salad final.
But if you can suggest a bottle of a good porto for $5 - hey, I wouldnt complain, I dont mind saving some money.
>> No. 7512 [Edit]
I don't drink. I can count on one hand how many times I've drank. It isn't pleasurable for me, I get more angry and lonely than I am normally.
>> No. 7513 [Edit]
No. Low quality get you drunk wine is like $5 for a small bottle here. I guess it depends on where you live. I have seen $3.50 bottles of wine at my grocery store before. I didn't buy them because being cheaper than MD 20/20 can't be a good thing.

That said, MD 20/20 tastes like candy. That is why it will mess you up. You will drink it too fast and then it hits you like a nuclear bomb. You have a low tolerance? Ralphing everywhere. Otherwise you will be acting the fool.

As someone that drinks way too much, don't go down this path. Find something that tastes good, and drink it only every now and then. You will enjoy it a hell of a lot better than drinking shit all of the time just to get drunk.
>> No. 7514 [Edit]
To put it shorty, no. I rarely have more than a few drinks at most. Don't even drink daily anymore.
>> No. 7538 [Edit]

Believe it or not, I drink cheap wine for the flavor, not to get drunk (which I've never been). Call me an uncultured boor, but it tastes just fine to me.

To be sure, I've had expensive wine before, and there is certainly a noticeable difference. I just wouldn't say one is "better" or "nicer" than the other.
>> No. 7551 [Edit]
I drink every other day, sometimes every day...

I smoke a lot of weed too, that I grow on my own.

It's the only thing that keeps me alive.
>> No. 7553 [Edit]
>I go back and forth between this and having more of a "well, why not" attitude. Being drunk feels good, it's just not something you can rely on for good feelings because it's unhealthy and you can't do it all the time.

I go back and forth as well. I had a bad spell earlier this year for about 6 months, though; by the end I was up to a 1.75 liter jug of gin a week. It just got old after a while, even with me not caring about my health and having the money to spare. Plus, I was observing myself getting dumber. When I started to struggle with performing simple math in my head, I figured it was time to give it a rest.
>> No. 7555 [Edit]
I'm drinking right now, actually. Just went and did my grocery run before the liquor department at the grocery store closed. Cheap vodka mixed with Mountain Dew. Eh, it gets the job done.
>> No. 7592 [Edit]
I grew up despising alcoholism due to family issues, so it's just something that I've never been interested in.
>> No. 7637 [Edit]
what do you mean by 'downtown culture'
>> No. 7639 [Edit]
I love getting drunk. Brandy, preferably. The first time I ever got drunk was from Mr. Boston brand Ginger-flavored brandy (ghetto as hell, yes, I will admit). Then I moved to vodka, but found it a lot harder to get down. So back to brandy.

One time, I surpassed my limit. Two-ish hours of feeling like I was on the Zipper. Remember that ride? It was at like, every town fair in America. Don't know if you guys know about it, but it felt just like I was on that ride. I ended up filling two fairly tall cups with my vomit before passing out on the floor. Never got that drunk again.

I like getting high, too (I'm coming down right now, in fact). It seems to me that the more I come to realizations about my future, and my life as a whole, the more I want to be in an altered state of mind. It's just that you have to jump through more hoops to get weed or something (people fucking scare me, let alone drug dealers), so I do all sorts of weird shit - DPH, DXM, fake weed and such.
>> No. 7651 [Edit]
I have a liver condition, so I can't drink alcohol at all. When I had oxycodone, that was the highlight of my life.
>> No. 7654 [Edit]
I drink Dextromethorphan every week.
>> No. 7659 [Edit]
Funny thing, I have made it several days ago, but I just couldnt drink it. Dunno why, I guess I am really sensitive to its bitterness. Besides, it always induces monstrous yawning to the point I am afraid I will break my jaw.
So, to the sink it went.
Never tried any other drugs - I dont know anyone to buy them from.
>> No. 7664 [Edit]
What dosage of DPH? I've read about it, but have never been brave enough to try it, as the consensus seems to be that it is both frightening and very unpleasant.
Also, if you want to try more drugs without going through dealers, look into research chemicals.
What plateau do you usually hit? Even if you're only doing first-plateau dosages every week, you're going to end up with a monster tolerance.
>> No. 7665 [Edit]
  I was a normal drinker (i.e. borderline alcoholic) for over a decade. Without pissing out /tc/ with the details, I lived all the common social/lonely drinking clichés you all (somehow) know about; after spending my youth like that, I finally came to see getting wasted (and all the shit around) as an incredibly lame, expensive, counterproductive and not really fun at all way of wasting -indeed- time and life (I mean: I prefer others, any other). I have nothing against nice drunk characters like Misato, Horo, Nobue, etc. and might even like to have a drink chez eux; thing is, in the real world, drinking sucks: being drunk (just like high or stoned) is pathetic; and even if a couple nights I've still felt like having just a drink by myself in my room, for various reasons my stomach can't handle it anymore so... Yeah, I guess that was pretty much all I had to do with alcohol myself.

Post edited on 20th Oct 2011, 9:50pm
>> No. 7667 [Edit]
I've used DPH in increments of 500mg, 700mg and 800mg. DMH, on the other hand, I abuse like it's going to get banned tomorrow or something - Almost got to the point where I was thinking of taking 600mg packets everyday, before I recalled how much these things can ultimately mess you up. They give you really vivid, sometimes horrible, closed-eye hallucinations that you can actually kind of get tangled in (due to the fact that your short term memory is shot to all kinds of hell during the trip, you forget you're hallucinating). Oh, and any kind of music you're listening to ends up being the greatest kind of music in the world to you.
Anymore than my personal 800 DPH/1600 DMH barrier, which is where I assume the hallucinations are probably going to get "terrifyingly, horribly weird", rather than just "creepily weird". Keeping in mind that I ended up in these situations because of the ultimate, ever-present fact: I was out of the internet for 3 months. I wanted something, anything to forget about my computer being almost completely useless. Oh, the closed-eye hallucinations were sometimes about browsing the internet, actually - Namely /tc/, oddly enough, in addition to various, nonexsistent sites.

As for the actual experiences themselves, I didn't really find them to be that scary. More like surreal. The spiders really suck, though. Don't go into it expecting not to see spiders if you do it. Other than the Haruhi damn spiders, it just made the daily life into a rather odd dream. I'd see a friend from my days in high school, talk to him about something that I recall being really important. He'd vanish. My favorite trip was the time I did 1200mg of DMH - DPH's easy mode cousin, found in Dramamine, Gravol, and assorted motion sickness pills. This specific time, I did the pills, I got the CareOne brand (which are, without a doubt, the most bitter thing I have tasted in my life). The reason this one stands out to me (well, it was my first time breaking through that 600mg barrier as well) is because I ended up watching like, 3 episodes of Sekirei, and randomly skipped through the enirety of FLCL. Saw episodes that weren't in the series, and then they somehow fused. Completely forgot how awesome it can be. However, when I recall that rather pleasant experience (minus the itchiness - I got really itchy), I remember the nights spent huddled on my couch, reminding myself that the spiders on the floor are just a hallucination, before forgetting that I reminded myself. The feelings that can kick in are rather interesting - One was sort of like feeling watched, except I totally knew there was something watching me. Turn around, nothing. Turn back, feel watched by...something once again. The general dysphoria was interesting. It made a bleak kind of dream seem bleaker. The lighting went from orange-ish yellow to just plain brown for me during two of my "breakthroughs". From reading other trip-stories, the hallucinations are very real (meaning: those spiders are things you want to smash with a shoe), as opposed to say, LSD. Of course, this is the only hallucination-causing substance I broke through with.

Saying the above statments in the shortest possible form: A DPH trip is an experience. That's all I can say on it. Whether or not it's worth it remains to be debated. You gain a little bit more of a healthy respect for your imagination, that's for sure.

But this is all wayyy off the topic of alcohol, I was just stating my experience, because I don't want a brohno to rush into the strange world of ridiculous OTC drugs without the great weapon of knowledge.

And research chemicals, why the hell didn't I think of that before? I'll totally look into it more, but it seems a little risky to me. Then again, I'm the guy who abuses DPH.

(Oh, the irony of this sentence) Isn't that really bad for you? DXM is one of those drugs I'd love to try. I always end up forgetting to get some Tussin or something similar whenever I go to the store.
>> No. 7669 [Edit]
I am kind of a prude (for health and self-esteem reasons).

So I only tried alcohol one time when my idiot dad tricked me with rum (it was horrendous).
>> No. 7670 [Edit]
Threads like these make me feel fortunate that I live in a country without malaise of a widespread drug culture like America.
>> No. 7672 [Edit]
RCs typically aren't dangerous to buy in small quantities but they usually don't have set, tried and true dosages like many other drugs. You have to be very careful with them to keep from ODing.
>> No. 7674 [Edit]
There exists no place without these sorts of things. It's there, even if you don't see it.
>> No. 7772 [Edit]
But its not as widespread as it is in America.
>> No. 7773 [Edit]
No, I drink alcohol maybe 2 or 3 times a year. Usually just to try out new kinds of booze I haven't tasted yet. Ouzo and mead are some of my favorites.
>> No. 7935 [Edit]
I've got a pretty bad addictive personality so I avoid any and all drugs except for medical uses.

Heck, when I'm out of a surgery or am having a really bad headache that lasts all day, I'm afraid to take too much pain medication for fear I will become addicted to it.
>> No. 7937 [Edit]
Are you me?
>> No. 7942 [Edit]
DXM is really weird.
>> No. 7944 [Edit]
Too bad alcohol destroys your body.
>> No. 7946 [Edit]
I will become 21 years old in 1 week. I am going to a anime-themed bar to drink and possible get drunk. That or go to an arcade that has bar options. I also wana get drunk while posting online with you guys ;_;
>> No. 7947 [Edit]

I suggest staying here and drinking. Bars are lame and uncomfortable and costs you 3 times as much to get drunk. Your pockets will be empty before you have a buzz on.
>> No. 7948 [Edit]
>> No. 7950 [Edit]
>anime-themed bar
Haven't heard of one of those.
>> No. 7952 [Edit]
As others have said it is cheaper to drink at home. If you want to go to bars that is okay, but I imagine you aren't really willing to be out with people since you are here.

I would go to an anime themed bar just to check it out once at least. You should be happy you found one because I am quite sure the are very, very rare.
>> No. 7953 [Edit]
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I prefer to drink this cheap peach ice tea. It make me happy enough.
>> No. 7958 [Edit]
I had to quit drinking 5 years ago.

It gave me great pleasure but ultimately brought me great heartache and strife so I had to let it go.

Interesting to note I also gave up the third dimension at the same time and I haven't really needed a drink since then.
>> No. 8104 [Edit]
LURE Izayaka Pub. it is in Chicago's Chinatown. more specifically they have anime nights, in other times they have va,pure and other cosplay type themes for their bars. it's still new so it is not crowded as hell all the time
>> No. 8105 [Edit]
That's totally not what I was expecting. That place looks pretty classy, and their food looks great. It might even be fun to hang out there on the theme nights, assuming you have to be 21 to enter.
>> No. 8128 [Edit]
Sounds retarded and for normals.

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