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7364 No. 7364 [Edit]

Is this you?

"Schizoid personality disorder (SPD) is a personality disorder characterized by a lack of interest in social relationships, a tendency towards a solitary lifestyle, secretiveness, emotional coldness and sometimes (sexual) apathy, with a simultaneous rich, elaborate and exclusively internal fantasy world.[1] SPD is not the same as schizophrenia, although they share some similar characteristics such as detachment or blunted affect; there is increased prevalence of the disorder in families with schizophrenia."
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>> No. 7366 [Edit]
Well, yeah
>> No. 7368 [Edit]
I don't have much of a fantasy world, I just barrow mine from anime.
Other then that, maybe.
>> No. 7371 [Edit]
>> No. 7377 [Edit]
While I do share some traits, in my case it has been a choice rather then a natural tendancy, so over all nope.

One thing though is that I am secretive kinda. When people ask me what I do all day I say "nothing" when in fact I did do something, even if it was unimpressive, and I don't really like people knowing what I am doing. And I also hide my powerlevel, though I am certian my family is aware of it to some degree, because they spy on my computer activities(paranoia)...
>> No. 7379 [Edit]
Close enough
>> No. 7380 [Edit]

Choices like this turn into habit though. Choosing it is also indicative of being schizoid, or schizotypal.

The W.H.O's diagnostic criteria is:

Emotional coldness, detachment or reduced affection.
Limited capacity to express either positive or negative emotions towards others.
Consistent preference for solitary activities.
Very few, if any, close friends or relationships, and a lack of desire for such.
Indifference to either praise or criticism.
Taking pleasure in few, if any, activities.
Indifference to social norms and conventions.
Preoccupation with fantasy and introspection.
Lack of desire for sexual experiences with another person.

The DSM-IV has basically the same, except it takes out the bit about fantasy and social norms.

Additionally: "Ralph Klein, Clinical Director of the Masterson Institute delineates the following nine characteristics of the schizoid personality as described by Harry Guntrip: introversion, withdrawnness, narcissism, self-sufficiency, a sense of superiority, loss of affect, loneliness, depersonalization, and regression."

"Guntrip states, "a sense of superiority naturally goes with self-sufficiency. One has no need of other people, they can be dispensed with... There often goes with it a feeling of being different from other people." The sense of superiority of the schizoid has nothing to do with the grandiose self of the narcissistic disorder. It does not find expression in the schizoid through the need to devalue or annihilate others who are perceived as offending, criticizing, shaming, or humiliating. This type of superiority was described by a young schizoid man:
"If I am superior to others, if I am above others, then I do not need others. When I say that I am above others, it does not mean that I feel better than them, it means that I am at a distance from them, a safe distance."
It is a feeling of being horizontally, rather than vertically distant."
>> No. 7382 [Edit]
File 131788590349.jpg - (80.40KB , 800x449 , Enlightenment.jpg )
>Emotional coldness, detachment or reduced affection.


>Limited capacity to express either positive or negative emotions towards others.


>Consistent preference for solitary activities.


>Very few, if any, close friends or relationships, and a lack of desire for such.


>Indifference to either praise or criticism.


>Taking pleasure in few, if any, activities.


>Indifference to social norms and conventions.


>Preoccupation with fantasy and introspection.

well.. maybe...

>Lack of desire for sexual experiences with another person.


Schizoid = spiritual enlightenment?

I buddha now?
>> No. 7383 [Edit]
Eh, I wrote up an answer at length but it turned into a blog post.

>Is this you?

More or less, yes.
>> No. 7384 [Edit]
Pretty much fits me exactly
>> No. 7385 [Edit]
Where are the hallucinations? the hearing voices? the thinking everyone is trying to hurt you?
>> No. 7386 [Edit]
it's even in the OP's post, "SPD is not the same as schizophrenia".
and yeah, this is absolutely me. I came across that article a couple years ago and was surprised by how well it fit.
>> No. 7387 [Edit]
theres schizoid personality disorder, schizotypal personality disoder, and schizoprehnia, which are all different things
>> No. 7388 [Edit]
That is me, yeah. I guess I'm diagnosing myself here, since my shrink told me there was nothing wrong with me, clinically speaking. Well, maybe it's not a bad thing to be schizoid. I wouldn't take a cure for it even if one existed. I like being alone in my fantasy world.
>> No. 7389 [Edit]
Sort of.
>> No. 7391 [Edit]
Sounds exactly like me.
>vulnerable to erotomania
Do waifus count or only 3DPD people.
>> No. 7393 [Edit]

>theres schizoid personality disorder, schizotypal personality disoder, and schizoprehnia, which are all different things

... Although all of them are kinda connected ans some argue schizotypal personality disorder is just an early stage of schizophrenia.

I don't know, maybe. I don't care either way.
>> No. 7394 [Edit]
Yeah, I'd count waifu under there.
>> No. 7395 [Edit]

It's gonna be a bad thing for your health in the long run, and you're going to end up feeling a bit like shit a lot.

On another note, the general misanthropy that comes from schizoid could totally be related to finding only anime girls attractive. They're not quite real people, after all. Hell, a lot of dudes with waifus wouldn't even want them to become real.


Animu and waifu are also distractions going down that line of logic. Also, buddha preached cultivating instinctive, habitual compassion and altered states of consciousness.

Basically, to reach nirvana, trip on LSD and volunteer for charities.
>> No. 7396 [Edit]
Ah Haruhi. This is me alright.
>> No. 7397 [Edit]
You know, I'd kind of suspected it was just general anxiety that was the source of most NEET lifestyles. But now that I think about it, schizoid fits a lot - especially the more confrontational ones, and the ones who are super critical of Ford Drivers.
>> No. 7400 [Edit]
Don't be one of those jackasses that self diagnoses after reading an article about something like this. Get a second, professional opinion.
>> No. 7401 [Edit]
Seems to fit perfectly with my personality, but then again, a lot of these disorders I read about fit my personality.

So I'm either a mental trainwreck or I don't know enough about these things to put a diagnosis on myself. Probably both.
>> No. 7405 [Edit]

No one's talking about self-diagnosis; just trying to see bits of ourselves in other people's descriptions.

Also, psychiatrists are full of shit.
>> No. 7406 [Edit]
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I... yeah, I guess (lol)
am I nuts, yet?
>> No. 7407 [Edit]
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>to reach nirvana, trip on LSD and volunteer for charities.
>> No. 7408 [Edit]
My understanding is that personality disorders are basically a learned set of behaviours that were possibly adaptive at one point in time (e.g. to avoid abuse), but which have overstayed their welcome.

In other words, it's entirely possible that a NEET lifestyle and/or failed attempts at re-entering society or re-establishing relationships could result in someone "learning" a personality disorder like schizoid.

Just armchair psychologist speculation, though.
>> No. 7409 [Edit]
Yes. I have been diagnosed with this. I don't have *all* the symptoms though.
>> No. 7410 [Edit]
Well, I don't really know. It's not like I didn't try to get help, but the only advice my doctor gave me boiled down to "get out more." So if I do go crazy it's not my fault.

>Basically, to reach nirvana, trip on LSD and volunteer for charities.

At the same time?
>> No. 7412 [Edit]
At least from my observations, I don't think the majority of posters on this board fit the schizoid personality as described by that article. Hikkikomori and NEETs generally aren't self-sufficient. While a schizoid seems to be a loner out of choice, many here are likely loners because they've been ostracized by others in some way. It is attractive to think that you personally made the choice of remaining isolated, but it probably has little to do with reality, most are probably just unwanted. Many here probably dwell on how others perceive them, while from this article it seems a schizoid would be ambivalent.
>> No. 7414 [Edit]

Then get a better doctor/psychiatrist. A good psychiatrist recognizes that a patient needs more help than just plain "go out more" and can't fully help themselves, otherwise they wouldn't be seeing someone about it.

Of course, they can't do their job properly unless you tell them everything, and the full extents of the problem.
>> No. 7415 [Edit]

This is more or less true, to an extent. There's debate about whether it can be genetic though (i have doubts), but that's about the right way to think about it.
>> No. 7469 [Edit]
If anything, I'm close to a secret schizoid. I manage some KINDS of relationships but outside from school I don't really care about them.

Exception: my three or so internet pals.
>> No. 7476 [Edit]
Probably not a schizoid if you have really close internet pals.
>> No. 7484 [Edit]

Yeah. My thing is more of a "hide the fact I want to be a semi-social person in REAL life so i don't have too many problems".
>> No. 7486 [Edit]
This. Seriously. If you're SPD you're probably not gonna brag about it. Plus, the short answer definition in the OP is incomplete. There's much more to it than that, and it's not pretty. Everyone I have ever known that had it refused to admit it. Everyone I have ever known that says they did obviously didn't.
>> No. 7589 [Edit]
I think the social aspects of the internet have made the whole mental disorder business a bit harder to categorize and break down into patterns.

As for me, I consider myself emotionally and mentally capable of most a human could be capable of.
>> No. 7599 [Edit]
No, just social anxiety and depression
>> No. 7655 [Edit]
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>> No. 7658 [Edit]
I have my own fantasy world... however the inspirations are from sci-fi but most are from real-life conflicts and wars from WWII up to present... but IN Space and IN Future settings.
>> No. 7668 [Edit]
Let me see...

> Neither desires nor enjoys close relationships, including being part of a family.

There are a few people I do like, but I don't know any of them in person.

> Almost always chooses solitary activities.

Isn't it much more comfortable? Other people can be messy or ruin everything.

> Has little, if any, interest in having sexual experiences with another person.

3D people? No thank you.

> Takes pleasure in few, if any, activities.

This one applies straightly.

> Lacks close friends or confidants other than first-degree relatives.

I hate my relatives too, but this still does not apply because of those internet friends.

> Appears indifferent to the praise or criticism of others.

Almost always. Unless the person is someone I care about a lot.

> Shows emotional coldness, detachment, or flattened affect.

Kind of. I act like that in person because I don't really want to speak to those people, but I am much nicer and talkative online if my peers are my kind of people (sometimes, like...for example with Tohno-chan. You are all people I can relate to on a certain level yet I get too shy to post or visit the irc).

The one thing I noticed reading these symptoms is that people are too hasty to declare something a disease or disorder even when it doesn't cause harm to the person who "has it".

I don't think I am schizoid but I have acted a lot like that when I was younger and was still more pleased with my life than I am now.
>> No. 7936 [Edit]
I exhibit a few symptoms of schizoid. According to the W.H.O. list I match the following

>Emotional coldness, detachment or reduced affect.
>Limited capacity to express either positive or negative emotions towards others.
>Consistent preference for solitary activities.
>Indifference to social norms and conventions.
>Preoccupation with fantasy and introspection.

However, I fail to qualify on the other things described. I AM interested in sex, though not so much with adult women. I hate it when I'm praised because I always feel it is undeserved, and am extremely sensitive to criticism, even from complete strangers. I don't have many hobbies, but I often find a way to enjoy whatever I am doing. And I do desire close friends, I am just incapable of making any.

I am a perfect match for avoidant though.

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