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File 131773709054.jpg - (156.77KB , 750x1085 , c03ca3854bd94ede78b98a31daab857f.jpg )
7333 No. 7333 [Edit]
I was thinking last night, and I realized that there are literally no people that I care about enough to legitimately grieve if they died.

I don't exactly like any of my family enough, besides maybe my nephew, but that's because he's a kid and kid dying would suck, to be truly, legitimately SAD at their deaths. I might be concerned if my parents died because I wouldn't know how to support myself, but I wouldn't be SAD.

I don't have close enough friends to be sad about one of their potential deaths, either.

The only death I could think of that I'd cry over at this point is if my cat died. Like, literally, that's the only death that could make me cry at this point.

The death of any given human? Probably not, no.

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>> No. 7336 [Edit]
>Is this normal for this board?

I don't know. My parents, aunt, cousin, nieces, and siblings are the only people in the world I care about (more than myself, even). I don't give even the slightest shit about the rest of my family though, and in fact I almost wish they were dead sometimes just so I wouldn't have to deal with them at holidays
>> No. 7344 [Edit]
>Is this normal for this board?

Probably. My mom was on the verge of death last year and know what? I thought she should just drop dead right there, that way things would be easier for both of us (as she still expects I'll actually pull my shit together and I'm bad at handling the pressure and it obviously won't happen).

Does it make me a bad person? Yeah, hard to deny it. Do I care? Not the least bit.
>> No. 7345 [Edit]
Because my grandmother took care of me I won't kill myself or anything while she is alive. Now when she dies I'm a bit 'free' of that. Is that respect? I guess it is. Its not exactly your question but related.

As to me, I won't cry about anyone's death in my family. Ive seriously only cried over the death of characters in anime and movies. I just felt detached & sad in a way when my grandfather died and browsed internet forums. That is about it.

myntally if someone killed my best friend I know off the internet I would want to be able to track themdown, driive there (ghe lives in eastern TN), get some guns or whatnot from people I know and personally get them back (shooting them) gangsta style. For honor and such
>> No. 7348 [Edit]
I care, it is debatible wheither or not I'd cry for all of my family members. I imagine I would be more likely to cry a few months after a death after it hit me. I suppose I am lucky that I've never had anyone close to me die, kinda the opposite of my best 3 childhood friends who all had 1 dead parent, though my father kinda disappeared from my life so I suppose that is a kind of dead.

Speaking of death though, my grandfather isn't doing too well being 88 and all. So in all likely hood he may not live much longer, but what I fear more then his death is his funeral. I know I'll have to talk to people, and tell them about myself. So don't die grandpa. I guess I need to get a job so people quit trying to shame me when I tell them I am doing nothing and living at home, though usually most people think I used to have a job or something(nope), so as long as they don't ask you what you were doing before...
>> No. 7392 [Edit]

>I imagine I would be more likely to cry a few months after a death after it hit me.

This is true. For some people such stuff takes a lot of time to sink in. I sort of experienced something relatively similar (well the person in question didn't die but it was close enough, in various ways) few years ago. For the first two or so weeks I didn't think it matters, I did my best to cheer up everyone who was down because of it. Everyone around me was crying and I didn't care all too much. Then, without any good reason, I finally understood it ~2 or so months later. I cried, fell asleep, cried, fell asleep... for a week or so.

By then only few people still cared. I sort of still do. Over 2 years passed since then and I still have dreams about it on (at very least) weekly basis.
>> No. 8531 [Edit]
I wouldn't cry over a death of anyone... I actually think about what life would be like if my family were dead, also sometimes ways that I could kill them subtly. I wouldn't go through with any ideas though of course.

Yeah I'm one of the guys who wants everyone who seems to care about him to just die.

I might actually kill myself if nobody is left to give a shit instead of disappointing everyone over and over.
>> No. 8532 [Edit]
File 132587161599.png - (7.99KB , 300x300 , 84575619bfdf5f2d6b70b794feb5a415.png )
I would cry like a bitch if any of you guys die

Please be careful
>> No. 8533 [Edit]
I don't have any friends expect few online friends who aren't THAT important for me. I think I would miss them if they died. But I would and definitely will cry when someone of my family die. I've always cried like a baby in funerals when someone close of me from my family has died.

I don't know if your way is normal on this board, definitely different than my way.
>> No. 8534 [Edit]
I recently lost someone close to me, and less than a month later I'm more or less over it. If my parents died though, that would probably finally push me into suicide
>> No. 8535 [Edit]

>> No. 8536 [Edit]
The bad, or rather good thing is that you'll never know for sure.
>> No. 8540 [Edit]
I think if my dogs were killed in front of me I'd cry. I don't think if my parents died I would cry though.
>> No. 8542 [Edit]
Wow guys. I'd be absolutely miserable if anyone in my family died especially my parents. They have been good to me despite my actions and I really love them for that.
>> No. 8551 [Edit]
That was me, definitely, a year ago. But then a number of family obligations came up, and I accidentally connected with them again, including my grandpa dying. Now I feel good about them again, and I'd be sad to see them go (mother + sisters). If I hadn't I don't think I'd have cared.
>> No. 8555 [Edit]
Well I would feel a little bad if certain family members died, but it wouldn't last long (it's more like my life would be a bit harder if certain people died)

But it's kind of expected for family members, you know? Friends, however.... I only have one friend to be honest. If he died I would feel like total shit.
>> No. 8597 [Edit]
I would definitely cry if my dad died.

I feel like that's about it though as far as family goes. If the one friend I do have died, I'd cry then too.
>> No. 8602 [Edit]
It's normal enough, I understand. You're not exactly heartless but you still just can't care enough if that makes sense. I thank my parents for putting up with me this long and how they will have to for much longer. But I never cried to anyone's death. It's not that I don't care, it's just that I don't cry. I hardly care about the rest of my family though I have to admit. I usually just want to get away from them besides one of my cousins who is a little fun to hang around. I care more about my few internet friends than I do most of them. I have no friends IRL either.

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