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7280 No. 7280 [Edit]
This idea might be a bit farfetched but I will try my luck on this board regardless.

I want to make a life story thread. Type up a summary of your life from the earliest you can remember up until this very moment. I'm writing up quite a bit so please don't hold back. You can use sites such as pastebin to upload or just upload a textfile all together.

I urge you to please be as honest as possible during your writing. I also encourage you to post anonymously as having a name and reputation could push you to stretch/hide the truth.

I am typing up my story right now. I will upload it around this time or earlier tomorrow.

I'm not an expert on the subject but I believe this is essentially what you pay for at a psychologist. We have many more here willing to listen and understand so that was my incentive for this thread.

Thank you in advanced brohnos.

Post edited on 28th Sep 2011, 9:13am
>> No. 7281 [Edit]
So this is sort of like group counselling?
>> No. 7282 [Edit]
Typing mine up right now, be right back.
>> No. 7291 [Edit]
Well, in short hand (I don't have the energy to go into full detail)

Be born
Remember absolutely nothing of life until i was 7 or 8
Parents split up
Don't remember anything
Leave school at 16, goto college
Finish at 19 with average Joe grades
Can't goto university, stuck in a job (Its not really a bad job, i stack shelves in a warehouse at night with a forklift, the basic course i went on to learn how to drive it consisted of just me and two other people, and the warehouse is empty at night, so i don't really have to talk to anyone)
>> No. 7292 [Edit]
Pastebin made my horrible format worse.

It's there if anyone wants to read it.
Sorry if I come off as a dick in the story.
>> No. 7295 [Edit]
Hm, I don't really have anything interesting to say.

Mom got knocked up in military, left it
Dad didn't want to marry
Mom found a few boyfriends, moved all over tha place from LA to Arizona until settling in some awful boring midwest town
Go to school, hardly do anything
Did martial arts for a bit, left because it was a scam, probably should have found something else to do
Never really did... anything. Make friends, join activities, anything. I was satisfied doing nothing but school most of my HS life
Get to college, get a job that I should have stuck with
Find out I'm too dumb for engineering, go into geosciences
Find out it sucks too but hell it's easy and has lots of jobs around here so whatever...
Regret not doing anything in my youth upon seeing how satisfied others are with their friends
And now I'm here.
>> No. 7296 [Edit]
I don't really have anything to say in response, but I read your story and it was interesting.
>> No. 7297 [Edit]
I can remember only up from middle school, as elementary school was such a blur that I can only recall bits from it. Nonetheless, I can give an accurate stigmatization of my elementary school years-- and I will separate stories by school year.

Elementary School:
As I stated before, I can only recall little bits and parts of it. One thing for sure, is that I was your average run of the mill naive kid who focused more on money than anything. I remember all the schemes I devised to make money, sometimes selling opened booster packs, sometimes making a contest with tickets and the like. I was also a cry baby, but one with strange ideas. I cried because I didn't like giving trouble to people, I knew I sometimes was a handful, and being the hyper ADHD kid I was, I couldn't exactly help it. Out of curiosity, I then secretly took on the idea of crossdressing. Having the petite figure, the straight hair, and pale skin, I thought I did it pretty well, looking back to it. Elementary school was a pain in general, but it only served as a stepping stone to much, much harder things in life.

Middle School:
IN short, shit hits the fan. So, up till now, I was normal because I was a "kid". I learned about teenage years the hard way. I crossdress normally, because it's not like my parents cared at all for me, and they're far too busy with work. I was thrown around, bullied, destroyed in general, but I didn't stop crossdressing. I then met a girl who did the same, (crossdressing). I got into a relationship with the girl for several years. She was really nice, and covered for me alot of times. We shared everything together, and we got as far as we could go, in a relationship. She died a few months before graduation. Suicide. Luckily, her friends (which were now my friends) helped me cope with it. I graduated from the hellhole and moved onto a much more chill, atmosphere.

High School: By now, I stopped crossdressing in public. Puberty happened. I was such a petite, pale, frail person. Then I grew hair everywhere and frankly, I looked like an old man. I accepted the change quite fast, but I still miss the old days where I can wear dresses and look cute. High School, I met actual friends and we played many games together, MH, GGXX, MtG. It was your normal club. As time passed, I grew more and more distant from society in general. I didn't mention it before, but I was a total weeaboo. I watched anime from morning till night, and I used all my money on figures-- and again, my parents did not care at all. My friends, who I call bros, I feel look up to me in a way. I feel that they can come to me with any problem and I can bring it down bluntly. Almost graduating however, I realized the sudden truth that, while these friends of mine were the closest I ever had to actual friends, with the way my life is going, there was no way we can remain friends-- afterall, I'm a hardcore weeaboo (they're fans too, but they have more goals and actual lives to live.) I still hang out with them to this very day, but not as much when we graduated.

College: This is where I am at right now. Life sucks, I contemplate death everyday (although I'm still scared to actually go through with it), and I'm bombarded with work.

I didn't mention the most important part of these years though, was when I developed feelings for my waifu. It happened during high school, around sophomore year. With my growing weeaboo-ism, I guess I naturally was attracted to the game "Idolmaster". After witnessing my waifu sing and dance around the stage, I have to say I was entranced -- iirc. I'm not trying to mince the story but things led to other things and I eventually fell in love with the character I now call my waifu. One thing is for sure, I would have already killed myself if I did not go through this realization. I mean, I still feel shitty right now, but things could have been worse, and I'm living life right now because of her.
>> No. 7298 [Edit]
Welp, here's mine. Hopefully it's interesting.
>> No. 7299 [Edit]
I believe you should know that it made me cry, and I'm not one to weep about, well, anything. Writing mine right now.
>> No. 7304 [Edit]
Here it is. If someone plans on reading it, you should be aware that it contains loads of 3DPD antics and that I'm 18 and a high school student. Oh, and a girl says she loves me. However, if you don't mind all that crap, then by all means go ahead.
>> No. 7306 [Edit]

Man, I hope you find a waifu eventually.
>> No. 7308 [Edit]
Large disparity between stories. I was not expecting that.

You have one failiure who was locked up and not allowed to socialize and another one who socialized a lot.

Seems like you have all been picked on though.
>> No. 7314 [Edit]
I don't think you really explained much in your story. From reading it sounds like you're a rich kid with 3DP and a good education. Nothing really negative to lead you into NEET.
>> No. 7318 [Edit]
I don't really get it either. It's just that I'm not really motivated to do anything at all. I mean, I'm sure I could get in a university if I tried, but why would I? And why would I work, either? Why not just leech, or, if push comes to shove, starve to death?
>> No. 7341 [Edit]
I tried to keep this short enough to fit in the message field, but that didn't work out at all. If anyone's bored enough to read it, by all means. It kind of helped to get it off my chest anyway.
>> No. 7342 [Edit]
There are lots of politically correct suggestions the authorities make for those who are bullied, from 'telling' on them to ignoring them to making friends and banding together so you're less of a target. They work sometimes. But ultimately I found the most lasting method is to simply strike back and fight them. Bullies cling to weakness. They can sense low self esteem and prey on it. Even if you pathetically lose I don't think they'd try again. This is advice I wish I learned earlier in my life.
>> No. 7346 [Edit]
Unfortunately this didn't work too well for me either. I actually fought one of them and (barely) won, which prompted him to come back with a couple of friends the next day.
>> No. 7347 [Edit]
That I'm afraid of that happening is one of the reasons I try to do anything to not get into a fight. Well, it's not that hard these days, rarely going outside and all that.
>> No. 7349 [Edit]
>I hope someone will read and care
Of course

This >>7306

Here is mine:
Pretty tame I'd say.
>> No. 7398 [Edit]
Well, I guess I'll indulge.
Earliest I can remember..
Well I don't exactly remember being there, but I was born in a smaller town, then moved to a significantly bigger city, though it's only got about a million people there. After I moved, the earliest time I can remember was...
When I was in kindergarten. I only really remember one particular moment, I think. It was when I was in the playground and I started to kiss people. I got nicknamed "kissy boy" for a little while. Now you're probably thinking: what the hell is wrong with that guy? Well I guess in order to explain why I would do this, it's best to explain the sort of person that I was back then.
I was.. sheltered. Really naive about just about everything. Spoiled. I didn't have any hobbies. No social skills. I wasn't aware that I was such an unbelievable failure. Such a cowardly disgusting person. I'm not sure how good or bad of a job my parents did at teaching me things. But honestly, I couldn't do anything for myself. I didn't know how to talk to people. But due to some inclination, I did it anyway. I blundered through it. Let me tell you, if you think you've fucked up socially and should be ashamed, let me tell you that without a doubt: I was worse. I have fucked up many more times, in a progressive career of uniquely cruel ways.
More to come, I guess.
>> No. 7402 [Edit]
Age 0-2: Don't remember shit, naturally.

Age 2-4: Suffered from anaemia, due to vitamin b12 deficiency. Food, especially meat, was scarce and such.

Age 4-9: I remember my family moving from place to place constantly with barely enough money to survive in the still ongoing crisis left by the collapse of the Soviet Union.

Age 10-present (currently 19): Was a social outcast at school, kept to myself most of the time. Parents bought me my first computer at age 13 (which I'm still using to this day, with a few hardware upgrades that is.) Graduated high school with a mediocre grade and I'm now looking for a job so I can justify my existence to my parents and possibly buy a new computer when I save enough money.

All in all, a pretty boring life.

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