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7227 No. 7227 [Edit]
Talk about any bullshit you feel you're going through in life that you shouldn't have to right now.

I'm listening.
>> No. 7244 [Edit]
Isn't this basically

>> No. 7261 [Edit]
I'm not the OP, but i'd say no. That thread is for people who just have no-one to talk to or area too shy to talk. The last thing they need is another person posting in the thread about bad things.
>> No. 7267 [Edit]
My mom expects me to act like an NT when I can't at all. Apparently everything I say offends her. It sucks.
>> No. 7268 [Edit]
Ok, I see your point.

I've talked about this a bit on IRC and I'm a little hesitant to mention it but anyway.

I got a bad sinus infection seven years ago that required surgery, and with the sinus infection I developed daily migraines. Ever since then even though my sinuses are fine I've had a migraine all the time and it has just varied in intensity over those seven years.

For whatever reason it has been worse for the last year so I had to drop out of university which is why I'm living as a full blown NEET.
>> No. 7269 [Edit]
Ego death is fun
>> No. 7353 [Edit]
I'm having trouble keeping up in school and it makes me feel retarded. Everyone said junior year would be the hardest and senior year would be the greatest. I feel lied to. I want to go back to junior year.
>> No. 7361 [Edit]

Be careful with that. It could turn into full blown depersonalization, and that's pretty hard to get out of.
>> No. 7403 [Edit]
>death is fun
>> No. 7404 [Edit]
>> No. 7413 [Edit]
Everything in my life is going relatively smoothly. There is nothing unpleasant happening to me that I do not deserve or cannot put up with.
>> No. 7480 [Edit]
I am now sure that somebody besides me has keys to my room. I know that my mother gave it very little thought and just left them lying somewhere in front of everywhere while I was at the hospital because she doesn't give a shit and only cares about herself. That is, if she isn't the one who's taking what little money I have.

I need to get a new lock, but I don't have a way to get one and I need my uncle to help me buy stuff online.

Tomorrow I have to give a testimonial or something just to have some months of peace and keep that garbage in jail or something because nobody seems to mind that he robs them while they act like massive retards and leave as many openings as possible. As much as I refer myself as a "stay at home security guard", there's only so many things I can do to prevent it from stealing from them. There's also the fact that it stabbed me.

I know that my life isn't going to get any better as I don't put any effort into it, mostly because I can't and don't find life worth the effort. I can't wait until I die.
>> No. 7522 [Edit]
I'm still afraid of my parents and their judgements.
Since the beginning of this academic term all I want to do is drop college and get a job to fund a possible NEET future, but I can't talk with them about it.
They never mentioning the possibility that I may want to drop or even transfer to a different course doesn't help it. For instance, yesterday I had dinner with my father, I've been considering talking with him and asking for help on how to write my CV and such. Yet, when I mentioned I'm getting a bunch of low grades he just inquired if not being aproved in a subject I've already taken twice would be much of a problem.
Hell, it's like for them getting stuck at the course until I get kicked out of the university is better than just dropping it.

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