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7182 No. 7182 [Edit]
Year long I battle with depression (much like the rest of us here) but during the colder seasons it seems to heighten indefinitely. This year I was hoping I wouldn't go through any bouts of severe depression, but the symptoms seem to be showing up way earlier than usual.

To combat these low feelings, I thought I could ask you all how you handle/cope with your psychological issues and maybe suggest us all using this thread as an up lifter for the upcoming fall/winter seasons.

To start off, when I get this low, I try to take time out to practice piano a little more than usual. Although I don't have anyone to play for, it feels nice to master a song and learn new techniques.
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>> No. 7183 [Edit]
Just do nothing.
Hibernate or something.
>> No. 7185 [Edit]
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I've never really been depressed before... but whenever something is on my mind I train and meditate. I naturally lean more towards being a sociopath/APD/sadist, so daily training is kind of necessary to keep from doing something I would regret in the long run.

Perhaps you should try some exercise.
Not only does it work wonders for your health, but you'll look better and it builds confidence.

I would start with 100 pushups/crunches a day, weight-lifting, and jump-rope. Pick up a martial art if you choose.

Did I mention meditation?
Even if for only 5 minutes a day, anything is better than nothing. Like money in the bank.
>> No. 7186 [Edit]
I seem to remember that bright lights help with those with seasonal depression.

So, don't stay in the dark.
>> No. 7187 [Edit]
Be nice anonymous.

But aren't you just going to be like the juggernaut now if you do snap?

Try taking a vitamin D supplement, it might make you feel better as that's the common reason for a greater incidence of depression in the winter months.
>> No. 7189 [Edit]
I was being nice, it's what I do. Whenever I feel depressed I just sleep a lot.
>> No. 7191 [Edit]
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Thanks anon! A few years back I was very much into meditation/introspection but grew out of the habit. I'll definitively start that up again, along with exercise. Right now I only run a bit, but maybe I'll add a bit more. Just wondering, but do you have any recommended text/sites to aid in meditation?

thank you L0ki, will do.

I used to sleep a lot too actually. If you can lucid dream it certainly can be a fun escape, but not the most productive when it comes to reality. I guess it depends on your priorities.
>> No. 7192 [Edit]
introspection when you're depressed can lead to you becoming even more depressed when you think about how shitty your life is
>> No. 7193 [Edit]
I'm not extremely depressed, but I really need to get some hobbies other than internet. Even if it's something silly or lame like cosplay.

I see a lot of self admitted losers and they do more than me. But I just feel trapped in this cycle of... lethargy or apathy or... something.
>> No. 7197 [Edit]
try not to let tipoffs tip you off

this happens to me a lot
>> No. 7198 [Edit]
Well, off the top of your head, what are some things that you do enjoy besides internet/anime? Just make a list of things you like and go from there. It's really hard, but once you start committing, things get a little easier.
>> No. 7199 [Edit]
When I get depressed, I just try to distract myself with video games since that's all I have. Although, it's not always enough, so I just try to stop thinking.

Listening to music also helps.
>> No. 7200 [Edit]
Personally, when I last encountered severe depression in late fall, I went to a psychologist and cried my eyes out about how my parents treated me, how normal people treat me, my anxieties for the future, etc.

And I got prescribed some anti-anxiety meds -- but to this day I don't know which was more effective:
1) Bottle everything up and release it all in appointments, or
2) Get on meds to reduce my anxiety and therefore other symptoms

All I can say is, I tend to get worse in winter. I am currently on an infinitesimally small dose of a med now, so we'll have to see how Autumn and Winter go.
>> No. 7205 [Edit]
When I get depressed personally I just lay back on my bed and think about stuff, usually I'll freak out over it but after a while I'll calm down about it. Sometimes you fall into sleep paralysis if you don't move, I find it relaxing though.
>> No. 7206 [Edit]
I get more depressed around summer, since that's when my birthday is
>> No. 7207 [Edit]
I just listen to music. Not much different from what I normally do. More depressing music I guess.

But I usually don't actually feel any better until I go to sleep.
>> No. 7209 [Edit]

I've really done nothing, and that's the problem. I do have a wild imagination though, which is why I may try drawing. I just need some decent anatomy books and such...
>> No. 7236 [Edit]

No need for books, all the resources you're looking for can be found online.

You'll hear a lot of artists say you should just draw anything, which is also true, because just drawing - drawing from life, or copying a picture from a screen - builds the structure in your brain you need to draw better, regardless of how shit your drawing looks. Think of it as every drawing earns you experience points.

But if you're set on books, I can get your pdfs of books.
>> No. 7239 [Edit]

I'd side with him, honestly. If you have actual medical depression, it's really best to get professional help. You just need to be able to talk about it with someone.
>> No. 7241 [Edit]
Though I prefer the dark cold days of winter, it continues to get more depressing because people ask me what I want for christmas, playing in the snow alone is weird when you are 22, and I have to talk to extended family and what I am doing these says, but I am pretty sure they all know I am a bum.

So I just stay inside and don't have fun during my favorite season.

If you have milk everyday, you probably get your daily requirement of D.
>> No. 7319 [Edit]

Pfft. I played in the snow on my own at age 27. Even worse, I did it at 3am in the morning, so the neighbors wouldn't see me. I carried on til dawn.

But they must have woken up in the morning and thought "where did that adult sized snowman that would be too tall for a child to make suddenly appear from overnight? and why are there footprints everywhere? What was that noise of somebody shovelling snow at 3am?"

In fact, when I think about it. I have always played in the snow on my own, not matter what age. Never had a normal snow play with other people like how normal people do.
>> No. 7320 [Edit]
Figure out how to lucid dream while walking around. Life feels like a video game that everyone else sucks at.
>> No. 7321 [Edit]
I am sad that it never really snows where I live. Sometimes it does, but it is usually a slushy miserable mess that is no fun to play in.

I did get a good bit early this year, the most I have seen in 18 years. It was only a few inches and about another inch of ice on top that ruined it. If I was still a kid, I would have gotten a week off of school guilt free...

I only built a snowman once ;_;

Don't forget; you are never too old to play.
>> No. 7331 [Edit]
I've been depressed pretty much my entire adult life, but the last winter and well, it seems like, this upcoming too, are going to be really tough.

I live in Finland and I've been working (yeah, work, not a complete hikikomori, somehow managed to land a job after 3 years of isolation, don't ask me how) at the nightshift for quite some time now. Pretty much always when I'm awake it's pitch black outside. When I go to work, when I'm at work, sometimes I go to a gas station nearby to eat and additional to the complete darkness there isn't anyone anywhere, couple of truck drivers or so at the station.
And finally when I come home from work, it's still dark, just staring out to blank darkness through the window on the train.
If I sleep very badly I might wake up during the day and see the light of day, but even then, sun is covered by clouds pretty much always.

I guess I should do what every other finn does and get wasted three times a week. Too bad I really dislike being drunk and never really acquired the taste for alcohol.
But, for now, good thing I'm too much of a wuss to cut my wrists.

I guess my solution is to guide the negative feelings to anger instead of sadness, somehow keeps me going with a "fuck you"-attitude.
Medication only makes tired and extremely apathetic. Exercise makes me feel good for a while, but then I know I'm going to crash down even harder, so it's just better to keep an even flow going.
>> No. 7332 [Edit]

Honestly, I am so envious of you.
>> No. 7335 [Edit]
Does it pay well? Sounds like a job I would enjoy
>> No. 7340 [Edit]
Light exercises always seem to help me with depression.

I've also heard good things about investing in special bright lamps.

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