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File 131632076942.jpg - (528.28KB , 977x1000 , 5077aec5916b85cde2b2b83916bf24f0d642d384.jpg )
7171 No. 7171 [Edit]
My best friend and I are growing apart. We've known each other for about 3 years, and we met online/maintained a friendship through the internet.

The thing is, I like talking to him, but he's always too busy with trivial shit to talk, like he's drawing for some shitty Pokemon roleplaying blog he has on Tumblr. When we do talk, we only speak for a bit before he continues to ignore me. He probably doesn't notice he's ignoring me because he has many (internet) friends, but I only have him. It especially pisses me off whenever I see him talking to one of his roleplay friends, yet ignores me.

I want to confront him about it, but at the same time, I fear sounding like a whiny bitch. What should I do, /so/? Is it time to move on? How do I find new internet friends?

Thanks to whoever ends up helping me. In return, have a picture of someone who's very close to me (I know it might not be much, but I hope you enjoy).
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>> No. 7172 [Edit]
People grow apart OP. Just move on. I used to have friends too. Makes me sad thinking about it, but that's more time for me anyhow.
>> No. 7173 [Edit]
if he's your best friend, yet he has many friends who he considers of equal or more importance to you, it sounds like you have an unbalanced relationship. He might be just going through a phase or he might have lost interest in you for good. Judging by your description I'd say it was the latter. I think you should probably move on. It helps to tell him how to feel, to save you resenting him later, but be prepared for him to make excuses and deny it because that's probably what will happen.

In regards to finding new friends, i suggest you learn to be alone and think about things first. If you try to jump straight into "rebound" friendships you could easily make the same mistake again. Think about why things went wrong and how to avoid it in the future.
>> No. 7174 [Edit]
Agree with poster >>7172 There is no such 'best friends forever'. Of course it is natural to try 'fix' your relationship but if you feel you are only one trying to fix things, you should just give up.
>> No. 7175 [Edit]

This happens when you put too much stock in one person, I've done it myself. People are bound to change especially if they don't reciprocate your feelings of being a best friend.

However at the same time I would honestly say that it's probably best to move on if you no longer have the meaningful connection you once had.

I don't have great advice about making new friends because I'm a bit of a fatalist about the state of the internet and I'm judgmental and prone to not liking people for the most trivial of reasons (like having a roleplaying Tumblr).

If you do manage to meet somebody new you like try not to come on too strong or you can scare them off. Just work your way up discussing similar interests and the like.

You can talk to me on irc if you want because I'm looking for people to talk to myself and see how we get along.
>> No. 7177 [Edit]
OP, I just wanted to say, I really feel for you.
>> No. 7179 [Edit]
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Thanks for the help so far. I really want to cut off with him, but it really is hard. We've been through a lot together. We have a lot of the same interests, and act similar even. He's just making a lot of friends. His Pokemon roleplaying blog has introduced him to tons of other Pokemon RPers, and as a result, talks to them a lot.

I don't care that he has other friends, but it almost feels like he prefers talking to them over me. I know one of them is a moderately attractive girl (in terms of 3D), whom he speaks to the most. I fear that he has been ignoring me because he is infatuated with this girl, and thus shoves me aside so he can put all his focus on her.

This is just a theory, however. He claims that he has no interest in her romantically, but who really knows?

He has always considered me one of his best friends--it's not completely one sided. However, I was always one of many "best friends", as he gave that rank to 4-6ish people. Since he started that silly Tumblr blog, however, his "best friend" count seems to have increased. Not only that, but he also has many lesser friends that he talks to often.

But I can see where you're coming from with the judgmental attitude. I usually tend to avoid fanfiction writers, RPers, etc, but because he's my best friend, I made an exception.

Thanks for the offer, I may stop into the IRC sometime.
>> No. 7181 [Edit]
She is so Haruhidamned cute it makes me want to watch Evangelion even less. ;_;

As for your problem, I have no experience with online friends in this way. I know I have two good friends I met years ago and still maintain friendships with (Basically my only friendships now).

It may be completely different, but even if I didn't see them for ten years I would still jump in front of a truck for them if they needed it.

I did have friends that I met online, though. They never were as big a deal. It was sort of a really good relationship with all of them that disappeared altogether due to some circumstance (didn't go to a website as much, or a forum that I made a couple friends on disappeared because the owner stopped paying for the domain and server space, etc). I did my best to find them, and based on very little, one of my two best friends ended up finding them all out of a fit of boredom one night. He found profiles, AIM names, facebook profiles, etc. I ended up getting in contact with all of them, but it was nowhere near being the same.

Now all my contact with them is getting requests for shitty applications or seeing them talk about getting laid or having drug-and-liquor enhanced orgies in their townhouse apartments.

I guess what I discovered after all this is that friendship is basically two or more people having a great impact on each other's lives, whether it be shaping their interests or their personality. A lasting friendship comes with sharing changing interests and finding new things. And that is really hard online.

However, you all have showed me new things while sharing interests, but I don't know what to call the relationship. Friendship maybe? Not sure if it would work both ways.

Ronery board.

Post edited on 18th Sep 2011, 5:51pm

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