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7080 No. 7080 [Edit]
I don't understand how any American in a NEET/hikki situation could consider suicide. I live in one of the worst Western countries to inhabit at the moment, Ireland, and I would give anyone to find an American man who'd be willing to marry me for me to live in the US. Do you not understand how much potential simply being American brings to you? I would give anything to be born in America. It is my dream to live there. But I can't legally, because it's Haruhi damn near impossible to if you don't marry your way in or own millions. Being American is such a gift, I do not get why you would waste it by not at least helping/taking advantage of all the people who want to live in America.
>> No. 7082 [Edit]
The economic situation is not that much better here, I don't think. Wouldn't you rather long for living in Scandanavia?
>> No. 7083 [Edit]
I was thinking of selling my marriage to someone like you. Could cash in some solid money, and get my parents off me at the same time.
>> No. 7084 [Edit]
How is it a gift?
what's better about it?
the people are all dumb assholes, all the food is filled with hundreds of chemicals you never heard of, and work is hard to come by.
>> No. 7086 [Edit]
America really isn't as great as you think it is. On the flip side, I had no idea Ireland was so terrible
>> No. 7088 [Edit]
Pray tell what potential does being american bring you that being from some other first world country does not? All in all I'd say as far as giving potential goes the USA is far from the top, unless you are from some 3rd world shit.

I like your thinking.
>> No. 7089 [Edit]
is gay marriage legal in the US?
>> No. 7090 [Edit]

Depends on the state.
>> No. 7091 [Edit]
No. They can serve openly in the military now though
>> No. 7092 [Edit]
Basically just in the Northeast, which is the best region anyway.
>> No. 7093 [Edit]
>All in all I'd say as far as giving potential goes the USA is far from the top
This, America is low tier for social stuf.
You want Sweden or Norway (forgot which one) for the easy NEET life.
>> No. 7094 [Edit]
>I live in one of the worst Western countries to inhabit at the moment, Ireland, and I would give anyone to find an American man who'd be willing to marry me for me to live in the US.
OP, you either are trolling, misinformed idealist, or I am not getting something. What living in USA would give you that Ireland cant?
I can understand how someone from African or shit-tier Asian country would gain quite a bit from moving to USA. But Ireland?
It doesnt really matter in which first world country you live in, being NEET/hikki is depressing. From my experience, suicidal people dont want to escape from a country - they want to escape from themselves. If you are a sad loser you will be a sad loser no matter where you go. Believe me, I tried.
>> No. 7095 [Edit]
apparently Norway came first on the living conditions list and Australia came second? I live in Australia so..

Also Ireland was booming well before the gfc, it was called the Irish economic tiger or something. It was based on real estate. But now there are literally huge housing estates with empty houses because nobody wants to buy them.
>> No. 7096 [Edit]
what about Finland? That seems like a neat country to live in.
>> No. 7097 [Edit]
If you like Spurdo Spärde I Guess.
>> No. 7098 [Edit]
So much working opportunities, so much to do and see... the people here are assholes too. Unemployment is through the roof. Where I live terrorism is rife. You can't do or say a lot without fear of being targeted by them. Alcoholism and drug abuse is at an all time high, everything here is just crashing down. At least in America you have the opportunity to help yourself, here we're all fucked.
>> No. 7099 [Edit]
The working opportunities, the financial status.

I only live a NEET life at the moment because every time I go outside I'm plagued with homeless people and harassment. I've been looking for work for 4 years and can't get any, but neither can most people. Everything here has turned to shit.

I think you need to do a little research on what has happened to Ireland in the past 2 years. It literally is the poorest, shittiest country in Western society to live in now. America has so much opportunity and so much to do.
>> No. 7100 [Edit]
Has Ireland ever actually been a good place to live? I know there were times when it wasn't a bad place to live, but...
>> No. 7101 [Edit]
There was a time after the troubles where things weren't good but started to get so much better, then things were actually really good up until about 2004 and that's when the imbalances in government and the economic downturns started to ruin everything. It's just gotten worse ever since.
>> No. 7102 [Edit]
American here, OP is right.
This morning I drove by the gas station to pick up my free $200 and gas, right before applying for another job; work is very easy to find here in the US. Unemployment is at what, -4% with that percentage holding two jobs?
>> No. 7103 [Edit]
>America has so much opportunity and so much to do.

This was the case in the 90's, when I was a kid, growing up in California, there were plenty of jobs and nobody worried about their expenses too much. There was enough financial security that many people lived well beyond their means.

Those days are over. If you come to the United States hoping for a better life, you'll probably be disappointed. Unless you're a member of the elite, or you have strong business connections that can land you a good job, you'll most likely be just as fucked here as you are in Ireland. And in case you were thinking our unemployment figure doesn't look so bad compared to European figures, know that it's misleading. It's really more like 20 percent, maybe even 30+ percent if you take the underemployed into account. Americans are lying to themselves and the rest of the world, hanging on to the illusion that they're still on top, the American middle class especially (which is slowly being eroded by the increasing income gap between the rich and everyone else.)

That said, I have a lot of family from the Middle East who are trying to get US or Canadian citizenship. Not sure how it is in Ireland, but America might be comparatively better. Just don't expect streets paved with gold.
>> No. 7104 [Edit]
Of course I know it's not perfect or paved in gold, I am so aware of that. But what I'm saying is, it is still SO much better than where I live you can't even believe it. You HAVE the opportunities, you HAVE the chances. We don't here. Everyone I know who has got a degree in something and managed to get into the US are all in happy places of work, work they wasted years searching for here.
>> No. 7105 [Edit]
>I have a lot of family from the Middle East who are trying to get US or Canadian citizenship.
There is no question that living in US or Ca is better than living in a poor 3rd world countries, or countries on a brink of war. I used to talk to some people from Israel who immigrated to Canada, their number one concern was stability and not having to worry about being blown to bits by suicide bombers or rocket attacks.
But we are talking about normal people here. As hikki, life is going to be shit no matter where you are. Because you cant escape from yourself.
>> No. 7106 [Edit]
You have opportunity in any country without a caste hierarchy and has currency you can earn.

Doesn't mean you will get a better life.

There is nothing that makes this country different from yours except geography.

Also being from Ireland, nobody will hire you or even think of you as a human. Most people here will congratulate you on learning to speak English so well...
>> No. 7107 [Edit]
As someone who lives in Eastern European country I somewhat share OP's sentiment. I'm mainly talking about stuff like SSI - something like that is absolutely unthinkable here. Around here people still can't really tell the difference between mental disorders and voodoo and the social stigma of consulting any psychologists/psychiatrists is astonishing. I wasn't exactly the most popular person in high school but when the word got out (about me visiting psychologist) everybody did their best to stay away at least 2m away from me at any given time and teachers started treating me as if I suffered from mental retardation.

Then again it doesn't have to be the States, just about any Western European/Scandinavian country would do I guess. I don't think I would ever seriously contemplate suicide if I were to be paid for living a hikki/NEET life.
>> No. 7108 [Edit]
To get SSI you have to be eligable.

For some reason being in a family with poverty income and no father with three dependence none of us are eligible. You need to be in school or enrolled in school to get it.
>> No. 7110 [Edit]
I'm 75% sure you're trolling, but I'll bite.

>You HAVE the opportunities, you HAVE the chances

Yeah no. Like someone else mentioned, you can't make shit here unless you were born rich or know people that have connections with the "higher-ups". The reality of the average American life is being constantly stressed out in a desperate attempt to merely stay afloat; to make enough money to survive without being evicted. Most people with full-time jobs still have these worries. It's not nearly as glamorous as the media in other countries makes it seem.

PS: Don't come on this board mentioning marriage, implying that you're female, and criticizing NEETs. That's not well-received.
>> No. 7111 [Edit]
The united states is a plutocracy. You don't want to live here. Scandinavian countries are where it's at.

Life is hard enough for the lowly serfs slaving away to their corporate masters, it's even worse for migrants though. First of all, you won't even get in the country unless you have some extremely valuable skill or degree. If you fit that criteria, you'll be brought in under work visa to work for near minimum wage, just because they can. After spending around a decade and attain prestige, you can acquire permanent residency. You'll have to find a new employer though, as the one that employed you while you were under work visa won't raise your wage.
>> No. 7112 [Edit]
How did I imply I was female? You're assuming that.
>> No. 7113 [Edit]
I'm just putting this out there: are there any NEETs/hikkis who would consider marrying a foreigner in order to get them into the country? You would be paid of course, but you would have to be prepared to spend a little time with the foreigner in order to get the stories straight for the Visa police.
>> No. 7114 [Edit]
Uh, no?
>> No. 7115 [Edit]
I'd do it if I were gratuitously compensated, and could be supported solely by you until you reach legal citizen status.
Marriage is just a legal contract after all, we could work something out.

Sorry if I offend anyone with my comment on marriage, it is what it is. You do not need love to marry, only signatures
>> No. 7116 [Edit]
It depends what you would mean by supported. Just feeding you and housing you or would you expect more? I'd be broke paying for the visa etc in the first place. And there's also the matter of my own personal safety around you.
>> No. 7118 [Edit]
>And there's also the matter of my own personal safety around you.
And there's also the matter of my own personal safety around you. Besides, it would mean going for close social contact with a relatively normal person. I am ashamed of my life, of my past and my future, of myself, and now you are asking me to bring another person into my life, into my tiny little apartment, show them what I am? Sorry buddy, but no. Even if you paid me to do it.
Not saying its not possible, I know that marriage or working permits can be bought for 15-20k dollars, but I suggest asking somewhere else.
>> No. 7119 [Edit]
>personal safety
See? Those is why Tohno-House would be a bad idea. Everybody would be in mexican standoff mode all the time.
>> No. 7121 [Edit]
Not very different from my life now.

But I can't see most brohnos being the most stable of people. Having one as a roommate might work, but a house full of them? It'd be like dorf fort, everyone would die in a tantrum spiral.
>> No. 7122 [Edit]
Maybe some of us that are hard up for money.

I, like others probably don't care much about marriage since we'll probably never get married, so it might not mean much.
in the sense of giving away a marriage I mean.

The problem most people here would have with giving away a marriage I think, is the risk associated with it.
A person that sells their marriage could easily get screwed over in a divorce.
>> No. 7124 [Edit]
Morally, I doubt anyone here minds. But you'd have to be social with them, you'd also have to factor in the marriage if you're receiving benefits and will likely get them cut. And like >>7122 said, bitches will done take your money.

All in all, that's a lot of risk for a NEET to take. And all for a pittance, probably as I doubt you could pay reasonably in cash upon arrival.
>> No. 7126 [Edit]
Having a ex-wife is extremely common in the states, so that's not really a concern for most I think.
Of course I'd rather my first marriage be my last and to someone I care about, but that's not gonna happen, not unless they make it legal to marry someone 2d, which again is never gonna happen, in the states at least.

You've got a number of things to factor in.
for one, you need to learn and remember a lot about the person, becuase it might come into question during some sort of interview.
then you have to pretend to be a couple, acting like one together, who knows, they might even want you to kiss (physical contact alone bothers me greatly, personally)
you have lots of paper work to fill out and I'm guessing you'd have forever after have to report that you were once married, nothing comes to mind exactly but I do think a lot of things out there ask this of you.
Then you got the divorce and financial risk involved, because why would you want to stay married after the person gets the visa?
as you're legaly marryed, they might pull a fast one on you and report you as a wife beater, or something else that would get you into trouble, so as to avoid having to pay you when they run off to who knows where as you're in jail/custody, then there's the divorce, in which they might try to take you for whatever you got, including the money they gave you if they gave it to you already, divorce cases in the united states are always biest towards women after all, they can lie up a storm and leave you with nothing but the cloths on your back.
Even if you did fill out a contract before hand, what weight would that hold?
if she tries to screw you, what are you gonna do? say you only married her to give her legal status? pretty sure that would land you in hot water.

It's a very big risk for a guy to take, but it might be worth it if you've got nothing going for you and you've hit rock bottom, when all you have left is your life and nothing else to lose.
I don't think the prospect of debt or losing half/most of what you own means much to people with nothing.
>> No. 7129 [Edit]
from the initial post:
>I would give anyone to find an American man who'd be willing to marry me for me to live in the US.

Unless you're a man looking for a man to marry, and as gay marriage is now legal in a few US states this is a possibility.

I'm not interested in marriage at all, or in having any relationships with anyone. The only relationships I do have are with family (unavoidable, especially considering the support I get) and a very few old friends from my college days. My family is definitely going to impose on me to get married at some point, possibly to the point of making matches for me. I don't know what I'll do when that happens.
>> No. 7130 [Edit]
Considering OP is male, a lot of this wouldn't apply to him and this thread.
but I think it stands true for other cases of this.
>> No. 7146 [Edit]
If you're not a middle-class or white american, you dont get much as an advantage
>> No. 7147 [Edit]
'celtie tiger' actually
>> No. 7148 [Edit]
people in the us with degrees DO NOT GET JOBS. There is a massive back-log since 2008 re. college getting you s job.
>> No. 7164 [Edit]
You're a disgrace to your country. People in the US have fuck-all opportunities if they aren't born into money.
>> No. 7229 [Edit]
America isn't really that much the land of opportunity anymore.
>> No. 7262 [Edit]
Then what people in the US really have to do to get jobs if a college education isn't enough?
>> No. 7263 [Edit]
lower their standards and quality of life considerably, or live with their parents.
>> No. 7264 [Edit]
Yes, most young adults in the USA either live with their parents or with roommates to lower the cost of living.
>> No. 7265 [Edit]
They get some low paying service job, but even those are in short supply. There was some recent hiring by McDonalds a few months ago who had about 50,000 new openings for their stores. I think it was somewhere close to 900,000 people who applied for those jobs. Unemployment in the US is a lot higher then is officially reported.
>> No. 7266 [Edit]
There's a very good and simple reason for unemployment being a lot higher in in the united states then is official said.

They say the unemployment rate is 9.1% right now, but, this only factors in people that have officially filed for unemployment benefits and (please correct me if I'm wrong here) the united states unemployment department only acknowledges those actively searching for work as being unemployed, problem with this? if someone's been looking for work every week for years as they would have you, then gives up because of how pointless it to try and or having had exhausted every possible place of occupation within 50 miles, they then mark you as no longer being unemployed.
Basically, there don't believe in bench warming, and you don't count as unemployed if you're waiting around for a job opening to come up.

There's really no way of knowing what the 'real' unemployment rate is in the states, it could easily be past 20% - 30%
The vagrants in this country sure as heck don't file for unemployment.
>> No. 7310 [Edit]
Go to post-graduate education in a respectable field.

>> No. 7315 [Edit]
Hey OP, breaking news: You can be suicidal for reasons other than money
>> No. 7316 [Edit]
...and if you don't have parents or don't have any support group you might as well go straight to a homeless shelter and start over.

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