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File 13156203047.jpg - (111.73KB , 429x297 , 1313215643110.jpg )
7026 No. 7026 [Edit]
Friends of /so/,

How do I completely stop caring about what my family thinks of me? I'm under enough stress just trying to figure out what the fuck I'm going to do with my life, since work and college are mentally crippling to me. But before I can try to find a solution, I have to worry about my family. As I'm sure many of you have experienced, everyone in my family wants me to be as much of a Ford Driver as possible. Just earlier, the last person that I thought I could talk to started giving me the "get a job, find a 3D girl, etc" shit. At this point I still feel really bad for disappointing everyone so much, but there's not much I can do about it. If anyone has gotten over this, how did you do so?

Pic hopefully unrelated.
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>> No. 7027 [Edit]
lock yourself in your room, ignore them when they call to you, and all around just shut them out of your life the best you can.
You'll care less and less about them as you forget about em.
>> No. 7029 [Edit]
Just stop talking to them. Eventually you'll stop caring, it's what I did. Give them the cold shoulder enough times and they should get the idea.
>> No. 7031 [Edit]
That picture always cracks me up. Does anyone have the original unedited version?
>> No. 7038 [Edit]
File 131563401311.jpg - (14.92KB , 394x297 , duck.jpg )
>> No. 7039 [Edit]
>> No. 7041 [Edit]
I'd like to help, but I don't have that problem. :/
>> No. 7058 [Edit]
I wish I could help. Hiding away in my basement room is what I do, while trying to work on teaching myself Japanese and programming. Hoping I'll be able to get myself back out into the world soon, but my sister's a huge bitch about me getting a job whenever she stops by here.
>> No. 7063 [Edit]
I'd like to do something like this, but it would only make me feel worse in the long run. Not to mention, my family is more than slightly intrusive...I know some of them would go out of their way to bother me, even behind a locked door. I guess I'll try to ignore them as much as possible, though. Trying to get Ford Drivers to understand hikkis/NEETs is pointless anyway.
>> No. 7157 [Edit]
Man, my parents are the exact same way. They complained and complained that they wanted me to get a job which is a valid complaint and they were completely right so I got one even though I hate it along with uni. Now, they want me to care about stupid shit they care about and most annoyingly, they want to make me into a totally different person.

Sorry, I'm me. As soon as I graduate hopefully they will never see me again.
>> No. 7245 [Edit]
Actually, it was awesome (also check ...Madoka my ass: Disney had fucking hardcore).
>> No. 7317 [Edit]
He didn't kill himself, he summoned his persona.

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